Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm Too Stupid

OK, get this. I made a deal with the girls at work. Since I'm incapable of finding a decent guy on my own, I left it up to them. If they can get me someone to date and it lasts a month and looks like it will go forward into the future, then I will take them out to dinner (the girls... well, the date, too).

In comes GrannyC. She has this "boy" that her grandsons know. According to her, he's not as tall as me, not as thin, nor as cute, but she thinks we should meet and see if something comes of it. This was on Wednesday.

Today, Friday, I'm like, "Sug, where's this lil stud puppy you wanted me to meet?"

"He ain't been here yet?"


"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. I really think you'll like him..." At this point she reiterates how he's a lot like me (physically (but not as cute) and everything else).

So, around about 4ish I'm elbow deep in dishes and Tay starts talking to this cute guy. Next thing I hear, "David!"

"Be right there...." I dry off my hands and walk over. "Hi..."

"Hi, I'm Chris."

"Hi, Chris, what can I do for you?"

"Um," he kinda looks around like, oh shit, wrong person, "Patty wanted me to stop by and say hi."

"OOOOH!" I smile and Tay leaves. "Patty never said your name." SHIZ, Patty got it ALL wrong. Sure, not as tall as me (about 1 inch shorter) and he's not as thin as me (he's very slender) and he's not as cute as me (he's a fucking HOTTIE). GODS, both Tay and I were truly drooling over this man (where da fuck did Patty get BOY from?).


"So, when do you get off?"

"Not until 11 PM."


"I'm THE closer around here. Fortunately, I've got the weekend off."

"Well, I'm here for dinner. I feel like steak."

And off he goes. Um, did anyone notice what I forgot? Go ahead, reread it all, I won't mind, I'm not going anywhere.

Fuck yeah, that's right, dumbass here forgot to give Chris his PHONE NUMBER! JEEZ!!! Somedays I'm too stupid to be allowed near potentials. Hell, my main wing chick, Tay, didn't even remind me. After I kicked myself in the ass a few times, I gave Tay the whatfor also.

Fortunately for me, Tay loves me and has Patty's phone number. So, sometime this weekend she's going to talk to Patty and give Patty my number to give to Chris. That way, if Chris is interested, he can get hold of me and we can set up a date.

Wish me luck, kittens. Wish me LUCK!

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