Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ho finito

The time has finally come to put an end to this blog. Over the last few years it has, more or less, been dying through a long and painful process. At this point in time there isn't much to talk about. The parties are over, the wild times are done, the boys have finally become boys and, most importantly, I've finally freaked out the freaks. I'd tell you about the last, but it involves crusties and dinner and, well, it kinda freaks me out too.

Most importantly, though, I have someone in my life who I find myself falling for in a way that is different from all the others. It wasn't a crush, like Kevin was, it wasn't the wild fireworks and choirs like Rich was. This was a quiet, sneak up on you and pounce thing. This one is a much more gratifying feeling as it fills some need in me. He's kind and funny and, the coup de gras, so fucking HOT!

So, for those who have followed me through all this and for those who are reading this because you have nothing better to do, arrivederci. The world appears wide and big and anything is possible. Who knows, the freaks you see laughing on the street corner in the gay mecca of Columbus just may be me and my boyfriend.

Au revoir, mes ami!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Cloud 9

Remember my last post when I raised my glass to October and wove my magic, asking that it be eventful. It certainly has been! This guy on OutInColumbus started flirting with me again. He flirted a bit back in August, just before I started "seeing" Travis and I just let it go. Well, he started up again and we started talking. Now we've had two dates and we talk almost every night.

I'm not quite smitten with him, but DAMN. He's cute. He's funny. I smile when I think about him. We spent last Saturday night together for some serious naked fun. No "sex" as you would define it, but we explored each others bodies and had a good time doing it. I don't know which was hotter: Him playing with my erogenous zones and turning me on OR him playing with my erogenous zones and turning HIMSELF on.

The only problem I have with him, right now, is that he lives so damn far away. He resides up on the near north end, just off Henderson. Actually, he lives about 3 blocks away from the old CompuServe headquarters, where I used to work. So, him UP THERE and me DOWN HERE off Georgesville on the SW side ain't working out. That and the fact that he works day shift and I work 2d shift.

Is it weird that I want to spend so much time with him? It's been a while since my last relationship with anyone. Certainly it's been a LONG time since I had more than just 1 date with anyone.

I think this might actually work out. We have a lot of things in common and the few things we don't have in common (so far) aren't that seriously out of sync. I told him a few things about myself and that didn't scare him away. WOOT ME! er, rather WOOT HIM!

Gotta run, kittens. Work beckons and I need to get the money. It's one thing to work and get money for your dates. I'd rather not work my dates for money. If you know what I mean! :P

Friday, October 03, 2008

So I Missed September

... and it didn't bother me one bitty, bitchy bit.

Let's see, Chass came back to work and immediately started a campaign to get me fired. She failed and quit, but had one parting shot before she did. She filed allegations of "harassment" against one of our gayer managers. Obviously the harassment wasn't sexual, but it's still bogus nonetheless.

Kristin is still a fucked up bitch, but she seems to be turning her act around, in totally the wrong direction. Somehow she managed to get herself knocked up by her arrogant punk of a boyfriend. She'll probably lose this one too, if she doesn't stop the drug use.

Watching Sanctuary now, the new show on Sci-Fi. Just saw the hunk of meat, that's the hero of the story, shirtless. No "doctor" of anything I ever saw was ever that chiseled in the abs. TASTY!

Ah, but I digress. Toto is falling for me. . He's a nice guy, but SOOO not my type. On the flip side, I've taken a shining to this lil Indian boy that works as a cashier. Now, you all know that I like the tall, pale skinned, dark hair/eyed boys that only the Caucasian can cook up. However, there's something about this kid (I think he's 18ish) that has my attention.

Which brings me around to Travis. Yeah, I'm seeing him, but I just know. Even when I'm feeling it, I'm not feeling it. Yah feel me? He's a nice guy and all, but I don't see a future for us. Other than just sex, which, unfortunately, is only okay. Problem with me, I've had much better and hotter. Now he wants me to spend the night with him. I dunno. When I have a Saturday night off, I want to enjoy it all, not just a few hours then go home for some so-so sex and a boring night with the pseudo-boyfriend.

I'm seriously considering just giving him his freedom. It's the right thing to do, even if he doesn't know it.

Let's see, guess there's not much else happening. Like I said, I just breezed through September and I just don't care.

Here's to October, may it be EVENTFUL!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Goodbye my friend, goodbye my lover

Most of you who read this will probably never know why I'm grieving. You can never really understand. Hell, even though I'm the one grieving, and I know why, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Over the last 2 posts I've talked about Chris. We met for 5 minutes while I was working, so I didn't get a real chance to know him. However, there was something about the eyes that I usually fall for. There's a look in the eyes (my mother calls it the "deer in the headlights" look) that causes me to fall for someone rather fast. It's a look of innocence, even if they're the least innocent person in a 5-county radius. Chris has this look in his eyes, which makes him all the more handsome.

For whatever reason, when I found out he was interested in dating me, I allowed myself to look into myself and out toward the future to see what I could see. I saw a future that wasn't easy, but was working. The two of us, over time, fell in love. The future was nice and I allowed myself to live it for 1 night.

Now, for the whole reason I grieve. I spoke with GrannyC today. Chris is gone. Not dead, gone, and she has no idea how to get hold of him again. In just 3 minutes the words she spoke took my (potential) friend, lover, and future away.

Here's the gist of what happened. Chris was living with some friends and had paid up his share of the rent. However, his friends had not. The apartment complex where he lived has a lawyer on speed dial, who has a judge on speed dial, who will sign an ILLEGAL 24-hour eviction notice. To the Sheriff it all appears legal, even though I'm sure the State of Ohio would have a shitload to say. They had to be out of the apartment by 11 pm Tuesday night. Needless to say, by the time GrannyC got home, he was already gone.

All she knows is that one of the guys left and took the majority of Chris' stuff. Chris is moving/following the other friend to live in the Bottoms (those of you in Columbus, OH, know how bad THAT is). He told GrannyC's grandson that he would not survive the week there. He has no money, no job, no car, no real friends, and no place to live.

I empathize with him in ways that I never would have with anyone else. Two years ago I was in a similar situation. I feel so for him that I feel like I've been sucker punched a dozen times today. I want to help him so bad, but he is gone. Literally gone.

I told GrannyC that if her grandson heard from him, to give him my number anyway. Why? I may not be able to do much for him, but I can at least ensure he gets a hot meal once a week, a shower, a change of clean clothes, and a friend he can lean on when he needs it.

So, even though we never had anything: Goodbye my friend, goodbye my lover.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Boy, The Man

I finally got to talk to GrannyC yesterday. She was up visiting her aunt, which means Tay couldn't get hold of her all weekend and she had no clue. Well, at least from my perspective.

After the usual pleasantries, I said, "What rock did you dig him out from under? The guy's gorgeous!"

"Didn't I tell ya!"

"Of course, I forgot to give him my phone number. We've been trying to call you all weekend so you could give it to him..."

"I've been up in Delaware visiting my aunt..." So she tells her story. "I talked to him yesterday. He said you were nice, but that you didn't seem interested because you didn't give him your phone number." OMG! SO I hand her a piece of paper with my name and number on it. "I'll talk to him..."

Guess who obsessed on his mobile phone all day and night. HEHEHE, I'm so hopeless.

I get to see GrannyC again today, so I'll chat her up and see what he had to say. Tay and I speculated that 1) she lost my number, 2) she forgot, 3) he's really not interested but already had an out, 4) his boyfriend came back and now he's off the market, or 5) he's as nervous as I am (which is nervous as a virgin during sex).

I'm hoping for 1 or 5. Anything else is unacceptable. LOL

Wish me more luck. I'm using up whole supply on this one.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Yossi and Jagger

Not only is the music cool, evidently this video is based on a true story.

Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm Too Stupid

OK, get this. I made a deal with the girls at work. Since I'm incapable of finding a decent guy on my own, I left it up to them. If they can get me someone to date and it lasts a month and looks like it will go forward into the future, then I will take them out to dinner (the girls... well, the date, too).

In comes GrannyC. She has this "boy" that her grandsons know. According to her, he's not as tall as me, not as thin, nor as cute, but she thinks we should meet and see if something comes of it. This was on Wednesday.

Today, Friday, I'm like, "Sug, where's this lil stud puppy you wanted me to meet?"

"He ain't been here yet?"


"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. I really think you'll like him..." At this point she reiterates how he's a lot like me (physically (but not as cute) and everything else).

So, around about 4ish I'm elbow deep in dishes and Tay starts talking to this cute guy. Next thing I hear, "David!"

"Be right there...." I dry off my hands and walk over. "Hi..."

"Hi, I'm Chris."

"Hi, Chris, what can I do for you?"

"Um," he kinda looks around like, oh shit, wrong person, "Patty wanted me to stop by and say hi."

"OOOOH!" I smile and Tay leaves. "Patty never said your name." SHIZ, Patty got it ALL wrong. Sure, not as tall as me (about 1 inch shorter) and he's not as thin as me (he's very slender) and he's not as cute as me (he's a fucking HOTTIE). GODS, both Tay and I were truly drooling over this man (where da fuck did Patty get BOY from?).


"So, when do you get off?"

"Not until 11 PM."


"I'm THE closer around here. Fortunately, I've got the weekend off."

"Well, I'm here for dinner. I feel like steak."

And off he goes. Um, did anyone notice what I forgot? Go ahead, reread it all, I won't mind, I'm not going anywhere.

Fuck yeah, that's right, dumbass here forgot to give Chris his PHONE NUMBER! JEEZ!!! Somedays I'm too stupid to be allowed near potentials. Hell, my main wing chick, Tay, didn't even remind me. After I kicked myself in the ass a few times, I gave Tay the whatfor also.

Fortunately for me, Tay loves me and has Patty's phone number. So, sometime this weekend she's going to talk to Patty and give Patty my number to give to Chris. That way, if Chris is interested, he can get hold of me and we can set up a date.

Wish me luck, kittens. Wish me LUCK!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On a happier note

I made up with Travis last night. Travis is NOT the assmonkey who I dumped who thinks so much of himself. Who knows, this time may last a bit longer and we may actually get to meet each other. And lemme tell ya, there's a LOT to meat. Er, that should be meet.

Anyway, more details will follow, should they become available.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Apres July da 5h

Well, guess what happened. NIENTE!

Well, what should I expect? My friends are assmonkeys who don't give a fuck if they fucking hurt my feelings by not being there for me.

Now, I know this is 2 weeks later, but this really brings the point home. I go out with Amber tonight and what happens? From 11:30 on all I hear is bitching about how hot it is, how tired she is, how she has diarrhea (and who is the whore that ate Taco Bell earlier today?). I was looking to have a good time tonight and all I got was a fucking WHINE SESSION!

I bring her home at 1AM and I get a "I'm sorry if I made you mad..." speech. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT!!! You know what kind of fag bitch-whore I am and you do shit that you know will piss me off. DUH!

Anyone who finds out i'm going out with friends, remind me of tonight and make sure I STAY FUCKING HOME!!!

Friday, July 04, 2008

July da 5h

Ok, so this is a day early, but I have every intention of going out tomorrow and see what kind of crazy I can get in to. I've invited several people, all of whom won't show up, but who cares! On a holiday like this one, I plan on seeing Slut, er, Scott, and maybe even Keith. AND, if I bump into Ryan, well then wouldn't I be so fucking lucky!

Of course, by bump into I mean meet. I'm not THAT big ho that I want to bump into him. Yet...

So, any of you sleazers that are out there and wish to join me for a night of wicked debauchery (full clothed) meet me at 11ish at the bar Someplace Else. Or is it Somewhere Else? Shiz, I can't remember. Anyway, I'll be the cute one at the bar looking all miserable and depressed to be surrounded by happy people and me being all by myself.

UNLESS, of course, jell-o shot boy wishes to take advantage of me, then I'll be in the bathroom...

Here's to seeing me around. Cheers!

OH, almost forgot, my hero blogger (sorry Dude, couldna resist) The Ever so AMAZING Chad Fox has returned to blogging. I had almost given up on him when I decided to cruise thru da hood one more time and BOOM, there he is. Welcome back, Chad, happy blogging!