Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Last Night

WOW, what a night!

Decisions, decisions. Should I protect the innocent or should I just pretend everyone is as wicked as I am and tell all? Hmmm, better to protect the innocent.

Allora, ieri sera era molto bella per me! Dinner at Kona's and a second date with... Hmmm, name names? Well, let's just say it's the second date with the guy that I'm falling for pretty fast.

Anyway, Kona had a migraine part of the day so she wasn't able to really cook anything. So she got le lasagne, la pizza blancha, l'insalata, and bread sticks from a place called Mama Mimi's. Pretty good food for takeout. It was me, my new boyfriend (oh, hell, his name is Andrew), Kona, Rodney, Farella (?), and Camden (?). Sorry, not good with names, just faces. Farella had a glass or two of wine, Rodney drank diet Pepsi, Camden drank red wine, and Kona, Andrew, and I drank 4 regular and two large bottles of white wine from about 7 in the pm to midnight. Hmmm, can we say DRUNK?

I have to admit, Andrew and Kona really hit it off. Seems they both work(ed) for Columbus Public Schools for a while and had acquaintances in common. So they chatted back and forth about work related issues for a long time. They hit it off so well that if he wasn't gay Kona would have a new boyfriend.

Then they figured out that they are both free on Thursdays and they want to join me at the Union Station to check out Kyle and Howie and keep an eye on me. Seems they don't trust me when I go out by myself.

Oh, did I mention that they made plans for a date of their own on Saturday. (Grrr) Back off chicky, that's my guy!

Anyway, when we finally left Kona's, in the middle of last night's f*ing snowstorm, it was almost 2 in the am. I don't work and those two both had to get up early. Can we say grouchy and sleepy? Especially Andrew. He was a little too tipsy to make it home last night, so he stayed with me. We cuddled up and talked for a while. He didn't get to sleep until 3:30 or so. 2 1/2 hours of sleep is so not cool.

(Must remember to protect the innocent...)

But, we got up at 6, I got him some coffee and got him out the door, so hopefully he isn't feeling overly unwell today and not too grouchy to his workmates.

Well, better run. I have yoga in a few hours and need to get my shit together and get ready to go. Plus, I have to decide if I should plan what to do on Friday or let Andrew make the decision. Gah, what to do, what to do?

Ciao, tutti!

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