Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Grad School Madness

Tutti, sorry it has been so long since I wrote anything. You are all probably what adventures I have been having. Guess what! NIENTE!!! I've been focusing on my GRE, getting grad school applications filled out, working on a writing sample, a statement of intent, and trying to remember why the hell I put my last resume. Not to mention maxing out by credit card trying to get all the fees paid for everything.

Did you know that some schools offer a discount if you get your application in before December 1? Notre Dame is $35 before December 1 and $50 after that date. SO, when you all get the itch for grad school, it pays to start as early as you can. Who knows what discounts you'll find.

You'll probably be interested to know that I spent all day Saturday, all night Monday, and will be spending all day today working on grad school materials. Not to mention that I need to start prepping for the GRE. I'm scheduled to take it on December 13, so that gives me "some" time. Grrr. This had SO better be worth it.

BTW- Does anyone have any feedback, good or bad, on the University of Toronto? I'm seriously considering applying there, but I don't want to screw myself over. I'll let someone else do that! ;P

Well, kittens, this stuff ain't gettin' done on it's own. Wish it would, since I still have a lot of reading to do. Not to mention that I would like to be done with the majority of this by Saturday so I can go watch the Buckeyes (win/lose) from the Union Station with my friends. I warned them that everytime I watch the Buckeyes play from there they lose, but they just shrugged it off. So, I'm warning you all, it's not my fault! You can blame Ron for this disaster!

Ciao, tutti!

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