Friday, November 18, 2005

Thursday has come and gone

Well, another Thursday has come and gone and, I'm sad to say, I have no new and exciting adventures to tell you. Kyle was working but he was training a new bartender, hopefully NOT his replacement, so I didn't get to harass him too much. Howie was working the other end of the bar, so he was too far away. I will mention that Howie is still in his summer attire. Fool! As cold as it was last night his nads must've pulled back up into his abdomen and he had to have a terrible case of shrinkage. Howie, darling, if you're too cold, come over here. I was WAY too warm last night.

The only other thing of consequence last night was the cute guy that was hitting on me. Guess he must've been drunk. Way too drunk if he was hitting on me. I probably would've flirted back if his breath didn't smell like he'd been eating ass all night. And nasty ass at that. I talked to him for a while, trying to stay upwind, and then he left. Maybe next time I see him his breath will be better.

I also saw one of my Nathan's again. He was looking good. Guess he finally got over his break up with his boyfriend. Jeff was there and I talked to him for a while. Then I left about 10:30 or so.

Why, do you ask? I know Kyle did: "Leaving already?"

Yeah, had to go with some friends to watch the new Harry Potter movie. It was the midnight showing, so I had a an hour to sober up. I won't mention much about the movie right now. Let's just say that it held true to the book. There were a few things missing, but nothing key to the plot. I think we're set up for the next movie, whenever it comes out.

Let's see. I got home at 4:00 am, got to sleep at 4:30, then overslept and got up at 1 in the pm. Ooops, so much for my photography class.

Well, must go. I have a statement of purpose to finish writing and a draft of a writing sample to get cracking on. I'm about 1/2 done with the writing sample, but I'm not sure if I can stretch out the paper much more. Guess I'll give it a shot.

Ciao tutti!

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