Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reality Restored

Let's just say my birthday sucked ass. Dirty nasty skanky ass. There was more drama than most drag queens could possibly handle. And it call came from me. I'm surprised I didn't break my fist, but that's neither here nor there.

Monday was much better and a major turn around. My friend Mark works at Score, now. It's a gay sports bar. Very chic. I just might have to go back. Monday night started with no one there and he (Mark) was bored to tears and he invited (some unknown number of) people over. When I get there, the place is slightly crowded. He swears up and down that they came in just before I did. Uh, huh.

I planned on just staying for a bit, but then another one of Mark's many friends, Todd, shows up. He's young, cute, and talkative. Before I know it the night's over. I don't remember everyone I met. I will probably never see them again. However, I had a good time and it certainly restored my mood.

Then, today, I spent most of the day tormenting str8BF. Sometime Tuesday morning I sent him an email asking for the size of his penis. I know, I know, but he was laughing, so it's all good. He wouldn't tell me, but he did say he was my twink.

AH, how sweet! But, if he's my twink, why am I always in bed alone when he lives five minutes away?

Anyway, I told him that, by saying he considered himself a twink, he has basically told me that he has a largish penis. At least, one that he shouldn't be ashamed of. He just replied, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not. (sniff) I have no way of proving or disproving his statement (unless I get him uber drunk) so I think I'll just let the matter drop.

Me, you ask? Well, let's just say no one has complained yet... LOL, I love my genetic code!

Monday, October 15, 2007

yeah, this is me (not the pic, tho)

Your Score: Versatile top

You're 77% dominant

You might have some muscle, but your most striking feature is probably your personality and smile. You probably take care of your body, but you may not have the perfect six-pack, pecks, and arms that someone who goes to the gym daily would. You tend to like boys who are more slender and younger than yourself, but if you found a hunk who took your breath away, you'd go for him.

You might have done sports, but you weren't a major jock. Most people were surprised when you came out.

Link: The top, bottom, or versatile Test written by richardmv on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Who do I blame?

I had an awesome post planned, but it all fell apart. I wrote the letter, I hand delivered it, and I got niente!

You know what, I am not going into this now. Instead, I give you this:

Shadows wander beneath the sun
Angels wings no longer beat
Devils dance, demons scream

A witch's cry cuts thru the nigth

Lost in time, the man I was
A power too strong to contain
Laughter and madness become one
Past becomes future, castaway

Flesh gives rise to the mind
Insubstantial, haunt me forever
Indifference gives me away

All I have, the sum of me

Stars are dying, creating light
The void calls, a ghost of life
Rainbows burning in the dark
Castles rising on the clouds

Now embraced by the sea
Warmth and comfort eases sin
Tears of crystal fall unseen

Love calls me to a home unknown

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More Addictive than Crack

Okay, I finally found a third thing that it more addictive than crack. First, of course, is cigarettes. Second is sex (mmmm). Third... SHOPPING!

I've remembered how much a high shopping is. I had to go out and buy clothes as I prepare to return to work (ick, such an evil word). I do this because, well, I need money if I'm going to be dating. Well, I could go on dates to get money so I can date, but that sorta defeats the purpose and, so I'm told, is rather illegal.

So, yesterday I went shopping. Now, I'm not like str8 chicks or (insert word) that spend hours looking, looking, looking. I go in, find what I need, want, like, or can't fucking live without. I throw it into the cart and check out. I have this love/hate relationship with shopping.

I bought some new dress pants, dockers, dress shoes, loafers, dress socks, underwear (just in case, well, you know), undershirts, and some new shirts. I doubt I'll use the shirts for anything work related. I'll keep those for dates because I look fucking AWESOME in them. Definitely too good for work.

As I was shopping, though, I realized a new thing. I talk to myself when I'm looking at something, and I answer any questions I ask. I'm not talking the internal dialogue, I'm talking out in the open verbal. Damn that Sofia Petrillo syndrome. It is kinda funny, though. Here I am, walking through the store, going like, "Nice shirt. Is it pretentious?"

"No, you'll look great in it."

"Really? I don't want a lot of stuff like this."

"Trust me, you'll look marvelous!"

I get a lot of looks from a lot of people! And not the right looks from the right people, either. I mean, there were a LOT of cute guys out and about. Sometimes, being gay is rather a hindrance. Here I am, cruising along, minding my own business, then the next thing I know I'm checking out this hot guy, only to have him look at me like, "Dude, you're checking me out. Not cool!" Ooops!

I really tried to keep my eyes focused on my intended purpose. Really, I did. But for some reason I'd hold up a shirt and look at the nearest guy trying to get his approval. DOH! I swear, I need a gay man or str8 chick to go shopping with me. That way, they could talk to me and I could show off to them. Otherwise, someone might try to beat my ass for checking them out.

So, lovely ladies and pretty boys, come flocking to me! I need your help!!!

Monday, October 01, 2007


I read an article today that cheesed me off to no end. It was about the number of animals on the brink of extinction. Not only have we drained the wetlands, destroyed the forest, plowed under the grasslands in our desperate need to prove our dominance on this planet, now the few places left for these animals are no longer safe harbors. It seems there is a "prestige" for people to eat an animal on the edge of extinction. There is also some kind of twisted pleasure people get from killing these poor creatures.


I've come an conclusion. Mankind is no longer deserving of being the dominant species on this planet. We should be grateful that the rage I felt earlier this afternoon did not have any power to fuel it. Had that been the case, humanity would have ended in a storm of fire and blood. With what we have done to this planet, we do not deserve to live on it.