Sunday, October 16, 2005

Short sweet

and to the fucking point. I'm trashed!

I met this guy tonight, named Timothy, who approached me thru Out In Columbus. He was really nice and funny. We both thought the guy in the half-toga was fucking hot and just drunk enough to do. SO MUCH FLESH AND SO LITTLE PLEASURE. Gods, even now the memory is stirring urges that were better left quiescent. Ah, to touch, to rub, to suck...

But I digress. Most important, Timothy didn't take advantage of the drunk boy (namely, me). Even thos I SO WANTED HIM TO. Kudos to you, Timothy!

Well, I'm off. It's been a long day, I'm well toasted, and I'm very tired.

Buona notte, tutti!

1 comment:

Helene said...

All about the boys, nothing about the road trip.
