Sunday, October 30, 2005

Nothing like DULL

That's my weekend in one word, and it's been kinda nice. Especially since I've been sleeping 12 hours at a crack. That's AT a crack, not IN a crack. Though I probably wouldn't have minded that.

So, Friday, after a an extended session in the darkroom to get done (sorry Helene, blew you off for the chemicals), I came home, created some dinner, hit the couch, and didna move all night. Not until bedtime, anyway, which was about 11 or so. I watched "The Amityville Horror" with the yummy Ryan Reynolds. The movie wasn't so good (not if you've seen the original) but Ryan wasn't so bad (esp. the shirtless scenes). My friend Ron and I agree on one thing about this movie. The opportunity for shirtless scenes were far greater than what there were.

Also watched "Land of the Dead". Not quite sure how I feel about that movie. It was a real gore fest. Some scenes really had my squeamish, and I usually am not like that. Still, there was a good plot there, I just don't think Romero took it to where it needed to go. Somehow, the zombies, esp Big Daddy, were the heroes. I might watch it again to see if I can find some deeper meaning, but it will be a while. Too much gore at one time does give me nightmares.

Then comes Saturday, and 12 hours of sleep. I get up, run a few errands, pamper myself a bit (not in pampers, btw), then it was off to Ron and Tim's for pizza and a movie. We watched "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants". Hmmm, about the only interesting thing in that movie was Costas, the shirtless Greek stud. Of course, it was a teen chick-flick, so whaddya expect?

Then it was off to home and 11 hours of sleep. Would've been 12, but the time change caught me off guard.

SO, no gory details about the weekend. The only excitement I had was Thursday night, and that was because Kyle got a haircut. While I'm still adjusting to his new look, he certainly looks more mature, more masculine, and certainly more yummy. Unfortunately, I'm more sure now than ever that my barslut, er barstud, er bartender is a straightboy. DMAN! I watched him interact with all the gay bartenders and waiters and saw how, uh, squeamish (?) he got when they got a little touchy feely with him. Maybe he just needs a good man to bed him???

Well, must get moving. Have another essay to post, a house to clean, and too much laundry to do.

Buon giorno, tutti!

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