Saturday, February 25, 2006

OMG, What FUN!

I have had more fun in the past 3 days than I have had with any of my friends for the past 6 months! Of course, I'm regretting nothing, but I certainly need to recover my wits (and sobriety) before even considering anything like that again. Just as a fair warning, this is one long assed post that covers several days.

It all started on Wednesday night. You all know about Aaron, whom I met that night. He was cute and we had a great time. We made tentative plans for a date on Thursday.

Then Thursday rolled around and I was still somewhat drunk from the night before. But, as the day wore on, I felt more sober and ready for the night.

I'd made dinner plans earlier that week with a friend of mine, named Robert. We were going to meet at the Union Station for dinner, then just chat for a while. I know there was nothing serious involved between us, but I wasn't sure what he thought. I had a feeling, just from the way he said certain things, that he might've thought it was a date. Uh, no! Either way, I had made what most would have considered two dates for that night.

So, the dinner date came and went with no Robert. I was pissed! I was really raging for a while. Then, when Aaron didn't show up, I got seriously depressed. I don't blame Aaron as he was quite drunk when we made the plans. So, what is a guy to do? Get drunk, in a major way. I'd been drinking rum and coke up to that point, but decided that Long Islands were the way to go. By the time I left the Union Station for Havana's, I'd had 4 rum and cokes and 2 long islands. I was feeling pretty good. Still pissed and depressed, but good.

When I arrive at Havana's, I find a seat at the bar, order my rum and coke (my stomach was telling me in no uncertain terms would it handle anything stronger), and have a seat to wait for the drag show to begin. While I'm waiting, three str8 girls and a mo come in, and I move my ass outta the way so they could all sit together. So I start chatting at the girl next to me, named Megan. She was awesome. She did a lot to make me feel better and good and smile.

At one point, she asked me who the cutest guy in place was. So I look around. There was one guy I had seen a couple of times earlier that night who was good looking, but I didn't see him around anymore. There was an absolute hottie walking through in a suit, but he was on a mission to the bathroom and was quickly out of sight. So, I discovered the third cutest guy was sitting two seats down from me, and I pointed him out to Megan. She nodded and sorta rather agreed with me.

When I was feeling better and happy, I kissed Megan goodnight, thanked her for her help, then headed back down to the Union Station. I had another rum and coke there, watched the lesbians play pool, then left. Before I did, I gave Kyle a $5 tip and a little note. Told him to have Aaron call me sometime, then said, "He thinks you're getting fat, but I still think you're perfect". I was very drunk, did I mention that?

So it's back to Havana's for one last drink, then I head home. Well, almost head home. I was sooo blitzed that driving (far) was completely out of the question. So, off the bath house I go!

For the most part, the bath house was a bust. I slept for a little while (about two hours or so), then got up and just wandered around. I hit the steam room and sauna many times, talking a little here and there, but not really finding decent conversation. After a while most everyone had paired off and gone to bed, so there was just me and three others. The other three must've been cranked up on something, because they raced around the place, talking and laughing and carrying on. We'll call them the moroni triplets.

After a while of watching the triplets, I hit the steam room and just chilled. Then I heard a new voice and I'm thinking, "Poor guy, stuck out there with the moroni triplets." A few minutes later they come in. The newbie come sits down near me and the triplets head back to the corner. A minute later the triplets left and it was just me and newbie. We chatted for a while, but I left soon because I was overheating.

I got out, walked around a bit until I was feeling cooler, then headed back to the wet area. As I reach it, newbie comes out and asks where the rest room is. As he walks away I realize that newbie is truly a newbie, he'd never been there before.

I go back to the steam room and he comes in again. We resume our conversation and I'm having a blast. He is intelligent, he is interesting, he has a sexy voice, and he is very cute (a lethal combo for me, especially since he reminds me of Ivan Sergei). Of course, his name is Chad, not Ivan, but who care!

So I get up to leave and wander and he follows me out. We talk a bit more and then he says that he is tired and that he has a key to a room, as soon as he figures out which room it is.

Huh? You either have a room or have a locker, you don't have both. I tried to explain that, but I don't think he was getting what I was saying. He argued with the receptionist about it a bit. The moroni triplets came and watched. I finally convinced him to take my bed since I wasn't using it. He agreed and I took him my room, let him in, then, after he hit the sheets, I left. I wandered for a bit, walked by my room, and saw the door was open. I looked in and he was sleeping there, so I just figured he felt more comfortable or safer with the door cracked.

So I walked about a bit more and, when I came back to my room, saw two of the triplets hanging around outside my room, giggling and talking. I looked at them and they looked and me and, finally, they moved on. I then decided to just stand around outside the room and make sure he stayed safe.

Big mistake for me. Once I stopped moving I started getting tired. After about twenty minutes I realize that I had to crash or it would get ugly. I go into my room, put on my underwear, and wake up Chad. I said, "I need to crash. If you don't mind sharing my bed, I need to sleep soon."

"No problem," he said. "You can use half the pillow." So I crawled over him, crashed on the bed, and just died.

I woke up several times and he hadn't changed position once. I was starting to get worried at a couple of points in time. No one sleeps that long without moving. Later he told me that he actually wet to bed at some point. He realized that he was blitzed out drunk, but he didn't think he was that bad.

Now, those of you who know me know that I am a snuggle slut by nature. I love to hold and be held, especially at night when I sleep. But I didn't want to freak Chad out. I knew he wasn't there for sex (not sure what he was doing there) and I wasn't looking either since I was still trying to sober up. It was a very uncomfortable three hours for us. A single bed with two full grown men sleeping in it trying to respect each others space.

Until I woke up around 8 and realized that we were spooning and I was hugging him close to me. He must not have been too upset as he invited me back to his hotel room to sleep the rest of the booze off in a real bed. I thanked him and said that would be nice. He went to his locker and I quickly changed. As I was checking out, I saw him come out of the locker room and turn toward me. It was at that point that I realized that I had seen him earlier in the evening. He was the hottie I had seen earlier in the evening at Havana's. The one in the suit who had quickly motored thru to the bathroom...

Keep control, keep control.

We both leave and I follow him back to his room, which was less than a block away. We sat and talked for a while, about a lot of different things, most of which I can't remember. I do remember that he had recently been bitten by a spider on his lower leg and it had gotten infected in a serious way (probably because of the venom). He didn't go to the doctor for over a month, when a friend of his grabbed him by the throat and made him go the emergency room. They did surgery and scraped out the infection, removing part of the muscle in the process (obviously). It's healing well, but it is still causing him some pain.

Then we climbed into bed and crashed. We didn't get up until about 2:30 or so. I woke up a few times not quite cuddling to him, but almost. A few times he was almost but not quite cuddling up to me.

Ragazzi, even I am getting tired of writing this, and I have only gone through one 24 hour period. How about I wait until Monday and finish this overly happy tale? Would that be OK with everyone?

Too bad, this is the way it has to be. :)

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