Sunday, October 30, 2005

Nothing like DULL

That's my weekend in one word, and it's been kinda nice. Especially since I've been sleeping 12 hours at a crack. That's AT a crack, not IN a crack. Though I probably wouldn't have minded that.

So, Friday, after a an extended session in the darkroom to get done (sorry Helene, blew you off for the chemicals), I came home, created some dinner, hit the couch, and didna move all night. Not until bedtime, anyway, which was about 11 or so. I watched "The Amityville Horror" with the yummy Ryan Reynolds. The movie wasn't so good (not if you've seen the original) but Ryan wasn't so bad (esp. the shirtless scenes). My friend Ron and I agree on one thing about this movie. The opportunity for shirtless scenes were far greater than what there were.

Also watched "Land of the Dead". Not quite sure how I feel about that movie. It was a real gore fest. Some scenes really had my squeamish, and I usually am not like that. Still, there was a good plot there, I just don't think Romero took it to where it needed to go. Somehow, the zombies, esp Big Daddy, were the heroes. I might watch it again to see if I can find some deeper meaning, but it will be a while. Too much gore at one time does give me nightmares.

Then comes Saturday, and 12 hours of sleep. I get up, run a few errands, pamper myself a bit (not in pampers, btw), then it was off to Ron and Tim's for pizza and a movie. We watched "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants". Hmmm, about the only interesting thing in that movie was Costas, the shirtless Greek stud. Of course, it was a teen chick-flick, so whaddya expect?

Then it was off to home and 11 hours of sleep. Would've been 12, but the time change caught me off guard.

SO, no gory details about the weekend. The only excitement I had was Thursday night, and that was because Kyle got a haircut. While I'm still adjusting to his new look, he certainly looks more mature, more masculine, and certainly more yummy. Unfortunately, I'm more sure now than ever that my barslut, er barstud, er bartender is a straightboy. DMAN! I watched him interact with all the gay bartenders and waiters and saw how, uh, squeamish (?) he got when they got a little touchy feely with him. Maybe he just needs a good man to bed him???

Well, must get moving. Have another essay to post, a house to clean, and too much laundry to do.

Buon giorno, tutti!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Don't know what brought this up, but I had a flash back to the good ol' days when I was a real party animal. Something about the weather, the feel of the night, the hungover feeling you get when you party too much the night before. Y'know, things from back in the day that always come back at the weirdest moments.

For instance, right now, I remember climbing Bong Hill in Athens. I was 6 sheets to the wing, dressed all preppy (because that's how you dressed back then), along with Paul and some other kid who I've completely forgotten. The clearest memory is standing at the top of the hill, overlooking the city at 3 in the am, the wind blowing up the hill. I felt like the God of the Night, Chaos, and Party Animals overlooking his domain.

Good times.

But that is not the memory that comes to mind. At least, not when I started his post many weeks ago. Good thing I remembered this post.

There I was, walking down Woody Hayes Blvd, minding my own business, when outta the blue comes this image of Angie, the party animalette I used to hang with (she wished I would date her, but...). There we were, in the middle of the night, at this guys house. She was trying to score some weed for us to party with, and I was already 6 sheets to the wind (as you've probably noticed, I'm always 6 sheets to the wind. 7 sheets I usually don't remember well).

Anyway, for whatever reason, I needed to completely demolish this tree. I don't recall that it had done anything bad to me, but I was just in that mood. So there I was, punching and kicking and cursing this tree, totally in my own little world when I hear this gruff voice saying, "What the hell are you doing?"

I turned around and there's this guy standing there with a shotgun pointed right at me. I think my punkass comment was, "WTF do you want?"

"I'm tired of you a$$holes destroying my mailbox!" The gun is still pointed at me, by the way.

"I ain't touching yo damn mailbox," I said. Oh, I tend to talk hick when I get overly drunk, so bear wit may. :) "Look at it!" Then I turned to walk away.

"I'm not done with you, punk!" This guy is really getting pissed.

I turned back to him, spread my arms wide, and said, "Do yo wursht."

About that time I'm surrounded by Angie, Noelle, Dan, and the dude Noelle was dating at the time (it changed weekly). "It's cool," Dan said. "No damage done. We're leaving now."

Then they bustled me into the car and we left. Boy, did I get reamed by them or what. Not because I was acting stupid, but because they couldn't get their weed.

C'est la vie!

Of course, that wasn't the only time I had a gun pointed at me, but that's a story for another day, kittens.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Virgins Gather

Let the Gathering of the Virgins BEGIN!

Er, uh, well, maybe tomorrow. Can you tell I'm a little excited about seeing The Rocky Horror Picture Show tomorrow? "Let's do the Time Warp again!" Pretty sad that I know that song, as well as "Science Fiction, Double Feature", by heart. Well, doesn't matter. Tomorrow promises to be a rockin' good time. Still haven't decided if I want to show up as Brad, in my boxers, white t-shirt, and dorky glasses. Well, if I can find the dorky glasses. Haven't seen them in a while.

Anyone else wanna go? Looking for a Janet, Riff Raff, Dr. Frank N Furter, Magenta, and Columbia. Of course, we can't forget Rocky himself. Any of you beefy studs who are reading this wanna play Rocky? Dress in skimpy clothes, hang off my shoulder, and make me look goooood?

Probably not. Better off if I show up in costume, drag, or anything else (except normal clothes). Not quite sure if the crowd will be totally into the Rocky Horror cult phenom. Still and all, a date would be nice.

On a brighter note, Howie is BACK! FINALLY! Spoke to him a bit tonight, asked if he was in vacation, in the hospital, both? He wishes! No, he had to go to Cinncinatti (sp?) to open the new USVC there. Ended up having to fire two guys. The first was rude to the customers, the other was a complete incompetent. He said, "I so love bringing people to ruin!" Ok, Howie, come off the powertrip.

Finally heard from James. Thought maybe a pile of papers had fallen on him, giving him amnesia. NAH. He's just stressing about his job. He was down here a couple of weeks ago and I probably just missed him. He didna have my number with him so he couldn't call and set up anything. On the weird side, I think he was at Havana's the same time I was there with Danny. Figures. If I'd've seen him, I probably woulda had more fun that night. After all, James has a thing for Librans...

Well, tutti, e' tardi e sono stancho. Buona notte!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Birthday Drunk

OK, ok, I know I wasn't going to talk about my b-day, but I have to figure out what I did. For some reason I have this feeling...

Anyway, it all started out calmly with a large vanilla latte (my second for the day). That was about 6:30 or so. Kyle was there, but I was at the wrong end of the bar to keep him under my thumb. Once I was done with the latte, I started in on the evening. I had my usual Long Island and the sloppiest sandwich in the world (the Big Mama Italian sandwich). Mmmm, my mouth waters just thinking about it (sorry Kyle).

I decide to take my time and make the night last as long as possible. About 9:30 or so I have finished my 3d Tea and 2d glass of water when Tim and his roommate (hereafter known as TK) show up. Tim promptly tells Kyle it's my b-day. Then Kyle more or less backhands me, saying, "Why did you tell me it was your birthday?"

"Uh, technically, it was yesterday."

But I don't think he heard me because he bustled away to mix a drink. Little did I know that it (the drink he was mixing) was meant for me. He comes back, drops this delicious looking drink in a shot glass in front me and says, "Happy birthday" with one of his beautiful smiles. The drink smelled and tasted like a white cake with vanilla frosting! DMAN it was tasty, just like the server.

Well, 10 minutes after I down the drink (the only way to drink a drink in a shot glass) I lost track of the evening. What I mean is, things got kinda hazy and time telescoped. Seriously telescoped.

After the drink we moved to a table and I tried to just stick with the water I'd been drinking. But, somewhere along the line I musta thought another Long Island was needed because I ended up with another one. Then TK and Tim left and I moved back to the bar (after the drag show, whatever time that was) and Kyle yelled at me because I let the ice melt in the last drink. Sorry Kyle, it was either take it easy with this drink or throw up on the bar. Your choice. Shortly after that I left.

It is the 10 pm to 1:30 am time frame that has me worried most. While I don't remember doing anything wrong, or stupid, or foolish, or embarrasing, something happened that I'm not remember. Not fully, anyway. I guess it call comes down to when TK and Tim left, around 11 or 11:30. Tim said something like, "I hope he calls you."

Huh? He who? DMAN!!! Who the hell was I hitting on?

Well, tutti, if you were there, and you saw me, please tell me what the hell I was doing!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Short sweet

and to the fucking point. I'm trashed!

I met this guy tonight, named Timothy, who approached me thru Out In Columbus. He was really nice and funny. We both thought the guy in the half-toga was fucking hot and just drunk enough to do. SO MUCH FLESH AND SO LITTLE PLEASURE. Gods, even now the memory is stirring urges that were better left quiescent. Ah, to touch, to rub, to suck...

But I digress. Most important, Timothy didn't take advantage of the drunk boy (namely, me). Even thos I SO WANTED HIM TO. Kudos to you, Timothy!

Well, I'm off. It's been a long day, I'm well toasted, and I'm very tired.

Buona notte, tutti!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Dirty old man

Um, yeah, that's me. Dirty old man. Last night, in just 2 minutes I went from sex-starved to dirty old man. I found out my favorite barslut, er, bartender is only 23. I coulda swore he was closer to 27. I've already been harassed for robbing the cradle with Kevin, now there is Kyle. Hmmm, maybe that's the problem. I have this thing for guys whose names begin with K and are 23. NOT. You have to see Kyle (and Kevin) to understand. These two guys just exuded sexual energy.

So, how did I found out his age, you ask? Well, kittens, sit back and relax because this slut is gonna tell.

I was totally enjoying myself last night. I'd been able to get a chair next to the launch pad (that's what I call it) so I could keep Kyle in sight all night long. HOT! Although, he is getting in need of a hair cut. Still, he is very sexy. At one point he bent over to get a bottle from under the bar and his short rode up exposing, of all things, his tighty whities!!!!!!!! Didna figure him for the tighty whitie type. Already my mind can his perfect erection as I... Ooops, sorry, didna mean to get so porno on you.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. At one point this guy hits the launch pad and Kyle says, "What can I do for ya, sir?"

I said, "Don't call him "sir". That's an insult. "Sir" is everone's father."

Kyle says, "I'm just trying to be respectful."

The guy says, "I am old enough to be his father."

I say, "Really?"

Kyle says, "Yeah, you're probably old enough to be my father too."

I ask, "How old are you?"

Kyle replies, "23."

I tell him, "Do you realize how young I would have to be to father a child your age?" Then my mind does the math (36-23=13). "Okay, it's possible." Then I think some more (my brain wasn't running as fast as usual), and get a little indignant. "How the hell old do you think I am?"

Kyle looks at me and furrows his brow. "Probably about 32."

Okay, I can handle that. Gotta love that guy! Actually, would still love to make love to that guy. However, that really screws up the math (32-23=9). I was a lot of things at 9 years old, but sexually active was not one of them. Even after that, women were just not in the picture (or dreams or fantasies). So, while I could've father him, the chances are so remote as to be laughable.

But does that make me a dirty old man for lusting after a 23 year old? My friend, Jay, says not. Now, if I were going after a twinkie under 21 he would worry. Then he says that it's probably a good thing I don't go to the Full Monty (next to Havana's) or I'd be broke. Evidentally the boys there will do anything (except anal sex) during their lap dances. 10 dollars to get in, no alcohol (except what you've already drunk), and money for the boys. Well, mebbe some night when I'm really, really drunk and horny.

Anyway, I ended the evening at about midnight (the drag queens put on a bad lip-synching show) and I left my lustful bartender. So, I got out my iPod, tuned it to "Dark Lady" (the club mix) and walked to my truck. I cranked up the music and, at one point, was singing (at the top of my voice) and dancing and grooving my way up the Short North. Quite a sight! Even the critters of the night avoided me. Then I got home, wrote a couple of drunken emails, and crashed at about 2.

Of couse, a lot more happened that night than me finding out Kyle's age and realizing that I was a dirty old man. But, kittens, those other stories are for me and me alone.

Must run. I have a lot of errands to do today before pizza and wine. Ciao, tutti!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Now that I've reset myself

OK, now that I've reset, I think I'll be feeling better. Now, if I could only reset my life a little...

You know, now that I say that I recall a moment, when I was very young, when I thought I had reset the day. It was weird. I had lived about 1/2 the day, decided I wanted to start over because... Well, I don't remember why exactly. Then I closed my eyes real tight and woke up again that morning. And the promptly lived the same day over again, with no change.

Guess I was too young to make any changes in a life I've already lived. I think I was only 4 at the time.

I think I did it once more after that, when I was 13 or so, but that one is harder to remember. I do remember I wanted to start over and did, but it was several days. But, the details of the days were not consistent with the first set of days I had lived, so I think that must've been a dream. Not sure if it was the first set that was the dream or the second set.

Makes a good story, don't it. Well, it probably was or is a story somewhere, but when I was 4 I wasn'told enough to read books of that level. When I was 13? Who knows. I had just started reading so I "might" have read something like it. Still, that was 23 years ago.

If I could turn back time, reset my life to a previous point with full knowledge of what was going on, would I? Hell yeah! Think of all the fun I could have. Think of all the problems I could avoid! Who knows, if the math on the first one was right, (4*3+1=13), then the next time would be when I'm 40 (13*3*1=40). Or would it be +2, since it's the second time around?

Oh, well. Probably won't have the strength to do it when it comes around again. If wishes were fishes...

Well, now that I'm alert, I must go. Too much to do and not enough of me to do it.


Ugh, I think it's going to be another one of those days. I got to bed at midnight (after a full and active day) and fell asleep fairly quickly, but... Yeah, but. I woke up at 3 in the AM and was wide awake after that. So, at 6 I decide to just get up and get it over with. Got showered, shaved, and all prettied up for the day only to get so tired that I want to go back to sleep.

I think I'll blame James. Huh, what's that? James who? Hmmm, guess I haven't mentioned him before now. Well, babies, he's my dirty little secret (for now). Laura, you keep your mouth shut!!!

Feh. I think I'm going to do that. Go back to bed, that is. As sluggish as I am now, it's probably not safe to drive.

Well, ragazzi, I guess it's good night, again. Or, rather, good morning and hope to see some of you later today!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tagged for Memes


Thought I'd check up on the blogs I'm doing for my essay and at the end of the latest one by Chad Fox, he says, "Now, I'm not going to tag anyone in particular for this, but if you are reading this AND you have a blog, consider yourself tagged."


The last one is a little involved, but worth it. SO, me being the great guy that I think I am, here they are:

Ten songs that define me. Ok, this one is tough since they cross many genres. Go ahead, laugh:
1) Midnight Train to Georgia
2) Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves
3) 18 and Life (Skid Row)
4) Toy Soldiers (Martika)
5) Don't Cry for me Argentina (the original version)
6) Memories (from Cats)
7) Send in the Clowns (by Babs)
8) The Rose (by Bette)
9) Fancy (Reba McIntire, for those who don't know)
10) Cherish (The Association)

Ten songs that I'm currently digging. This one is much easier. Now, where is my iPod?
1) Holiday
2) Mr. Brightside
3) Behind those Hazel Eyes
4) Dark Lady
5) Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kilo
6) Lose Control
7) Cool
8) Growltiger's Last Stand (from Cats)
9) Helena
10) Ball and Chain

SEVEN Things:

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1) Travel Europe
2) Meet at least 1 famous actor (maybe even an actress)
3) Learn to sing
4) Finish and get published one book
5) Get some "artsy" photographs
6) Get some "artsy" photographs into a gallery
7) Reconcile myself to my brother

7 things I can do:
1) Bar hop with the best
2) Write kick-ass stories
3) Successfully hit on lesbians
4) Write very bad love poetry
5) I'm a good listener
6) Take very good pictures (just don't post them, yet)
7) Change the oil in my truck

7 things I cannot do:
1) Play the piano
2) Act
3) Pick up guys (just dirty old men, street/bar trash, and boys too young to drink)
4) Advanced calculus
5) Juggle
6) Talk civilly to my brother
7) Kiss the moon

7 things that attract me to the same or opposite sex:
1) Smile
2) Dark hair/eyes
3) Pale skin
4) Humor
5) Street smarts
6) Laughter
7) Gets my jokes

7 things that I say most often:
2) Son of a bitch
3) Gotta tinkle
4) Hang on to your diapers, babies, we're going in
5) Fuckin' A
6) Shit
7) Ciao, tutti

7 celebrity crushes:
1) Freddie Prinz Jr.
2) Casper Van Dien
3) Charlie Sheen
4) Brandon Flowers
5) Jake Gyllenhaal
6) Catherine Zeta Jones
7) Patrick Dempsey

Ok, now that I've bared my soul (so to speak) let the digs and jabs begin! Let the heckling commence. Oh, and if you read this and have your own blog, let you suffer also! Just like the delectible (sp?) Chad Fox did, post your own and let me know.

Ciao, tutti!

Aaargh, the PAIN!

OK, for anyone who has been reading, just a reminder that Wednesday was a very bad day for me. I woke up feeling crappy anyway, but as the day wore on the muscles in my back started spasming and tightening to the point that it hurt to sit, to stand, to walk, to turn my head... I think you get the picture. So I went home early, dug in to my medicine cabinet, and found the purty drugs I took last time this happened.

After a while, life was GOOD. I was watching the tele while floating on narctics, muscle relaxers, and anit-inflammatories. I got up to go to the kitchen to get a drink of water and promptly slammed my foot into the doorframe. OWWWIEEEEE! When I say slammed, I mean SLAMMED. I hit hard enough that I broke one toe and severely bruised the bone just behind the joint. Unfortunately, there was nothing the doctor could do. He wanted me to wear a surgical shoe for a few weeks, but, come on. I may not have that much fashion sense, but I'm certainly not going to wear a shoe that will make me look dorkier than I already am.

ANYWAY, I didn't let that slow me down. After being in the photo lab all day Thursday, I head for my favorite watering hole. Once there, I grab a spot at the bar and begin to work on Kyle, one of my favorite bartenders, according to David's Rule #1: Hot bartenders (male or female) are there to be flirted with and ogled at. After all, you can't do anything else to 'em, er, with them. And, considering I was feeling pretty flirty that night, I had a real good time.

At least, I must've had a good time according to the voice memo I found on my mobile. Let's see, how does it go? "There he was, standing with his legs straddled and OH MY GOD! SO FUCKING HOT! SO SEXY! I so want to have him do me!" Um, OK. I do remember him putting a bottle between his legs and bracing it that way so that he could open it. WOW! The image that came to my mind was... WOW! I think the description is way to pornographic for a blog.

I also learned that enough Long Islands will kill almost any pain.

Friday comes around and I'm supposed to go clubbing with my friend Helene. But NOOOO, she's sick. She dudn't want to go anywhere. Um, hello! I have a broken foot and I'm still going dancing. Severity of the situation: slight head cold or broken bone? Hmmm, I think I get to win on the whining front.

So that put me in a right rotten mood, so, since I was all dressed up with no place to go, I decided to go out anyway. I totally ignored David's Rule #2: Never drink when you're in a violent bad mood. To make a long story short, I now have David's Rule #3: Never go out drinking alone. You'll end up either picking up bar/street trash, or you'll become bar/street trash.

I get to the bar and neither Kyle nor Howie was working. Jon (another hottie I don't know that well) was working the tables so all I got was the occasional glimpse of his dark brooding eyes. But that's beside the point. I had about 5 rum & cokes in 3 hours and then decided to head home. On the way, around Havana's, I bump into this guy named Danny. He's trying to bum a cigarette off me, but since I don't smoke, we decide to head into Havana's for a drink. Now I'm up to 6 rum & cokes in 3.5 hours. Can we say "overkill"?

To make a long story short, we bar hopped, we ran around while he got his act together, then we headed over to my place for what I was hoping was some really hot, sweaty, monkey sex. NOT. He's not gay, he's bi. And he didn't want me to do a lot of things that would've rocked his world. And mine, for that matter. At least one of us was able to get off (uh, me!).

Eventually, his need for a cig overcame his need to get off, so I took him back to the short north and dropped him off. So disappointing. Hence, the whole reason for not picking up street / bar trash. I might add a thing about bi boys / guys who are "sensitive" about the more fun stuff of pure, hot, rowdy, gay sex. Now for David's Rule #4: Be sure the guy really wants gay sex, not just a quick blow job.

Now we are at Saturday and, after Friday night, I decide I have to get outta the city and back to my roots. I gather up my photog equipment and head down to Hocking Hills. I took some excedrin and popped some anti-inflammatories. It's probably the only reason I was able to hike around all day getting pictures. Unfortunately, a lot of the pics came out blurry. Since the light level was soooo low I had to use a slow shutter speed. Therefore, any shaking from my hand would be picked up by the camera, resulting in a blurry pic. DMAN! About 1/2 of them are blurry. Still, I do have a lot of good pics for class.

Once I get back to the city, I head to the USVC for dinner, drinks, and to watch the Buckeye's lose. Following Rule #1 (above) I flirted heavily with my other favorite bartender, Howie. When he was too busy to be ogled at, I chatted up the lesbian couple sitting next to me. Since I was so not wanting the usualy drinks, Howie mixed up something called a Beefeater (MMMMM for both the drink and the imagery it conjures).

I ended up having 5 of those that night. I'm not sure who bought the last one, tho. I know I didn't pay for it, the lesbians didn't pay for it, Howie didn't pay for it (I don't think).... Hmmm, wonder which one of the hotties at the bar bought it for me. Because, there were a lot of cuties hanging around.

I finally went home and crashed. More to the point, I actually passed out. It's been a long time since I passed out from drinking too much (like 15 years). I woke up at about 3:30 or 4:30 (not sure which) to find the TV going full blast. The movie "Godzilla vs. Hedorah" was playing, which was just WEIRD. I had read about it on this other student's blog. OK, that's just too weird.

Finally, we make it to Sunday. Nothing much happening now. Catching up on work and browsing the web. I downloaded this cute photo:

Since the grays were too uniform, I tried my hand at adjusting the photo manually. I added more contrast and changed the lighting a little to get this:

Yeah, I know, you can't see the face as well as befire, probably why it was so light originally. However, the second photograph has much more detail. Guess all the photog classes are paying off after all! Just wish the resolution were a little better, but I don't have the original to play around with. Oh, and if you know who this guy is, tell him he's a great subject.

Well, now that I have this photo thing down pat, so to speak, it'll be easier to post some of my favorite pictures that I have done recently.

Ciao, tutti!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blah, indeed!

Gods, I hate pain. I felt crappy this morning, but now... At first I thought it was my kidneys, thought maybe I had a kidney stone/infection. Now I'm pretty sure it's not that. All the muscles in my back are spasming (and not in a good way). It's so bad that I can barely turn my head without any pain. Certainly, anything that involves movement in the back is just fucking agony. I took some hydrocodone (it's supposed to be some pretty good shit) earlier, but it ain't cutting thru at all. Of course, also took an anti-histamine by mistake, so maybe the two are counteracting each other. About 1/2 hour ago I took a muscle relaxant, and it feels like it is starting to kick in. In another hour or so I'll try the darvocet. The combonation of them will work. I hope.

For my photography project I only have to do my "spectacular" photo. I have an idea what I want to do, but it may take some finagling (sp?). Going to take the best picture of my Rat-Boy and turn him into a superstar. When that's done, then I'll start making prints of the pics that I nearly ruined in processing yesterday. Some of them look like they will turn out fairly good.

Not sure if I'll go hiking at Old Man's Cave this weekend or not. With First Friday in two days, and me being Helene's token gay guy, may be too tired to do anything on Saturday. Have to wait and see, tho.

Actually, may not be albe to make my normal rendezvous at the USVC tomorrow. Depends on how much pain I'm in. Then again, a little hooch to intensify the pain killers may help. Need to remember to take taxi money, just in case. Or call Helene and get her skinny ass outta bed. :)

Ooowwwwiiieee! Dman, moved the wrong fucking way.

Should I mention the kinky shit I did to get this way? MMMM. A lady never kisses and tells. Let's just say that there are certain things you shouldn't do unless you are really limber. Really, really limber.

Well, I probably divulged too much (NOT).

Not quite time for Darvocet, but who cares...

(and time passes)

Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea, and frolicked in the autumn mist, in a land called...

Er, wheeee! Well, mebbe not. That song always made me sad.

So, on a happier note, do any of you hot sexy guys/gals want erotic photos done? They'll be black and white, but I'll provide the film, contact sheets, and any prints you want (maximum size of 8x10). Any (legal) location and you must be over 21 (will need to check ID).

Well, must be off. I think I can float to the bed.

Buona notte, care miei. Dream dreams of wild, screaming, police-calling sex!

DMAN DMAN DMAN! Go figure, blogger decides to do maintenance just when I want to post. Guess I'll have to do other things until maintenance is done. GODS above and below. Just when a body needs a body to help pass the time, there is no one around. Mebbe there's a hot hunk (or two) on OIC who is willing to come on over to cum all over???

(and more time passes)

HEHEHE, NO PAIN! Gotta love those narcotics. Now I remember why I was such a druggy in my younger days. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

(so much time passes that... WTF was I typing?)

FINALLY! Never thought the fucking site would be down this long. What moron would OK regular maintenance during a time when people want to blog? Fekkin' idiots!!!


Short sweet and to the point. I feel like crap. Either I'm staying up too late or I'm being WAY too active. Something has got to give, and I think it's the body. Guess there is no working out today.

Took a bunch of pics yesterday and then went to OSU to process them. Get there and can't find the little metal spools that I need to wrap the film on. I figure I must've taken them out and forgot to put them back in my locker. SO, I manage to find some spare spools, but they must've been bad because I ruined the majority of the film! DMAN DMAN DMAN!!!

At least it will be easy to redo the ones that need redone. GRRRR.

Well, I'm running behind on everything and gotta get outta here.

Alla prossima!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Another recovery day

Damn, I either need to stop bar hopping and dancing or I need to build up my stamina. I actually thought I behaved myself Saturday night, but I guess not. The Gallery Hop was rather boring. While there were a lot of interesting people to look at, and some of the music on the street was good, it just didn't have the same kick. Guess it was because I was ALL ALONE FUCKING AGAIN.

Well, to be honest, it was my own idea to got it alone. Some of my friends are such buzz kills (not you Helene!).

So, I parked way up on King Avenue, then weaseled my way down High St. I made my usual way through the crowds (watching the patterns they were making and oozing thru the cracks), sometimes stepping into the street to get around a traffic jam. I did stop briefly to ogle Laura's boys as they danced half nekkid in the window display of the Full Monty (right next to Havana's, if you're interested). While they were delectable, I was a queer on a mission.

Eventually, I made my way to the Union Station, my destination della sera. My idea was to get a few drinks down my gullet, play some pool, then head over to Axis to dance the night away. Just my luck, though, no one was playing pool and the bar wasn't that crowded. SO, I complimented Howie on his choice of attire (he'd pulled his t-shirt off one hot shoulder) and began drinking.

Then, Helene calls. She's on her way back from Toledo and wants to PAR-TAY!, but she has a bunch of stuff in her car and doesn't want to park in the Short North (too many weirdos around). Guess who volunteers to go get her... Before I left, though, the power went out. The whole block (actually, several blocks) went dark. Something to do with a power transformer that fell onto a car just outside Howie's apartment. Personally, I think he had something to do with it, but I just can't prove it.

To put a long story short, the power came back on 1/2 hour later, I power walked to my car in 15 minutes (normally a 25 minute walk), got Helene and made it back to the Union Station. This time the place was crowded. I had SO MUCH FUN making my way back to the pool tables. The leading hand pressed against backs and touched shoulders while the trailing hand groped asses and caressed crotches (good hand!). After a couple of drinks, we went to Axis and danced for many hours, then went home.

Next weekend, we're going out on Friday. Helene has decided to play for the other team for a while so we are going to First Friday at the Wall Street Night Club. For those who don't know, First Friday is when lesbians from all over come to party. There are a few "token" gay guys there, but it is mostly for the chicks. I get to be Helene's token gay. Who knows, maybe the guys hand out in one small corner while the girls grind on the dance floor? I might actually score for once!

Well, enough of that. For those of you who read this, October 26 the Union Station is play "Rocky Horror" at 9 pm. I have every intention of being there. If you want to join me, please let me know so that I can make arrangements. Otherwise, I'll be there all by my lonesome. :( If you show up, we can do the Time Warp together!!!

Hmmm, okay, guess I should be going to bed. I doubt I'll get any sleep. I got up at 11 am, but took at 2 hour nap at 4 pm. Now I have to get up at 7 to go to OSU early and do some homework that didn't get done. UGH!

Buona notte, cari miei!