Sunday, December 25, 2005

A (un)Holiday update

Bunoa sera, tutti! It's Sunday night, I'm home alone (naturally), nursing a headache from hell, and watching "The Last Samurai". Damn I love that movie!

So, where do I begin? Since I last posted I had a blind date set up. It was on a Thursday night. So, I went to the usual watering hole, got some dinner, had a couple of drinks, flirted with Kyle, talked with Jeff... Y'know, the usual stuff. At the appointed time, I left and made my way up the street to the Coffee Table. I got a small mocha, chose a table near the front, and drank my coffee for about 1/2 an hour. When the place closed and he didn't show up, I headed back down to the Union Station.

After another drink, I saw this guy come in that I have noticed before but have never had the balls to talk to. Yeah, he's THAT handsome. Dark hair, dark eyes with a hint of innocence, pale skin... Damn. Anyway, when this str8 chick stole his chair when he went to the bathroom. The bitch even had the nerve to move his drinks out of the way and was about to move his coat when he came back. I offered him a seat next to me, but he refused (initially) on the principle of the matter. Then the bitch said something like "how rude" and left. It was even ruder of her. Str8 chick in a gay bar stealing a hottie's seat.

Anyway, after bitchhilda left, he started talking to me, so I moved down a seat and talked to him for a while. He has a nice, deep, rich voice. Damn, I think I'm getting another crush.

Anyway, earlier tonight I spoke with the guy who stood me up. It appears he just missed me. He had gone to see the "Nutcracker" and it last longer than he thought (he forgot to factor in intermission) and then he had trouble find a place to park. There are so few places to park in the Short North. Anyhoo, all is cool and we might do something next weekend.

Let's see. I don't celebrate Christmas, but I sorta kinda got a gift last night. We made out for about an hour or so, both of us hot and sweaty at the end. He had a nice southern accent and big... Well, anyway, you get the picture.

I've been working out for the past month or so, but for some reason haven't started to lose any weight yet. When I did this last spring I started to lose weight fairly quickly. I wonder if I'm not building up muscle as fast as I am losing fat. After all, muscle weighs more than fat, and I am starting to at least look a little more toned. It could be why I'm starting to get second looks from guys that wouldn't look twice before. After all, studly from last night was (almost) a muscle boy.

Well, enough about my sexcapades. I am driving down to me da's place domani and need to seriously get rid of this headache so that I can get some sleep. I took something earlier, but that didn't work too well. I'll try another dose and see if that doesn't help some.

"The Last Samurai" is about to wrap up. It's at the point we're the samurai are about to attack the "modern" Japanese army. Something about the samurai and bushido seems to appeal to me greatly. Maybe because the honor and discipline and loyalty they had no longer exists in such a pure form. Maybe I'm just stuck up on the novel idea. Whatever it is, this movie seems to fill a void, however temporarily. This one and "The Sum of All Fears". Hell, maybe it's just the musical score.

Allora, I must run, kittens. The second dose of medicine seems to be kicking in. Can we say "wheeeeee"?

Remember, tutti, "all of life in every breath".

A domani!

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