Friday, October 03, 2008

So I Missed September

... and it didn't bother me one bitty, bitchy bit.

Let's see, Chass came back to work and immediately started a campaign to get me fired. She failed and quit, but had one parting shot before she did. She filed allegations of "harassment" against one of our gayer managers. Obviously the harassment wasn't sexual, but it's still bogus nonetheless.

Kristin is still a fucked up bitch, but she seems to be turning her act around, in totally the wrong direction. Somehow she managed to get herself knocked up by her arrogant punk of a boyfriend. She'll probably lose this one too, if she doesn't stop the drug use.

Watching Sanctuary now, the new show on Sci-Fi. Just saw the hunk of meat, that's the hero of the story, shirtless. No "doctor" of anything I ever saw was ever that chiseled in the abs. TASTY!

Ah, but I digress. Toto is falling for me. . He's a nice guy, but SOOO not my type. On the flip side, I've taken a shining to this lil Indian boy that works as a cashier. Now, you all know that I like the tall, pale skinned, dark hair/eyed boys that only the Caucasian can cook up. However, there's something about this kid (I think he's 18ish) that has my attention.

Which brings me around to Travis. Yeah, I'm seeing him, but I just know. Even when I'm feeling it, I'm not feeling it. Yah feel me? He's a nice guy and all, but I don't see a future for us. Other than just sex, which, unfortunately, is only okay. Problem with me, I've had much better and hotter. Now he wants me to spend the night with him. I dunno. When I have a Saturday night off, I want to enjoy it all, not just a few hours then go home for some so-so sex and a boring night with the pseudo-boyfriend.

I'm seriously considering just giving him his freedom. It's the right thing to do, even if he doesn't know it.

Let's see, guess there's not much else happening. Like I said, I just breezed through September and I just don't care.

Here's to October, may it be EVENTFUL!

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