Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Date

I had a date, I had a date!

I had no plans on Friday, other that the standard pizza and w(h)ine with Helene and watching sci-fi Friday (Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, and Bubblestar Galacticat, er, Battlestar Galactica). But, early in the day (my day, which began at noon-30) I started talking to this guy I've been in and out of contact with all week. After talking for a while, I thought, hell, let's do something. So, after another hour of chatting we narrowed the date down to drinks and a movie (Underworld: Evolution. Era molto buono!). We were to meet at 8:17 (in the pm) at Don Pablos.

I raced around prepping dinner, fed Helene, then kicked her scrawny ass out the door. Well, something like that. Anyway, 10 minutes after her I left to go to the bank and get some cash, then went to Don Pablos. I was a few minutes early, which was cool, because now I could watch who came in and decide if I should take an "out".

So I get a drink, sit at the bar (it's upstairs, for those of you who didna know), and look around. A little later this guy comes in and sits down and I think, he's handsome. The guy gets out his phone, dials a number, and then my phone starts buzzing it's ass off. COULD I BE THIS LUCKY??? I WAS!!! HOT DAMN!

He say's "I'm upstairs at the bar overlooking the 1st floor."
ME: "I know"
Him: "You don't know. How do you know." At this point he's looking around in the direction away from me.
ME: "Because I'm sitting right behind ya!"

So I moved over to him and we chatted for a while, had some chips and salsa, then went to the theatre. After the movie we talked some more by the cars (we were parked in the same row). About 1/3 of the way thru the conversation he said, "So, do you want to go out on another date?"

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! So, the 2d date is at 7pm at Kona's. He's coming to my place first, so I'm "trying" to clean the clutter a little. Never did that before for anyone else.

I know all of you are asking, what's his name, what does he look like? Tutti, back off! All in good time. We both agreed that if the relationship is going to build correctly, we need to take it slow and sweet. He's not going to get dumped into this blog (by name or by description) until the time is right. Unless, of course, he really want to be exposed. Hmmm, that didna sound right.

Anyway, the date was great. I know it worked because I found myself thinking of him all day Saturday and today. Plus, he called last night before his poker game, something I wasn't expecting but was grateful for anyway.

Well, I'd better get hopping. The clutter in this place ain't gonna go away on it's own.

Buon giorno, tutti!

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