Sunday, February 19, 2006

New commitments

Well, maybe it's just the rehashing of an old commitment. It's time to lose that weight and keep it off. Before I go to Europe I want to lose between 15 and 20 lbs. Of course, I haven't made my plans and reservations, yet, so it's kinda hard to know how much work it's going to take. I had planned to leave on April 12, so that gives me about 6 weeks. Possible, but difficult. 3 lbs a week over a 6 week period would get me really close.

Another commitment I'm making for myself is to never let anyone I ever day drag me so far down when they leave. That one is going to be a lot harder. Someone once told me that, when I fall for someone, I will fall hard and I will fall fast and, when it ends, it will hurt a lot more than it should. Well damn if she wasn't right. Keeping this commitment for myself... Well, it may be nigh impossible. Still, it'll be worth a shot of trying.

Now, about Europe. Guess I had better start moving some cash around and getting ready. I've priced tickets (flight only) and they are about 821 USD. That doesn't include any hotels or other travel expenses (from Rome to Paris). I'm not sure if that is a good deal, but I really don't know if I want to go to a travel agent. I might check in with an agent, just to see what comes up. I might get a better package deal that way. Now, if I can just find a decent travel agent in this town.

Now, I just need to brush up on my Italian and French so I'm not too completely lost when I'm there. Don't want to seem to be too much of the stereotypical turisto americano. We can be such pigs, sometimes.

As for last night. I am sooo glad I went out. I had a blast. I had dinner, a couple of drinks, played some pool, had some more drinks, flirted with the cute guy I was playing with (billiards, you perverts, tho I did grab... Well, never you mind.), then went home with a totally different cute guy. For two hours I had him squirming and moaning and... Well, you get the idea. It was a very pleasurable evening/morning.

Hmmm, probably shouldn't have put that last paragraph in, but I'm still smiling. Sometimes, you just have to share the emotions. Smile with me!

Allora, tutti, I must get to bed. I was up all last night and didn't get home until 7:30 this morning. Damn, am I tired.

Buona notte, ragazzi!

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