Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Mark and Europe

Ok, so yesterday was another day to spend way too much time at the bars. I hit the gym, then got a call from me mum about going to look at a new condo. Uh, didn't they just move into their (brand new) condo not even a year ago? Anyway, we looked at three, none of which they liked.

By then, I was antsy to get going. So I hit the Short North again and stopped at Havana's for a quick drink. Thought I'd try a chocolate martini. Yummm. Can you guess what I had the rest of the night! So I had the one drink there, but there were only a few people there, none that I wanted to chat at.

After that drink, it's down to the Union Station for breakfast. Yes, you heard right. I hadn't had anything to eat all day and I had already had a relatively strong drink. What a way to start the evening. I had a pizza and a couple more martinis, then watched "The L Word". The place was full of lesbians and, when the show was on, it was dead silent. Very freaky.

After I left there, I headed down to the Columbus Eagle. I'd heard that the cutie Mark was back and working, so I wanted to harass him some, and I had a good time doing it. He kept me liquored up so all was good. All was so good that I asked him to go to Europe with me. He said he would think about it, seriously think about it, but he wasn't sure that he could get the time off. After all, he just started back to work and then he's leaving again with me for fun in Europe.

Well, we'll wait and see.

As it turns out, he also knows Aaron, the guy who stood me up last week. Hehehe. He's going to call and give Aaron a good talking to. We were going to do it last night, but Mark has a new phone and they didn't transfer the phone book from the old phone to the new. So he's going to go and try to get them to do the transfer soon.

Where was I....

Oh, yeah. I'm off to the bars tomorrow. I had a lot of fun last week with Aaron and I thought of doing the same again.

On the flip side, Chad called this afternoon. I was kinda worried about him after he left last Saturday. He was coming off a major binge, he'd done a "few" things he was feeling sorry for, and I was worried he'd do something really stupid. His shit (the bad kind) is still going on, but at least he still alive and kicking.

He (Chad) thinks he'll be back in Columbus tomorrow and wants to go to the Wall Street Night Club. He mentioned that he hadn't been therein a while. He didn't say that he'd call when he got to town, but I might just show up at the Wall Street to see if he actually goes there. Hmmm, that sounds kinda stalkerish, don't it.

Anyway, times a wasting and laundry is working, so I gotta get going. Obviously I will update everyone after Wednesday nights play session.

Play safe, tutti!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

OMG, What FUN! (partito due)

OK, this is the follow up to may way too much fun week. To refresh yourself about last time, check out part one.

Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, it was 2:30 and we had just gotten up. He was hungry and wanted to take me out to eat because I had been so kind to him the night before (ain't he sweet!). So I took a quick shower, got dressed, and off we go. He didn't want to eat anywhere that he might meet someone he knew. hehehe As soon as we walk in he literally bumps into one of his (many) roommates from college. Not only that, she ends up being our waiter!

We ended up talking with her on and off for the next hour or more. When she was around they caught up on times, when we were alone we talked about ourselves. If I didn't know better I woulda swore we were on a date. I know we weren't but it kinda felt like it. Either way, we had a blast. Both of us ended up well on to our way to being drunk. I had one glass of merlot and 2 glasses of a pinot grigio (can't remember which) and he had three glasses of merlot.

In the end, Chad and Sara decided to meet at Martini for drinks. She agreed to meet us there later and we left. On and off thru the whole time we were eating, but not annoyingly so, he got and made a lot of calls trying to get a bunch of people to meet us later (yes, I was invited as well). To be there was Sarah (this one with the h, the other without) and Christy.

He got a meal called "chips on fish" that was abolutely disgusting. He sent it back and got the same thing I had, romano crusted chicken. But he didn't even eat that. All of a sudden he's full and the thought of eating is just nauseaus. Remember this little tidbit of info, it comes in handy later.

We go back to the hotel room so he can freshen up real quick. Which basically meant that he sprayed a bunch of cologne on himself. Great smelling cologne at that. When he came out, we headed over to Martini. Once we got there, we find out that it isn't open. Yet. It opened at 5 pm and it was just past 4:30 in the pm. So we wandered down the street to the Hyde Park Steakhouse. What a nice place.

We didn't think I would be seated at first. He was in a nice grey pin-striped suit, with a pink shirt and a gorgeous tie. Me, I was in jeans, a dress shirt, leather jacket, and tennis shoes. Guess it didn't matter because no one said to stay away, you street trash vermin.

So we sat at the bar and started drinking wine again. He went with the merlot and I had a white zinfandel (so not worth it). I'm still in date mode.

I know, I know, I KNOW! We weren't on a date. Like I said earlier, he wanted to show me a good time because I had been kind to him when I didn't need to. Is this like a type of rebound syndrome where everyone is cute and available and I fall for them when they say "hi"? More on this later and how things "might" work out.

Back to Hyde Park. One thing I find amazing and lovely about Chad is his personality. He tells me that he is a very insecure person. Huh? Insecure? In what way? He has no problem with walking up to complete strangers and starting a conversation by complimenting and flirting and just being a decent person. Out of the blue he started this conversation with this amazing couple, Maria and Jeff. OMG, we talked and laughed and had such a good time with them for over an hour. And he started the converstation with such ease.

If we didn't have to leave to meet his friends at Martini, we would've just stayed there chatting all evening. As it was, we didn't get down to Martini until 7 in the pm. We were over two hours late.

As we are walking up the street he's saying Happy Friday to everyone. He is very obviously drunk, but in such a nice way. Everyone was smiling and being nice to him.

We get to Martini and find that Sarah is there with one of her friends, Dusty. So we're chatting with her and Chad looks up and sees Sara sitting around the bar, eating. He goes to chat with her for a moment, then he comes back with her. Two seats open up next to me and Sara and Chad sit down. I split my time between Chad and Dusty (since I was between both of them) and included Sara and Sarah on the occassion.

Then Christy shows up and Chad gives up his chair to her. Next thing I know he's gone. I look around and see him off chatting with a group of strangers. So know I spend most of my time chatting with Christy, who is looking a little put out. After all, she drove up from Athens to see Chad and he's not even around.

So we drink and laugh and have a good time, but soon it is time to motor on. We say goodbye to Sara, Sarah, and the delectible Dusty (whom I have seen somewhere before, but canna remember where) and leave the bar.

Christy wants to take Chad back to his hotel room to clean up a bit. His teeth were turning blue and his lips were turning purple. I never realized that drinking that much merlot could change the color of your skin and teeth!

Once back in the hotel room he sees himself in the mirror and is like, "YIPES!" He brushes his teeth and lies on the bed for a moment. Next thing we know, Chad is completely out cold and lying in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Both Christy and I try to wake him up, but we weren't having much success. I've never seen someone get so drunk off 10 glasses of wine in a 7 hour period. But, remember the bit about lunch and him not eating???

Finally we roll him over until it appears he isn't going to break his back, then we leave. We decided that our night shouldn't end just because he can't hold his wine. So we head over to the Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe and have a couple of drinks. We have a few drinks and spend most of our time talking about Chad. I wanted some more information on him. We did talk about me and her for a while, but mostly it was about Chad.

When we're ready to leave, she orders some food to take over to Chad. I told her it might help wake him up. When we get back to the hotel room, we find that he has not only changed position, but has also taken off his shoes. Kudos to him! We wake him up and he eats and, shortly after the food hits his stomach, he starts feeling much better.

After he eats and uses the bathroom, everyone freshens up until they look pretty again, then we head out. We, Christy and I, had decided we're going dancing at Axis. Chad is welcome to follow along if he wants. :)

We go to Axis and they smoke and we all drink. Then we go to Havana's and we drink and talk some more. Christy and I walk up to UDF for some more cigs and then go back to get Chad. Somewhere along the line, they both decided that they needed a little more something to spend the evening with... I was thinking male prostitues (since it had been a topic sometime earlier), but they were thinking cocaine.

Uh, I don't think so. I didn't tell them this, of course. We go outside for them to smoke and who do we happen to see but my favorite piece of street trash, Danny. Danny, who knows people who knows people who sell drugs. Uh, oops. Next thing I know we've scored a gram or so and are heading back to the hotel room.

Let's just say that the coke was snorted and a good time was had by all. However, I do remember why I left that scene a long, long time ago.

After a quick beer run, we head back to the hotel room empty handed, where we spend the next few hours talking. About 5 or so, I start falling asleep. Then I hear Chad say, "David, go to bed. I'm going to the bath house for a bit and will be back later." I tried to talk him out of it, but he was determined.

I dropped trow and climbed into bed and Christy did the same. One short hour later, Chad is back with a six-pack of beer. Huh? Who did he find to sell him beer at 6 in the am???

He drinks half a beer, then he crawls into bed, between me and Christy, and we do that half cuddle thing we were doing the night/morning before.

At 10 in the am, I get up, write a note telling them where I'm going and that I'll be back soon, then head out to find where I parked my truck the night before. I sorta kinda remember it being around Martini, but I wasn't sure. 45 minutes later, I found my truck and the two parking tickets attached to it. Grrr.

I drive back and make sure they are up and leaving. We say our goodbyes and leave. Christy and Chad are going back to Athens, but Chad said he'll give me a call.

And he did. He called about an hour later. I guess he was needed someone to talk to, because he usually gets depressed after a long binge like he'd been thru (you've only gotten part of what I heard he did all week). I tried to call him today, but he didn't pick up and his voicemail was full. I'll try again in a couple of days or so.

Allora, tutti, that is all. Would I go on another three day binger again? Probably, but only if Chad was involved in it. I had so much fun with him that it borders on scary. I really find myself worrying about him and wanting to help him out, but knowing that sometimes you have to make the mistakes yourself to learn from them. Still, I wish...

Well, if wishes were fishes we'd all be living in the ocean.

I will say that I did invite him to Europe with me, but he never gave me a definite yes or no answer. I will need to get hold of him soon to get an answer one way or another. Before long there won't be any seats left on the plane and train and the hostel will be filled up.

Of course, I will always let you know what happens, so just you stay tuned!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

OMG, What FUN!

I have had more fun in the past 3 days than I have had with any of my friends for the past 6 months! Of course, I'm regretting nothing, but I certainly need to recover my wits (and sobriety) before even considering anything like that again. Just as a fair warning, this is one long assed post that covers several days.

It all started on Wednesday night. You all know about Aaron, whom I met that night. He was cute and we had a great time. We made tentative plans for a date on Thursday.

Then Thursday rolled around and I was still somewhat drunk from the night before. But, as the day wore on, I felt more sober and ready for the night.

I'd made dinner plans earlier that week with a friend of mine, named Robert. We were going to meet at the Union Station for dinner, then just chat for a while. I know there was nothing serious involved between us, but I wasn't sure what he thought. I had a feeling, just from the way he said certain things, that he might've thought it was a date. Uh, no! Either way, I had made what most would have considered two dates for that night.

So, the dinner date came and went with no Robert. I was pissed! I was really raging for a while. Then, when Aaron didn't show up, I got seriously depressed. I don't blame Aaron as he was quite drunk when we made the plans. So, what is a guy to do? Get drunk, in a major way. I'd been drinking rum and coke up to that point, but decided that Long Islands were the way to go. By the time I left the Union Station for Havana's, I'd had 4 rum and cokes and 2 long islands. I was feeling pretty good. Still pissed and depressed, but good.

When I arrive at Havana's, I find a seat at the bar, order my rum and coke (my stomach was telling me in no uncertain terms would it handle anything stronger), and have a seat to wait for the drag show to begin. While I'm waiting, three str8 girls and a mo come in, and I move my ass outta the way so they could all sit together. So I start chatting at the girl next to me, named Megan. She was awesome. She did a lot to make me feel better and good and smile.

At one point, she asked me who the cutest guy in place was. So I look around. There was one guy I had seen a couple of times earlier that night who was good looking, but I didn't see him around anymore. There was an absolute hottie walking through in a suit, but he was on a mission to the bathroom and was quickly out of sight. So, I discovered the third cutest guy was sitting two seats down from me, and I pointed him out to Megan. She nodded and sorta rather agreed with me.

When I was feeling better and happy, I kissed Megan goodnight, thanked her for her help, then headed back down to the Union Station. I had another rum and coke there, watched the lesbians play pool, then left. Before I did, I gave Kyle a $5 tip and a little note. Told him to have Aaron call me sometime, then said, "He thinks you're getting fat, but I still think you're perfect". I was very drunk, did I mention that?

So it's back to Havana's for one last drink, then I head home. Well, almost head home. I was sooo blitzed that driving (far) was completely out of the question. So, off the bath house I go!

For the most part, the bath house was a bust. I slept for a little while (about two hours or so), then got up and just wandered around. I hit the steam room and sauna many times, talking a little here and there, but not really finding decent conversation. After a while most everyone had paired off and gone to bed, so there was just me and three others. The other three must've been cranked up on something, because they raced around the place, talking and laughing and carrying on. We'll call them the moroni triplets.

After a while of watching the triplets, I hit the steam room and just chilled. Then I heard a new voice and I'm thinking, "Poor guy, stuck out there with the moroni triplets." A few minutes later they come in. The newbie come sits down near me and the triplets head back to the corner. A minute later the triplets left and it was just me and newbie. We chatted for a while, but I left soon because I was overheating.

I got out, walked around a bit until I was feeling cooler, then headed back to the wet area. As I reach it, newbie comes out and asks where the rest room is. As he walks away I realize that newbie is truly a newbie, he'd never been there before.

I go back to the steam room and he comes in again. We resume our conversation and I'm having a blast. He is intelligent, he is interesting, he has a sexy voice, and he is very cute (a lethal combo for me, especially since he reminds me of Ivan Sergei). Of course, his name is Chad, not Ivan, but who care!

So I get up to leave and wander and he follows me out. We talk a bit more and then he says that he is tired and that he has a key to a room, as soon as he figures out which room it is.

Huh? You either have a room or have a locker, you don't have both. I tried to explain that, but I don't think he was getting what I was saying. He argued with the receptionist about it a bit. The moroni triplets came and watched. I finally convinced him to take my bed since I wasn't using it. He agreed and I took him my room, let him in, then, after he hit the sheets, I left. I wandered for a bit, walked by my room, and saw the door was open. I looked in and he was sleeping there, so I just figured he felt more comfortable or safer with the door cracked.

So I walked about a bit more and, when I came back to my room, saw two of the triplets hanging around outside my room, giggling and talking. I looked at them and they looked and me and, finally, they moved on. I then decided to just stand around outside the room and make sure he stayed safe.

Big mistake for me. Once I stopped moving I started getting tired. After about twenty minutes I realize that I had to crash or it would get ugly. I go into my room, put on my underwear, and wake up Chad. I said, "I need to crash. If you don't mind sharing my bed, I need to sleep soon."

"No problem," he said. "You can use half the pillow." So I crawled over him, crashed on the bed, and just died.

I woke up several times and he hadn't changed position once. I was starting to get worried at a couple of points in time. No one sleeps that long without moving. Later he told me that he actually wet to bed at some point. He realized that he was blitzed out drunk, but he didn't think he was that bad.

Now, those of you who know me know that I am a snuggle slut by nature. I love to hold and be held, especially at night when I sleep. But I didn't want to freak Chad out. I knew he wasn't there for sex (not sure what he was doing there) and I wasn't looking either since I was still trying to sober up. It was a very uncomfortable three hours for us. A single bed with two full grown men sleeping in it trying to respect each others space.

Until I woke up around 8 and realized that we were spooning and I was hugging him close to me. He must not have been too upset as he invited me back to his hotel room to sleep the rest of the booze off in a real bed. I thanked him and said that would be nice. He went to his locker and I quickly changed. As I was checking out, I saw him come out of the locker room and turn toward me. It was at that point that I realized that I had seen him earlier in the evening. He was the hottie I had seen earlier in the evening at Havana's. The one in the suit who had quickly motored thru to the bathroom...

Keep control, keep control.

We both leave and I follow him back to his room, which was less than a block away. We sat and talked for a while, about a lot of different things, most of which I can't remember. I do remember that he had recently been bitten by a spider on his lower leg and it had gotten infected in a serious way (probably because of the venom). He didn't go to the doctor for over a month, when a friend of his grabbed him by the throat and made him go the emergency room. They did surgery and scraped out the infection, removing part of the muscle in the process (obviously). It's healing well, but it is still causing him some pain.

Then we climbed into bed and crashed. We didn't get up until about 2:30 or so. I woke up a few times not quite cuddling to him, but almost. A few times he was almost but not quite cuddling up to me.

Ragazzi, even I am getting tired of writing this, and I have only gone through one 24 hour period. How about I wait until Monday and finish this overly happy tale? Would that be OK with everyone?

Too bad, this is the way it has to be. :)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just when I think

I give up once and I meet someone online. Someone who turned out to be a real ass. I give up twice, and I meet someone in person. I am sooo glad that I decided to go out tonight. I had just gotten to the Union Station when I saw this cute guy walk in. I kept thinking, "Please sit down next to me and talk to me", and, sure enough, he did. Not only was he cute, he was talkable, personable, intelligent, and sooo interesting.

We had such a good time tonight. There were no expectations. We bar hopped. We talked. We had a great time. He thinks I'm cute! He even insisted that he drive me back to my truck so that I wouldn't have to walk from his hotel room (he's in town for a business meeting, even tho he lives in Mansfield). I even invited him out to help me torment Kyle, whom he knows peripherally. Hell, I even gave him my cell number.

I said, "If I don't see you tomorrow, please give me a call next time your in Columbus". He replied, "I will". I don't know what it was about that statement, but I truly believed him.

Please, please, PLEASE meet me tomorrow. I am sooo in to him at the moment and, from his words thru the evening, I think he is into me.

Maybe he was just being nice, but, if he shows up tomorrow, I know that this has a chance of going further.

Belli, I must rest. I am going to think/dream happy thoughts of an auburn haired guy named Aaron.

A domani, tutti!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Un beau mec

Let's just start by saying, "I love French guys". Hmmm, guess we'll get to THAT little tidbit later.

My European vacation is in the works. I am all planned out for two weeks of fun in April. I'm leaving just before the tourist season begins, so I think (big word, that one) I'm getting a good deal. I leave on April 5. If I waited a week, then it would cost 1150 USD more (1900 something or other).

So, I leave on the 5th and arrive on the morning of the 6th in Roma, Italia. I'll be there for 5 days, staying at a hostel (just to save a "little" bit of money). After having a blast in Roma, then I'll travel by Eurorail to Paris (an overnight trip). Then I'll spend 7 days in glorious Paris. I'll be staying at a 17th Century built house, remodeled into a hotel, in the heart of the Marais district (4th Arrondisement (sp?)). Did you know that the Marais district is like the Short North of Columbus, execpt classier?!!! Ah, the gay heart of Paris.

Anyway, this kinda brings me back to mon beau mec. Era giovane, era bello, e ho avuto un corpo caldo. Best of all, he was chasing me! I made eye contact with him, he made eye contact with me. I checked out his body, he checked out mine. I kept going, he pursued. Finally, when I let him have me (in oh so many ways) I was able to try something I've never been able to do before. Me, personally. Others may have done it, but this was my first and (from the moans) I think I did it right. If you are really desperate to know what it was, email me and I will tell you what I did and why.

Well, I really must get to bed and dream naughty dreams of a certain hot french guy (un beau mec francais). If you hear any moans in the night, it's me.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

New commitments

Well, maybe it's just the rehashing of an old commitment. It's time to lose that weight and keep it off. Before I go to Europe I want to lose between 15 and 20 lbs. Of course, I haven't made my plans and reservations, yet, so it's kinda hard to know how much work it's going to take. I had planned to leave on April 12, so that gives me about 6 weeks. Possible, but difficult. 3 lbs a week over a 6 week period would get me really close.

Another commitment I'm making for myself is to never let anyone I ever day drag me so far down when they leave. That one is going to be a lot harder. Someone once told me that, when I fall for someone, I will fall hard and I will fall fast and, when it ends, it will hurt a lot more than it should. Well damn if she wasn't right. Keeping this commitment for myself... Well, it may be nigh impossible. Still, it'll be worth a shot of trying.

Now, about Europe. Guess I had better start moving some cash around and getting ready. I've priced tickets (flight only) and they are about 821 USD. That doesn't include any hotels or other travel expenses (from Rome to Paris). I'm not sure if that is a good deal, but I really don't know if I want to go to a travel agent. I might check in with an agent, just to see what comes up. I might get a better package deal that way. Now, if I can just find a decent travel agent in this town.

Now, I just need to brush up on my Italian and French so I'm not too completely lost when I'm there. Don't want to seem to be too much of the stereotypical turisto americano. We can be such pigs, sometimes.

As for last night. I am sooo glad I went out. I had a blast. I had dinner, a couple of drinks, played some pool, had some more drinks, flirted with the cute guy I was playing with (billiards, you perverts, tho I did grab... Well, never you mind.), then went home with a totally different cute guy. For two hours I had him squirming and moaning and... Well, you get the idea. It was a very pleasurable evening/morning.

Hmmm, probably shouldn't have put that last paragraph in, but I'm still smiling. Sometimes, you just have to share the emotions. Smile with me!

Allora, tutti, I must get to bed. I was up all last night and didn't get home until 7:30 this morning. Damn, am I tired.

Buona notte, ragazzi!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Things are looking up

I have to admit, last week's trip to the hills did me a lot of good. It was refreshing to be around people who are too hick to be anything other than happy. Drunk, but happy. My gaydar even found the two lone gay guys (closeted, but cute) who hadn't moved outta the area yet. Now, if we were anywhere other than hick heaven, where being gay is sooo not cool, I might've invited one (or both) back to my brothers place for a nice romp. Alas, I was there to recover from a failed relationship, not to hook up with any way too hot country boys.

Actually, to be honest, I started to feel 100% better after Valentine's Day. I'd made reservations to take Andrew to one of the swankier places in town (Rigsy's Kitchen), but I just couldn't break the reservations after we broke up. So, after asking several others out, Helene finally said she'd go with me. It was a nice evening with a nice dinner, and an excellent bottle of wine (I canna remember the name, but she wrote it down). It was a crisp, clean Italian bianco.

Anyway, I woke up and was like, fuck him (Andrew) and the fucking fucked up horse he rode in on. He used his friend's dislike of me to get out of a relationship. Gods forbid that he just say, "I don't think this is going to work out, I'd like to start seeing other people." I woulda been unhappy, but I also would've been cool with it. We really didn't have that much in common. But, me being the stalker that I am, I revisited his Out in Columbus profile. Can we say "LIAR!"? He is sooo not 32! He's much closer to 38 (like, 3 months) than he is 32. Grrr. How did I ever let myself fall for such a lying asshole?

Moving on...

The travel bug has finally bit me in the ass. Hard! So, I dig out my passport, make sure it is still valid, and think, "Where in the world does David want to go?" Mmmm, Italia, France, Belgium... (gasp of pleasure) All 3? Well, mebbe not Belgium, but certainly France and Italy. I'm "planning" on flying in to Rome, spend 5 or 6 days there, then travel to Paris and spend 5 or 6 days there, and then fly home. Well, unless I find myself a mec (hot french guy) or un bello ragazzo (italian stud). Actually, I'd probably take the mec over the ragazzo, but my Italian is better than my French. Right now, anyway.

If anyone has any ideas (good ones) on places to stay, where to go, things to see, people to do... Er, did I say that? Well, please let me know. I hate going into a strage city blind. And, since I'll be travelling alone (something I hate even more) ideas from any and everyone are greatly appreciated. I've already picked up a few places to go in Paris. One is the Raidd Bar and the other is L'impact. Not quite sure if I'll go to either one, yet (probably won't the latter), but they certainly looked interesting.

Well, must run. Gonna go out tonight and need to get a few things done around the place. Be safe, all!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Relationships Suck

Two weeks of pure bliss followed by 4 days of absolute misery.

Gods, half the things I want to say are too cruel and the other half I have no way of articulating. Let me just say that for the first time in 15 years I let someone touch my heart. I found myself falling for him. Now my heart lies in shreds and I... I don't know.

In the course of one evening something I said, something that I don't have any clue as to what it was, turned the guy I was beginning to love into a bitter, hateful man. He won't talk to me in person, he won't return my phone calls, and his emails are full of anger. He refuses to tell me what I said that hurt him so much and he won't accept my apologies.

It has taken several days just to get to the point that I can function normally again. I asked him one last time to talk with me, but now I find myself unable to read the email. I'm afraid... No, I'm terrified that there will be more hate in the email. I just can't take any more right now.

Regardless, until I can pull myself back together, I'm taking some time off. I need to get back to my roots, so I'm heading for the hills for a few days. Maybe then, after I've come back to myself, I can find a way to either come back to him or leave him.