Friday, January 06, 2006

Welcome to the New F*ing Year

So, for the 3rd time (the 2d in two weeks) I've managed to close down the Union Station. Both Howie and Kyle thought I was too drunk to drive home (and they were right), but I managed to convince them that my dead twin Paul was driving. I don't think they believed me, but they didn't fight me on it. However, Howie did ask if I was doing the Gallery Hop on Saturday. I told him I wasn't sure. BUT, I think that is a good sign. If he's asking that, then I stand a chance with him, even if he is dating / fucking Chris. On the flip side, I am sorta kinda getting serious with Gary.

Who is Gary? He is the guy I hooked up with on New Year's Eve, when I wasn't paying attention. Go figure! Just when I was not looking, it happens. I got myself a boyfriend. Everyone says he's hot (I'm still working on that part) and we spent the whole weekend in bed, so there must be some chemistry. Sorry Howie. Sorry Kyle. I found myself a BOYFRIEND! Ahhh, to say that sounds so... normal?

Now, on top of all that, I find out that James, my professor in Kenyon (?), isn't mad at me. I havne't heard from him in so long that I thought I'd pissed him off. Well, he isn't mad at me, so all is good on that situation.

Did anyone ever say too many (potential) boyfriends was too much?

Hmmm, remember when I mentioned I was molto inebriatio? Well, I need to take my meds and get into beds (sorry). Too much of a good thing can be too much.

Bunoa notte, cari miei!

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