Saturday, February 18, 2006

Things are looking up

I have to admit, last week's trip to the hills did me a lot of good. It was refreshing to be around people who are too hick to be anything other than happy. Drunk, but happy. My gaydar even found the two lone gay guys (closeted, but cute) who hadn't moved outta the area yet. Now, if we were anywhere other than hick heaven, where being gay is sooo not cool, I might've invited one (or both) back to my brothers place for a nice romp. Alas, I was there to recover from a failed relationship, not to hook up with any way too hot country boys.

Actually, to be honest, I started to feel 100% better after Valentine's Day. I'd made reservations to take Andrew to one of the swankier places in town (Rigsy's Kitchen), but I just couldn't break the reservations after we broke up. So, after asking several others out, Helene finally said she'd go with me. It was a nice evening with a nice dinner, and an excellent bottle of wine (I canna remember the name, but she wrote it down). It was a crisp, clean Italian bianco.

Anyway, I woke up and was like, fuck him (Andrew) and the fucking fucked up horse he rode in on. He used his friend's dislike of me to get out of a relationship. Gods forbid that he just say, "I don't think this is going to work out, I'd like to start seeing other people." I woulda been unhappy, but I also would've been cool with it. We really didn't have that much in common. But, me being the stalker that I am, I revisited his Out in Columbus profile. Can we say "LIAR!"? He is sooo not 32! He's much closer to 38 (like, 3 months) than he is 32. Grrr. How did I ever let myself fall for such a lying asshole?

Moving on...

The travel bug has finally bit me in the ass. Hard! So, I dig out my passport, make sure it is still valid, and think, "Where in the world does David want to go?" Mmmm, Italia, France, Belgium... (gasp of pleasure) All 3? Well, mebbe not Belgium, but certainly France and Italy. I'm "planning" on flying in to Rome, spend 5 or 6 days there, then travel to Paris and spend 5 or 6 days there, and then fly home. Well, unless I find myself a mec (hot french guy) or un bello ragazzo (italian stud). Actually, I'd probably take the mec over the ragazzo, but my Italian is better than my French. Right now, anyway.

If anyone has any ideas (good ones) on places to stay, where to go, things to see, people to do... Er, did I say that? Well, please let me know. I hate going into a strage city blind. And, since I'll be travelling alone (something I hate even more) ideas from any and everyone are greatly appreciated. I've already picked up a few places to go in Paris. One is the Raidd Bar and the other is L'impact. Not quite sure if I'll go to either one, yet (probably won't the latter), but they certainly looked interesting.

Well, must run. Gonna go out tonight and need to get a few things done around the place. Be safe, all!

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