Sunday, March 16, 2008


OK, I know I've been away, but this gay boy has been trying to date again. Unfortunately, I keep failing. It's either I do NOT get the date, the date doesn't show up, or there is no 2d date. Tell me, people, am I so fucking ugly that guys think I'm some kind of troll just looking for sex? I mean, not that sex wouldn't be bad, but I am trying to date guys my age (against my own judgment).

Speaking of sex, I either need to get more or start jacking off more frequently. I'm going to be honest and very frank about this (not like I never have been in the past). I was watching this particularly tasty piece of internet porn this morning. The usual happened: clothes off, masturbation, etc. When the orgasm hit, WOW! I haven't felt that good since... Well I don't know when. Totally intense.

But, I digress.

As I was saying, I'm trying to date. I use various online sites since I have few friends to help me and I don't hit the bars/clubs like I used to. Not because I'm getting old, but because cash flow is limited. Anyhoo, I go through weeks of nothing then BAM, I feel like I'm the hottest stud on the net. I got guys of all ages, races, builds, lengths, ecc. after me. I really wish I was the whore I make myself out to be, because I would have no lack of booty calls.

Then again, I was painfully reminded of what being a whore can do to you. A friend of mine, whom no one knows, told me the other day that he tested HIV+ in early January. Not only could he not tell me how long he'd been positive, he had no clue who infected him. C'mon, people! Unsafe sex is like Russian Roulette! While the percentage of gay men who have HIV is significantly lower that the number who don't, do you really want to take that chance? All it takes is 1 out of 100 and you've gotten a life sentence that can NOT receive parole!

Again, I digress.

I have talked to sever men online, flirted with them, traded the pics, ecc. I finally asked one of them out on a coffee date. Of course, he doesn't live in the area, so the next time he comes to Columbus, with enough notice, we'll meet. He thinks I'm good looking, and I know for a fact that he is. 'Scuse me whilst I wipe away the drool. Anyway, I hope it's soon and I hope it works out. Not that there's anything wrong with being single, but I just miss the feel of a warm body at night, someone to talk to, to care about, and who is NOT family. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, RatBoy most of all, but...

SO, I'm back, I'm blogging, and I'm feeling especially randy. Don't be surprised if new blogs of the most tasty nature begin to appear. If they don't, that just means I'm busy trying to get stuff that'll drive you mad! LMAO

Anyway, here's another test thingy i did:

dream boyfriend

Take the quiz:
What will your dream boyfriend be like?

Your dream boyfriend will be a surfer. He'll be tanned, toned and laid back. This outdoorsy type is free spirited and lets it all hang out. His passion for surfing keeps him in perfect shape for riding the waves, or riding you!
Quiz by - Find Hot Guys. Take the quiz

OK, considering the types of guy I tend to fall for, this picture says it ALL!

1 comment:

Helene said...

he's a little to skinny for me. Glad to see yo blogging again.