Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On a happier note

I made up with Travis last night. Travis is NOT the assmonkey who I dumped who thinks so much of himself. Who knows, this time may last a bit longer and we may actually get to meet each other. And lemme tell ya, there's a LOT to meat. Er, that should be meet.

Anyway, more details will follow, should they become available.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Apres July da 5h

Well, guess what happened. NIENTE!

Well, what should I expect? My friends are assmonkeys who don't give a fuck if they fucking hurt my feelings by not being there for me.

Now, I know this is 2 weeks later, but this really brings the point home. I go out with Amber tonight and what happens? From 11:30 on all I hear is bitching about how hot it is, how tired she is, how she has diarrhea (and who is the whore that ate Taco Bell earlier today?). I was looking to have a good time tonight and all I got was a fucking WHINE SESSION!

I bring her home at 1AM and I get a "I'm sorry if I made you mad..." speech. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT!!! You know what kind of fag bitch-whore I am and you do shit that you know will piss me off. DUH!

Anyone who finds out i'm going out with friends, remind me of tonight and make sure I STAY FUCKING HOME!!!

Friday, July 04, 2008

July da 5h

Ok, so this is a day early, but I have every intention of going out tomorrow and see what kind of crazy I can get in to. I've invited several people, all of whom won't show up, but who cares! On a holiday like this one, I plan on seeing Slut, er, Scott, and maybe even Keith. AND, if I bump into Ryan, well then wouldn't I be so fucking lucky!

Of course, by bump into I mean meet. I'm not THAT big ho that I want to bump into him. Yet...

So, any of you sleazers that are out there and wish to join me for a night of wicked debauchery (full clothed) meet me at 11ish at the bar Someplace Else. Or is it Somewhere Else? Shiz, I can't remember. Anyway, I'll be the cute one at the bar looking all miserable and depressed to be surrounded by happy people and me being all by myself.

UNLESS, of course, jell-o shot boy wishes to take advantage of me, then I'll be in the bathroom...

Here's to seeing me around. Cheers!

OH, almost forgot, my hero blogger (sorry Dude, couldna resist) The Ever so AMAZING Chad Fox has returned to blogging. I had almost given up on him when I decided to cruise thru da hood one more time and BOOM, there he is. Welcome back, Chad, happy blogging!

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Gods, don't you just hate it when people can't take a hint? J, from the previous post, is STILL calling me. Hello, your friends ruined this for you and you didn't seem to care what they did. NO, you get on me for sending a "rude" email. All of a sudden it's my fault that I didn't take the time to figure out why your number was no longer in service when I called.

Gah! I know at times I'm rather dense and slow, but even I know when to just stop and let it go. Like now...

So, anyway, as some of you may very well know, I do not believe in fate or destiny. I make my life happen, not some unseen force pulling the strings. So, to move things along, I re-contacted this cute guy I talked to about six months ago. I did this because I saw him on 2 different sites back to back in the same night. One of the guys I work with said it's fate and to "GO GO GO for him". LOL, if this works out, then maybe I'll start believing in fate after all.

Anyway, dude is sweet and kind and we have a few things in common. Not a lot, mind you, but enough that we can at least begin building something. Well, if he agrees to start building something and decides that he just doesn't want a quickie this weekend. Altho, I'm up for that, too.

Hrm, change of subject...

Well, nevermind, there's no new subject to change to. Just wanted to update before I forget and go off and do something stupid.

Licks to all, ragazzi!