Friday, June 20, 2008

The Roads to Hell and to Heaven

You know what, I think I must be the biggest bitch in the world. Either that or I expect to much from my friends. Where to start, where to start?

Let's just say that, once again, I've forgiven those that have done wrong by me, only to be fucking kicked in the gut by these same people. Why do I even bother?

On flip side, I heard from that assmonkey fucker Travis. He "misses" me. BITCH, you're the one that ruined the whole damned relationship by making assumptions.

Now I've had to go and delete more people from lists that I thought were stable. Guess that's what I get for thinking.

As for the title of this blog... The road to hell is paved with good intentions. So also is the road to heaven. If our intentions are always good, how the fuck are we to know where we are going?

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