Sunday, October 02, 2005

Another recovery day

Damn, I either need to stop bar hopping and dancing or I need to build up my stamina. I actually thought I behaved myself Saturday night, but I guess not. The Gallery Hop was rather boring. While there were a lot of interesting people to look at, and some of the music on the street was good, it just didn't have the same kick. Guess it was because I was ALL ALONE FUCKING AGAIN.

Well, to be honest, it was my own idea to got it alone. Some of my friends are such buzz kills (not you Helene!).

So, I parked way up on King Avenue, then weaseled my way down High St. I made my usual way through the crowds (watching the patterns they were making and oozing thru the cracks), sometimes stepping into the street to get around a traffic jam. I did stop briefly to ogle Laura's boys as they danced half nekkid in the window display of the Full Monty (right next to Havana's, if you're interested). While they were delectable, I was a queer on a mission.

Eventually, I made my way to the Union Station, my destination della sera. My idea was to get a few drinks down my gullet, play some pool, then head over to Axis to dance the night away. Just my luck, though, no one was playing pool and the bar wasn't that crowded. SO, I complimented Howie on his choice of attire (he'd pulled his t-shirt off one hot shoulder) and began drinking.

Then, Helene calls. She's on her way back from Toledo and wants to PAR-TAY!, but she has a bunch of stuff in her car and doesn't want to park in the Short North (too many weirdos around). Guess who volunteers to go get her... Before I left, though, the power went out. The whole block (actually, several blocks) went dark. Something to do with a power transformer that fell onto a car just outside Howie's apartment. Personally, I think he had something to do with it, but I just can't prove it.

To put a long story short, the power came back on 1/2 hour later, I power walked to my car in 15 minutes (normally a 25 minute walk), got Helene and made it back to the Union Station. This time the place was crowded. I had SO MUCH FUN making my way back to the pool tables. The leading hand pressed against backs and touched shoulders while the trailing hand groped asses and caressed crotches (good hand!). After a couple of drinks, we went to Axis and danced for many hours, then went home.

Next weekend, we're going out on Friday. Helene has decided to play for the other team for a while so we are going to First Friday at the Wall Street Night Club. For those who don't know, First Friday is when lesbians from all over come to party. There are a few "token" gay guys there, but it is mostly for the chicks. I get to be Helene's token gay. Who knows, maybe the guys hand out in one small corner while the girls grind on the dance floor? I might actually score for once!

Well, enough of that. For those of you who read this, October 26 the Union Station is play "Rocky Horror" at 9 pm. I have every intention of being there. If you want to join me, please let me know so that I can make arrangements. Otherwise, I'll be there all by my lonesome. :( If you show up, we can do the Time Warp together!!!

Hmmm, okay, guess I should be going to bed. I doubt I'll get any sleep. I got up at 11 am, but took at 2 hour nap at 4 pm. Now I have to get up at 7 to go to OSU early and do some homework that didn't get done. UGH!

Buona notte, cari miei!

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