Sunday, February 26, 2006

OMG, What FUN! (partito due)

OK, this is the follow up to may way too much fun week. To refresh yourself about last time, check out part one.

Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, it was 2:30 and we had just gotten up. He was hungry and wanted to take me out to eat because I had been so kind to him the night before (ain't he sweet!). So I took a quick shower, got dressed, and off we go. He didn't want to eat anywhere that he might meet someone he knew. hehehe As soon as we walk in he literally bumps into one of his (many) roommates from college. Not only that, she ends up being our waiter!

We ended up talking with her on and off for the next hour or more. When she was around they caught up on times, when we were alone we talked about ourselves. If I didn't know better I woulda swore we were on a date. I know we weren't but it kinda felt like it. Either way, we had a blast. Both of us ended up well on to our way to being drunk. I had one glass of merlot and 2 glasses of a pinot grigio (can't remember which) and he had three glasses of merlot.

In the end, Chad and Sara decided to meet at Martini for drinks. She agreed to meet us there later and we left. On and off thru the whole time we were eating, but not annoyingly so, he got and made a lot of calls trying to get a bunch of people to meet us later (yes, I was invited as well). To be there was Sarah (this one with the h, the other without) and Christy.

He got a meal called "chips on fish" that was abolutely disgusting. He sent it back and got the same thing I had, romano crusted chicken. But he didn't even eat that. All of a sudden he's full and the thought of eating is just nauseaus. Remember this little tidbit of info, it comes in handy later.

We go back to the hotel room so he can freshen up real quick. Which basically meant that he sprayed a bunch of cologne on himself. Great smelling cologne at that. When he came out, we headed over to Martini. Once we got there, we find out that it isn't open. Yet. It opened at 5 pm and it was just past 4:30 in the pm. So we wandered down the street to the Hyde Park Steakhouse. What a nice place.

We didn't think I would be seated at first. He was in a nice grey pin-striped suit, with a pink shirt and a gorgeous tie. Me, I was in jeans, a dress shirt, leather jacket, and tennis shoes. Guess it didn't matter because no one said to stay away, you street trash vermin.

So we sat at the bar and started drinking wine again. He went with the merlot and I had a white zinfandel (so not worth it). I'm still in date mode.

I know, I know, I KNOW! We weren't on a date. Like I said earlier, he wanted to show me a good time because I had been kind to him when I didn't need to. Is this like a type of rebound syndrome where everyone is cute and available and I fall for them when they say "hi"? More on this later and how things "might" work out.

Back to Hyde Park. One thing I find amazing and lovely about Chad is his personality. He tells me that he is a very insecure person. Huh? Insecure? In what way? He has no problem with walking up to complete strangers and starting a conversation by complimenting and flirting and just being a decent person. Out of the blue he started this conversation with this amazing couple, Maria and Jeff. OMG, we talked and laughed and had such a good time with them for over an hour. And he started the converstation with such ease.

If we didn't have to leave to meet his friends at Martini, we would've just stayed there chatting all evening. As it was, we didn't get down to Martini until 7 in the pm. We were over two hours late.

As we are walking up the street he's saying Happy Friday to everyone. He is very obviously drunk, but in such a nice way. Everyone was smiling and being nice to him.

We get to Martini and find that Sarah is there with one of her friends, Dusty. So we're chatting with her and Chad looks up and sees Sara sitting around the bar, eating. He goes to chat with her for a moment, then he comes back with her. Two seats open up next to me and Sara and Chad sit down. I split my time between Chad and Dusty (since I was between both of them) and included Sara and Sarah on the occassion.

Then Christy shows up and Chad gives up his chair to her. Next thing I know he's gone. I look around and see him off chatting with a group of strangers. So know I spend most of my time chatting with Christy, who is looking a little put out. After all, she drove up from Athens to see Chad and he's not even around.

So we drink and laugh and have a good time, but soon it is time to motor on. We say goodbye to Sara, Sarah, and the delectible Dusty (whom I have seen somewhere before, but canna remember where) and leave the bar.

Christy wants to take Chad back to his hotel room to clean up a bit. His teeth were turning blue and his lips were turning purple. I never realized that drinking that much merlot could change the color of your skin and teeth!

Once back in the hotel room he sees himself in the mirror and is like, "YIPES!" He brushes his teeth and lies on the bed for a moment. Next thing we know, Chad is completely out cold and lying in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Both Christy and I try to wake him up, but we weren't having much success. I've never seen someone get so drunk off 10 glasses of wine in a 7 hour period. But, remember the bit about lunch and him not eating???

Finally we roll him over until it appears he isn't going to break his back, then we leave. We decided that our night shouldn't end just because he can't hold his wine. So we head over to the Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe and have a couple of drinks. We have a few drinks and spend most of our time talking about Chad. I wanted some more information on him. We did talk about me and her for a while, but mostly it was about Chad.

When we're ready to leave, she orders some food to take over to Chad. I told her it might help wake him up. When we get back to the hotel room, we find that he has not only changed position, but has also taken off his shoes. Kudos to him! We wake him up and he eats and, shortly after the food hits his stomach, he starts feeling much better.

After he eats and uses the bathroom, everyone freshens up until they look pretty again, then we head out. We, Christy and I, had decided we're going dancing at Axis. Chad is welcome to follow along if he wants. :)

We go to Axis and they smoke and we all drink. Then we go to Havana's and we drink and talk some more. Christy and I walk up to UDF for some more cigs and then go back to get Chad. Somewhere along the line, they both decided that they needed a little more something to spend the evening with... I was thinking male prostitues (since it had been a topic sometime earlier), but they were thinking cocaine.

Uh, I don't think so. I didn't tell them this, of course. We go outside for them to smoke and who do we happen to see but my favorite piece of street trash, Danny. Danny, who knows people who knows people who sell drugs. Uh, oops. Next thing I know we've scored a gram or so and are heading back to the hotel room.

Let's just say that the coke was snorted and a good time was had by all. However, I do remember why I left that scene a long, long time ago.

After a quick beer run, we head back to the hotel room empty handed, where we spend the next few hours talking. About 5 or so, I start falling asleep. Then I hear Chad say, "David, go to bed. I'm going to the bath house for a bit and will be back later." I tried to talk him out of it, but he was determined.

I dropped trow and climbed into bed and Christy did the same. One short hour later, Chad is back with a six-pack of beer. Huh? Who did he find to sell him beer at 6 in the am???

He drinks half a beer, then he crawls into bed, between me and Christy, and we do that half cuddle thing we were doing the night/morning before.

At 10 in the am, I get up, write a note telling them where I'm going and that I'll be back soon, then head out to find where I parked my truck the night before. I sorta kinda remember it being around Martini, but I wasn't sure. 45 minutes later, I found my truck and the two parking tickets attached to it. Grrr.

I drive back and make sure they are up and leaving. We say our goodbyes and leave. Christy and Chad are going back to Athens, but Chad said he'll give me a call.

And he did. He called about an hour later. I guess he was needed someone to talk to, because he usually gets depressed after a long binge like he'd been thru (you've only gotten part of what I heard he did all week). I tried to call him today, but he didn't pick up and his voicemail was full. I'll try again in a couple of days or so.

Allora, tutti, that is all. Would I go on another three day binger again? Probably, but only if Chad was involved in it. I had so much fun with him that it borders on scary. I really find myself worrying about him and wanting to help him out, but knowing that sometimes you have to make the mistakes yourself to learn from them. Still, I wish...

Well, if wishes were fishes we'd all be living in the ocean.

I will say that I did invite him to Europe with me, but he never gave me a definite yes or no answer. I will need to get hold of him soon to get an answer one way or another. Before long there won't be any seats left on the plane and train and the hostel will be filled up.

Of course, I will always let you know what happens, so just you stay tuned!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I so enjoy reading your adventures- as Helene already alerted you.

Have fun and be safe in all you do.