Thursday, January 26, 2006

So Many Things

Ragazzi, there are so many things happening tonight that I, in my intoxicated state, don't know where to begin. Especially since my left hand is typing faster than my right hand.

On the good side, Andrew e' il mio ragazzo. Hmmm, you guys probably don't know Italiano. Andrew and I are now boyfriends.

Happy dance, happy dance, gonna do my happy dance!

To be honest, I've never been with a guy who thought I was worthy of being a boyfriend. I've had a lot of "f* 'em and leave 'em" types, but no one who wanted me for me. Everything I think about Andrew and I, I get a stupid smile on my face.

In the middle, Howie quit. Gods, what am I gonna do? No Howie at the Union Station? Howie was my staple on my off nights. Hmmm, maybe I should say Howie was my backup flirt. According to him, quitting was a "good" thing. So, I bought him something called a "wank spank". Not quite sure what was in it, but I got the left overs and it was tasty.

On the bad side... Gary. I guess even after several weeks of not talking to each other and he still things we "might" be a couple. Guess I'm going to have to give him a call and let him know that I'm seeing someone else.

I guess I think I post the rest nella matina quando sono more coherent.

Licks to all!

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