Friday, January 20, 2006


OK, I'm going to try to get as much as this in as possible. For some dumb reason, the hangover is already forming and I've only just stopped drinking.

As most of you know, or guess, Thursday night is my night to be able to (harmlessly) flirt with Kyle, and Howie on occasion. So, what happens? I go into the Union Station and guess what, neither one of them are there! Bastardi!!! Now, I will admit that Josh is cute and Eddie is funny to watch and, for a lezzie, Rocquelle (sp?) is just hot (with a capital HOT). Still, I wanted my Kyle to play with (in more ways than one).

Dirty mind, dirty mind... Back to the post:

Anyway, I stayed at the Union Station until about midnight or so, talking to John (a total hottie) and Dan, his "friend". BTW- John has a nice, hairy chest. MMMMMM. Yes, he's older than me, so I'm not robbing the cradle. I say that because I sent Sister Helene a text message asking if it was OK to f*ck a 17 y/o guy. NOT. Do y'all think I'd be stoopid enough to do that???

Hmmm, speaking in hick. Concentrate and get back on the subject:

Allora, at midnight I left the Union and headed home. Unfortunately, home happened to be past Havana's tonight. They were having the "Lipstick and Lashes" contest (amateur drag queens). So I thought I'd drop in for a few and see who won. I wasn't in the door more than 5 minutes than I see Kyle, drunk off his ass. A minute later I see Howie, drunker than Kyle.

Revenge is sooo sweet. Let's just say that neither one will be so nice to me ever again. I know that Kyle gave me the finger (twice) and Howie kept saying how "sober" he was. Well, after I bought them 3 shots... Well... Hmmm. Well, let's just say that Howie and Kyle had a little "altercation" and Kyle left in a huff.

After making sure Howie was OK (his bf Chris was working at Havana, so I assume he is fine) I left to make sure that Kyle was cool, too. I chased that fucker all the way down 9 blocks to the Union, only to find him ordering a Long Island. After making sure he was going to be OK (Rocquelle was there, so she'd kick his ass), I left for home.

But, once again, Havana intervened. I stopped in to check on Howie again and found out that Kyle had called up and apologized, so the two had "kissed" and made up. So I told Howie that I was outta there, I was going home and I would see him soon.

Now, if both them fuckers had worked liked they were supposed to, I wouldn't have been able to buy them drinks (and be out 35 bucks) and they wouldn't have fought. Well, mebbe they woulda fought, who knows. That part was a pure accident / misunderstanding.

Well, ragazzi, this bitch needs to get her beauty rest. Licks to all!

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