Sunday, December 25, 2005

A (un)Holiday update

Bunoa sera, tutti! It's Sunday night, I'm home alone (naturally), nursing a headache from hell, and watching "The Last Samurai". Damn I love that movie!

So, where do I begin? Since I last posted I had a blind date set up. It was on a Thursday night. So, I went to the usual watering hole, got some dinner, had a couple of drinks, flirted with Kyle, talked with Jeff... Y'know, the usual stuff. At the appointed time, I left and made my way up the street to the Coffee Table. I got a small mocha, chose a table near the front, and drank my coffee for about 1/2 an hour. When the place closed and he didn't show up, I headed back down to the Union Station.

After another drink, I saw this guy come in that I have noticed before but have never had the balls to talk to. Yeah, he's THAT handsome. Dark hair, dark eyes with a hint of innocence, pale skin... Damn. Anyway, when this str8 chick stole his chair when he went to the bathroom. The bitch even had the nerve to move his drinks out of the way and was about to move his coat when he came back. I offered him a seat next to me, but he refused (initially) on the principle of the matter. Then the bitch said something like "how rude" and left. It was even ruder of her. Str8 chick in a gay bar stealing a hottie's seat.

Anyway, after bitchhilda left, he started talking to me, so I moved down a seat and talked to him for a while. He has a nice, deep, rich voice. Damn, I think I'm getting another crush.

Anyway, earlier tonight I spoke with the guy who stood me up. It appears he just missed me. He had gone to see the "Nutcracker" and it last longer than he thought (he forgot to factor in intermission) and then he had trouble find a place to park. There are so few places to park in the Short North. Anyhoo, all is cool and we might do something next weekend.

Let's see. I don't celebrate Christmas, but I sorta kinda got a gift last night. We made out for about an hour or so, both of us hot and sweaty at the end. He had a nice southern accent and big... Well, anyway, you get the picture.

I've been working out for the past month or so, but for some reason haven't started to lose any weight yet. When I did this last spring I started to lose weight fairly quickly. I wonder if I'm not building up muscle as fast as I am losing fat. After all, muscle weighs more than fat, and I am starting to at least look a little more toned. It could be why I'm starting to get second looks from guys that wouldn't look twice before. After all, studly from last night was (almost) a muscle boy.

Well, enough about my sexcapades. I am driving down to me da's place domani and need to seriously get rid of this headache so that I can get some sleep. I took something earlier, but that didn't work too well. I'll try another dose and see if that doesn't help some.

"The Last Samurai" is about to wrap up. It's at the point we're the samurai are about to attack the "modern" Japanese army. Something about the samurai and bushido seems to appeal to me greatly. Maybe because the honor and discipline and loyalty they had no longer exists in such a pure form. Maybe I'm just stuck up on the novel idea. Whatever it is, this movie seems to fill a void, however temporarily. This one and "The Sum of All Fears". Hell, maybe it's just the musical score.

Allora, I must run, kittens. The second dose of medicine seems to be kicking in. Can we say "wheeeeee"?

Remember, tutti, "all of life in every breath".

A domani!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Weekends suck

I know that somedays it just doesn't pay to get out of bed, but I have to if I want to eat. This weekend I haven't left the house once. Well, I did go out once, but it was to dump the trash and get the mail. I'm still really tired, tho. Could it be because I have been sitting on the couch all day? I should be cleaning the apartment, but...

Anyhoo. I love winter, the cold, the snow. I've been raving about it to everyone. Today, tho, the snow is starting to get on my nerves. All the glare from the non-existant sun is seriously starting to hurt my eyes. I'd wear my cool dude shades, but that looks kinda weird when I am sitting in my living room. Then again, I am by myself (still) and I'm sure the cats aren't going to tell anyone.

I didn't go to Axis last Friday like I planned. Too much playing and still hungover from Thursday night. Lemme tell ya, dieting and alcohol do NOT mix. I swear that I didn't drink any more than usual, but I felt like I was plastered to the floor. Good think I didn't go home. Really, driving would have been a serious issue.

Not exactly sure what I did that night, but I woke up with a phone number and the name "David" at the top. Hmmm. I know that it's not my number. Wonder if I should call and find out who I did, er, who it is? I do remember something about an hour long bj. Hehehe. Drunk dick is never good for sex of any kind.

Well, I must think about getting ready to go out tonight. I haven't been to Showtunes night at the Union Station in a looong time. Well, maybe in a couple of weeks. Still, what else is a guy to do on a boring Sunday night? Well, I can think of a few things, but they're no fun to do alone! :)

So, if anyone is bored and are going out tonight, stop by the Union Station and say howdy. I'll be the guy at the bar in the black leather jacket. Well, I'll be one of the guys at the bar in a black leather jacket. HEHEHE. Just yell for bagelbuoy and I'll wave. I won't be there until about 7 or so, so don't start yelling until then.

Oh, one last thing. If anyone out there knows of a cute gwm, single, from 25 to 40, who is looking for a bf, please point him in my direction. I'm getting sick of being all alone. Hanging out with Sister Helene, while fun, is not getting me anyone.

Oooh, snowflakes!

Well, belli, I must run. Gonna get something to nosh on, get all hot and soapy in the shower (alone), and then look at the closet to determine what I'll look the best in.

XOXOXOXO to all!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

GRE Funk

Can I say UGH? I took the GRE today whilst I was sick and didna do as well as I should. Got a 580 (or 560, can't remember) on my verbal and a 530 on my quantative (math). The verbal is lower than it should be for grad school, but I don't know. Should I take the GRE again next month, hope for the best, or inquire with the grad school admissions board? Well, whatever I decide to do at least I graduated! WOOHOO!!!

So, what have I been doing for the past few weeks? Well, I've been turning into a fitness freak. Got a membership to this place that has a gym, amongst other things, and decided to take advantage of it. I figure I have about 6 months to seriously lose weight, tone up, and make myself look like I was 23 again. With grey hair and age lines, of course. But at least I'll have a smokin' hot bod!

The place I mentioned also a sauna, steam room, and hot tub. Ahhh. Been a long time since I pampered myself in such a loverly manner. Nothing like a long, hard workout followed by a hot soak. 'Course, the chlorine smell from the tub gets annoying after a while, but I can survive.

Met this nice studly named Alexander. He's a stripper (a good one) that I met at the Columbus Eagle Monday. He felt sorry for me because I was there by my lonesome. He told me to come to Axis on Friday because he is dancing there for the Steam show. Plus, a hot porn star will be there to dance as well. So, being the slut that I am, I told him I would show up. Mebbe give him a good grope (or two or three).

Hmmm, what else? Well, I've been meeting a lot of new people lately, but don't ask for names. I have been getting them, but there were so many I've forgotten a lot of them. Yes, Mother Laura and Sister Helene, I've been safe.

Still no news on the boyfriend front. I've been talking to a lot of people and looking in all the wrong places (like a good boy), but one person said I dress like a str8 boy and another said my body language is scary. Huh? My gay(er) friends laugh when I tell them stuff like that. They say that all someone has to do is look at me to see I am gay and desperate. Oooops, to much detail. :)

Well, I'd better get to bed. Or at least give some thought to that. I have to send a email to make sure my friend James is still alive and kicking. I think my last email may have scared him a bit.

Oh, yeah, my brother is back from Iraq. I found out graduation Sunday. Seems that his company came back to Newark on Saturday but his bitch-wife decided to not tell anyone. SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT! Of course, I blame him as well. He has to take some responsibility for his life, not let that bitch run it for him. Either way, mumsy and I have decided not to go visit unless he calls and invites us down OR comes up here to visit us (not that the bitch-wife is going to let him out of her sight that long). I decided that a long time ago, but me mum has finally come to her senses about it.

Well, enough bitching about Major Asshole and his bitch-wife.

Buona notte, tutti! XOXOXOXOXO

Friday, December 02, 2005

A Little Winter Cheer

Well, more like Winter insanity. Here is a video that I thought was hilarious. Just imagine that you live next to this guy during the Christmas Season. The video is in Windows Media format (.wmv), so you will at least need that to view it. Enjoy The Wizards of Winter!