Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Now that I've reset myself

OK, now that I've reset, I think I'll be feeling better. Now, if I could only reset my life a little...

You know, now that I say that I recall a moment, when I was very young, when I thought I had reset the day. It was weird. I had lived about 1/2 the day, decided I wanted to start over because... Well, I don't remember why exactly. Then I closed my eyes real tight and woke up again that morning. And the promptly lived the same day over again, with no change.

Guess I was too young to make any changes in a life I've already lived. I think I was only 4 at the time.

I think I did it once more after that, when I was 13 or so, but that one is harder to remember. I do remember I wanted to start over and did, but it was several days. But, the details of the days were not consistent with the first set of days I had lived, so I think that must've been a dream. Not sure if it was the first set that was the dream or the second set.

Makes a good story, don't it. Well, it probably was or is a story somewhere, but when I was 4 I wasn'told enough to read books of that level. When I was 13? Who knows. I had just started reading so I "might" have read something like it. Still, that was 23 years ago.

If I could turn back time, reset my life to a previous point with full knowledge of what was going on, would I? Hell yeah! Think of all the fun I could have. Think of all the problems I could avoid! Who knows, if the math on the first one was right, (4*3+1=13), then the next time would be when I'm 40 (13*3*1=40). Or would it be +2, since it's the second time around?

Oh, well. Probably won't have the strength to do it when it comes around again. If wishes were fishes...

Well, now that I'm alert, I must go. Too much to do and not enough of me to do it.

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