Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Cloud 9

Remember my last post when I raised my glass to October and wove my magic, asking that it be eventful. It certainly has been! This guy on OutInColumbus started flirting with me again. He flirted a bit back in August, just before I started "seeing" Travis and I just let it go. Well, he started up again and we started talking. Now we've had two dates and we talk almost every night.

I'm not quite smitten with him, but DAMN. He's cute. He's funny. I smile when I think about him. We spent last Saturday night together for some serious naked fun. No "sex" as you would define it, but we explored each others bodies and had a good time doing it. I don't know which was hotter: Him playing with my erogenous zones and turning me on OR him playing with my erogenous zones and turning HIMSELF on.

The only problem I have with him, right now, is that he lives so damn far away. He resides up on the near north end, just off Henderson. Actually, he lives about 3 blocks away from the old CompuServe headquarters, where I used to work. So, him UP THERE and me DOWN HERE off Georgesville on the SW side ain't working out. That and the fact that he works day shift and I work 2d shift.

Is it weird that I want to spend so much time with him? It's been a while since my last relationship with anyone. Certainly it's been a LONG time since I had more than just 1 date with anyone.

I think this might actually work out. We have a lot of things in common and the few things we don't have in common (so far) aren't that seriously out of sync. I told him a few things about myself and that didn't scare him away. WOOT ME! er, rather WOOT HIM!

Gotta run, kittens. Work beckons and I need to get the money. It's one thing to work and get money for your dates. I'd rather not work my dates for money. If you know what I mean! :P

Friday, October 03, 2008

So I Missed September

... and it didn't bother me one bitty, bitchy bit.

Let's see, Chass came back to work and immediately started a campaign to get me fired. She failed and quit, but had one parting shot before she did. She filed allegations of "harassment" against one of our gayer managers. Obviously the harassment wasn't sexual, but it's still bogus nonetheless.

Kristin is still a fucked up bitch, but she seems to be turning her act around, in totally the wrong direction. Somehow she managed to get herself knocked up by her arrogant punk of a boyfriend. She'll probably lose this one too, if she doesn't stop the drug use.

Watching Sanctuary now, the new show on Sci-Fi. Just saw the hunk of meat, that's the hero of the story, shirtless. No "doctor" of anything I ever saw was ever that chiseled in the abs. TASTY!

Ah, but I digress. Toto is falling for me. . He's a nice guy, but SOOO not my type. On the flip side, I've taken a shining to this lil Indian boy that works as a cashier. Now, you all know that I like the tall, pale skinned, dark hair/eyed boys that only the Caucasian can cook up. However, there's something about this kid (I think he's 18ish) that has my attention.

Which brings me around to Travis. Yeah, I'm seeing him, but I just know. Even when I'm feeling it, I'm not feeling it. Yah feel me? He's a nice guy and all, but I don't see a future for us. Other than just sex, which, unfortunately, is only okay. Problem with me, I've had much better and hotter. Now he wants me to spend the night with him. I dunno. When I have a Saturday night off, I want to enjoy it all, not just a few hours then go home for some so-so sex and a boring night with the pseudo-boyfriend.

I'm seriously considering just giving him his freedom. It's the right thing to do, even if he doesn't know it.

Let's see, guess there's not much else happening. Like I said, I just breezed through September and I just don't care.

Here's to October, may it be EVENTFUL!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Goodbye my friend, goodbye my lover

Most of you who read this will probably never know why I'm grieving. You can never really understand. Hell, even though I'm the one grieving, and I know why, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Over the last 2 posts I've talked about Chris. We met for 5 minutes while I was working, so I didn't get a real chance to know him. However, there was something about the eyes that I usually fall for. There's a look in the eyes (my mother calls it the "deer in the headlights" look) that causes me to fall for someone rather fast. It's a look of innocence, even if they're the least innocent person in a 5-county radius. Chris has this look in his eyes, which makes him all the more handsome.

For whatever reason, when I found out he was interested in dating me, I allowed myself to look into myself and out toward the future to see what I could see. I saw a future that wasn't easy, but was working. The two of us, over time, fell in love. The future was nice and I allowed myself to live it for 1 night.

Now, for the whole reason I grieve. I spoke with GrannyC today. Chris is gone. Not dead, gone, and she has no idea how to get hold of him again. In just 3 minutes the words she spoke took my (potential) friend, lover, and future away.

Here's the gist of what happened. Chris was living with some friends and had paid up his share of the rent. However, his friends had not. The apartment complex where he lived has a lawyer on speed dial, who has a judge on speed dial, who will sign an ILLEGAL 24-hour eviction notice. To the Sheriff it all appears legal, even though I'm sure the State of Ohio would have a shitload to say. They had to be out of the apartment by 11 pm Tuesday night. Needless to say, by the time GrannyC got home, he was already gone.

All she knows is that one of the guys left and took the majority of Chris' stuff. Chris is moving/following the other friend to live in the Bottoms (those of you in Columbus, OH, know how bad THAT is). He told GrannyC's grandson that he would not survive the week there. He has no money, no job, no car, no real friends, and no place to live.

I empathize with him in ways that I never would have with anyone else. Two years ago I was in a similar situation. I feel so for him that I feel like I've been sucker punched a dozen times today. I want to help him so bad, but he is gone. Literally gone.

I told GrannyC that if her grandson heard from him, to give him my number anyway. Why? I may not be able to do much for him, but I can at least ensure he gets a hot meal once a week, a shower, a change of clean clothes, and a friend he can lean on when he needs it.

So, even though we never had anything: Goodbye my friend, goodbye my lover.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Boy, The Man

I finally got to talk to GrannyC yesterday. She was up visiting her aunt, which means Tay couldn't get hold of her all weekend and she had no clue. Well, at least from my perspective.

After the usual pleasantries, I said, "What rock did you dig him out from under? The guy's gorgeous!"

"Didn't I tell ya!"

"Of course, I forgot to give him my phone number. We've been trying to call you all weekend so you could give it to him..."

"I've been up in Delaware visiting my aunt..." So she tells her story. "I talked to him yesterday. He said you were nice, but that you didn't seem interested because you didn't give him your phone number." OMG! SO I hand her a piece of paper with my name and number on it. "I'll talk to him..."

Guess who obsessed on his mobile phone all day and night. HEHEHE, I'm so hopeless.

I get to see GrannyC again today, so I'll chat her up and see what he had to say. Tay and I speculated that 1) she lost my number, 2) she forgot, 3) he's really not interested but already had an out, 4) his boyfriend came back and now he's off the market, or 5) he's as nervous as I am (which is nervous as a virgin during sex).

I'm hoping for 1 or 5. Anything else is unacceptable. LOL

Wish me more luck. I'm using up whole supply on this one.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Yossi and Jagger

Not only is the music cool, evidently this video is based on a true story.

Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm Too Stupid

OK, get this. I made a deal with the girls at work. Since I'm incapable of finding a decent guy on my own, I left it up to them. If they can get me someone to date and it lasts a month and looks like it will go forward into the future, then I will take them out to dinner (the girls... well, the date, too).

In comes GrannyC. She has this "boy" that her grandsons know. According to her, he's not as tall as me, not as thin, nor as cute, but she thinks we should meet and see if something comes of it. This was on Wednesday.

Today, Friday, I'm like, "Sug, where's this lil stud puppy you wanted me to meet?"

"He ain't been here yet?"


"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. I really think you'll like him..." At this point she reiterates how he's a lot like me (physically (but not as cute) and everything else).

So, around about 4ish I'm elbow deep in dishes and Tay starts talking to this cute guy. Next thing I hear, "David!"

"Be right there...." I dry off my hands and walk over. "Hi..."

"Hi, I'm Chris."

"Hi, Chris, what can I do for you?"

"Um," he kinda looks around like, oh shit, wrong person, "Patty wanted me to stop by and say hi."

"OOOOH!" I smile and Tay leaves. "Patty never said your name." SHIZ, Patty got it ALL wrong. Sure, not as tall as me (about 1 inch shorter) and he's not as thin as me (he's very slender) and he's not as cute as me (he's a fucking HOTTIE). GODS, both Tay and I were truly drooling over this man (where da fuck did Patty get BOY from?).


"So, when do you get off?"

"Not until 11 PM."


"I'm THE closer around here. Fortunately, I've got the weekend off."

"Well, I'm here for dinner. I feel like steak."

And off he goes. Um, did anyone notice what I forgot? Go ahead, reread it all, I won't mind, I'm not going anywhere.

Fuck yeah, that's right, dumbass here forgot to give Chris his PHONE NUMBER! JEEZ!!! Somedays I'm too stupid to be allowed near potentials. Hell, my main wing chick, Tay, didn't even remind me. After I kicked myself in the ass a few times, I gave Tay the whatfor also.

Fortunately for me, Tay loves me and has Patty's phone number. So, sometime this weekend she's going to talk to Patty and give Patty my number to give to Chris. That way, if Chris is interested, he can get hold of me and we can set up a date.

Wish me luck, kittens. Wish me LUCK!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On a happier note

I made up with Travis last night. Travis is NOT the assmonkey who I dumped who thinks so much of himself. Who knows, this time may last a bit longer and we may actually get to meet each other. And lemme tell ya, there's a LOT to meat. Er, that should be meet.

Anyway, more details will follow, should they become available.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Apres July da 5h

Well, guess what happened. NIENTE!

Well, what should I expect? My friends are assmonkeys who don't give a fuck if they fucking hurt my feelings by not being there for me.

Now, I know this is 2 weeks later, but this really brings the point home. I go out with Amber tonight and what happens? From 11:30 on all I hear is bitching about how hot it is, how tired she is, how she has diarrhea (and who is the whore that ate Taco Bell earlier today?). I was looking to have a good time tonight and all I got was a fucking WHINE SESSION!

I bring her home at 1AM and I get a "I'm sorry if I made you mad..." speech. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT!!! You know what kind of fag bitch-whore I am and you do shit that you know will piss me off. DUH!

Anyone who finds out i'm going out with friends, remind me of tonight and make sure I STAY FUCKING HOME!!!

Friday, July 04, 2008

July da 5h

Ok, so this is a day early, but I have every intention of going out tomorrow and see what kind of crazy I can get in to. I've invited several people, all of whom won't show up, but who cares! On a holiday like this one, I plan on seeing Slut, er, Scott, and maybe even Keith. AND, if I bump into Ryan, well then wouldn't I be so fucking lucky!

Of course, by bump into I mean meet. I'm not THAT big ho that I want to bump into him. Yet...

So, any of you sleazers that are out there and wish to join me for a night of wicked debauchery (full clothed) meet me at 11ish at the bar Someplace Else. Or is it Somewhere Else? Shiz, I can't remember. Anyway, I'll be the cute one at the bar looking all miserable and depressed to be surrounded by happy people and me being all by myself.

UNLESS, of course, jell-o shot boy wishes to take advantage of me, then I'll be in the bathroom...

Here's to seeing me around. Cheers!

OH, almost forgot, my hero blogger (sorry Dude, couldna resist) The Ever so AMAZING Chad Fox has returned to blogging. I had almost given up on him when I decided to cruise thru da hood one more time and BOOM, there he is. Welcome back, Chad, happy blogging!

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Gods, don't you just hate it when people can't take a hint? J, from the previous post, is STILL calling me. Hello, your friends ruined this for you and you didn't seem to care what they did. NO, you get on me for sending a "rude" email. All of a sudden it's my fault that I didn't take the time to figure out why your number was no longer in service when I called.

Gah! I know at times I'm rather dense and slow, but even I know when to just stop and let it go. Like now...

So, anyway, as some of you may very well know, I do not believe in fate or destiny. I make my life happen, not some unseen force pulling the strings. So, to move things along, I re-contacted this cute guy I talked to about six months ago. I did this because I saw him on 2 different sites back to back in the same night. One of the guys I work with said it's fate and to "GO GO GO for him". LOL, if this works out, then maybe I'll start believing in fate after all.

Anyway, dude is sweet and kind and we have a few things in common. Not a lot, mind you, but enough that we can at least begin building something. Well, if he agrees to start building something and decides that he just doesn't want a quickie this weekend. Altho, I'm up for that, too.

Hrm, change of subject...

Well, nevermind, there's no new subject to change to. Just wanted to update before I forget and go off and do something stupid.

Licks to all, ragazzi!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Off to Hell I Go

Yay me! Once again I've managed to screw up yet ANOTHER relationship for just being who and what I am. While I hate to divulge the details of why, I'm going to anyway just because it's the only way I can make sense of what has happened. And, who knows, maybe you, the psychotic nut-job reading this, will be able to provide insight on what the hell I did wrong.

Disclaimer: I'm not going to use full names, just first initials. Also, I have no intention of toning down the language. So, off to see the wizard...

First off, I'm not good enough for J (the ex) according to J's friends. I'm too ugly to be with someone who has such a perfect smile and body (their words, not mine), I'm too stupid to be with someone of his towering intellect (again, their words), and, oh, by the way, I'M TOO FUCKING POOR! Because I do not have a six-figure income, it is intolerable that I should be seen with J. Only one of the friends, A, has shown even the modicum of compassion by saying, "Hand tight, dude!" The rest of them just insult me and put me down because I choose to work a blue collar job.

Then there's R, the lover/partner/friend who died in a car accident 7 years ago. I know I'll never replace R in his heart, and I'm never going to try to. I can't fight the dead. Yet I also do not expect to be compared to him all the time, too. One of the first things J told me was that I remind him of R. OK, moving on then. Now I find out that R was soft-spoken, he didn't speak to anyone rudely, even his friends liked him.

Which brings me to me. I'm not soft-spoken. I'm blunt, to the point, and very often rude. I have to be. I've been ramrodded enough in my life to know that if I don't stand up for my self, no one else will and I'll always be the asshole that gets the shaft, and not in a fun way, either.

Then there's all the decisions I've made in my life that have led me up to this point in my life. I don't consider them bad decisions (he does) but they were decisions I probably wouldn't choose again. However, that's hindsight and the past and it cannot be changed. I look at what I did as life experiences to be learned from. J asked me, "Do you think you'll ever get yourself turned around and make something of yourself?"

Yeah, so now I have to change and be a "better" man for him. Not only in personality but also in life choices and career.

Then, get this, his ex-boyfriend M has suddenly come back into his life. Now I get to hear all about M and how great M is and how wonderful it was to be with M and how he still loves M and that "M will always have a chance with me". What the mother fucking hell! Basically, it sounds as if J wants me, but only if I fundamentally change who and what I am and ONLY if M doesn't make a better offer.

Boy and girls, can we say, "BULLSHIT!"

Then there's the whole religion thing. We're two separate religions, we believe differently. He tells me that my religion is wrong, the way others act is wrong, we shouldn't talk badly about any other religion, and blah blah blah. You know, he's right. However, J, you should practice what you preach. If it's wrong for the others of my faith to do that, then shouldn't it be wrong for you also? All you have done is malign the members of my religion to me and talk bad about them and say that our faith is wrong.

Fine, we're wrong. However, not once did I talk bad about your faith or say that your belief systems were wrong. The first, only, and last discussion we had about religion went to hell in a hand basket so fast that I didn't want a repeat. I said that I didn't agree with that and all you did was try to ram down my throat how right you were and how wrong I was.

So, finally, after all the hoopla, I sent him this text message: "Your friends are correct. I'm just a white trash loser who has no right to be with you. Go and be with the perfect man for you, because with all my flaws, I'll never be what you want or need. I don't know why you thought you wanted to be with me and I should have known better and never started thinking it might work out. Amazing! I've now broken up with three guys in a row using text. I'm so FUCKING PATHETIC. Your friends will love this!"

Granted, you're only seeing one side of the whole story. We did have some great quality time together. He is a really nice guy and we probably could have had a great relationship together. However, I will NOT change FOR him. I'll change BECAUSE of him. He was attracted to me, with all my flaws, I was not initially attracted to him.

Enough, though. The past is done and I'm moving on. To save myself the heartache and to give him the out he was looking for (didn't know he was seeking), I became the lesser man. I could see the fiery, faggoty-orange writing on the wall. I've been through all this before. He hasn't.

So, guess what happens. He calls later. He didn't get my message. So I have to go through about 4 hours of bullshit until he convinces me that he is "better" than all the other guys I have dated before. HE would never treat me like they did. Against my better judgment I say, OK, prove to me you are different. We make up and I agree to call him today.

Guess what. I called that lame-assed skankoid whore 6 times in the space of 4 hours. "We're sorry, the number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this message in error, please check your number and dial again."


Actually, I'm relieved. He proved to me that I was right about him. Since I can't call him and tell him off, I sent him an email:

What the hell is wrong with you? You spent all this morning convincing me you were not like the others I have dated, that you were better than they are. Fine, I decided to allow you to convince me of that for real. Call me, you say. Fine... I called 5 damn times today only to get that annoying message stating that your number has been disconnected or is no longer in service.

WTF! What kind of bullshit games are you playing? Are you getting off on inflicting this kind of emotional turmoil and torture or people? Don't tell me to call you and then make sure your line is turned off.

Your right in one way, you are NOT like the others I have dated, you are worse. None of them ever led me on in such a manner. You have proved to me that I was right about this pending relationship. I knew it wasn't going to work and now you have justified the feelings I have had the past week.

Maybe it wasn't you and it was your friends playing "games". Actually it doesn't matter. Even if it was your so-called friends, then you have more problems than you know about. How dare they play around with your life in such a manner. If this was all them trying to keep me from contacting you, then THEY have cost you this relationship.

Now, go back to your friends, go back to M, go back to your life. Just do not EVER contact me again.

If you breeders have to go through all this bullshit just to get a relationship, it's a wonder the human race hasn't already become extinct! GAH, it can NOT be this hard, can it?

Thus ends another boring as fuck chapter in the life of the Bagelbuoy! Au revoir, mes ami!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Roads to Hell and to Heaven

You know what, I think I must be the biggest bitch in the world. Either that or I expect to much from my friends. Where to start, where to start?

Let's just say that, once again, I've forgiven those that have done wrong by me, only to be fucking kicked in the gut by these same people. Why do I even bother?

On flip side, I heard from that assmonkey fucker Travis. He "misses" me. BITCH, you're the one that ruined the whole damned relationship by making assumptions.

Now I've had to go and delete more people from lists that I thought were stable. Guess that's what I get for thinking.

As for the title of this blog... The road to hell is paved with good intentions. So also is the road to heaven. If our intentions are always good, how the fuck are we to know where we are going?

Sunday, June 08, 2008


I finally read the text messages. HE had no clue about the money. She said she had it ready for me. Explained to HIM what the money was to be used for 2 weeks ago. Explained to HER that since no one else wanted to go out with me, maybe they'd want to go out with my money. After all, it's the money that buys the booze, not me.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Final Conclusion

Okay, after the last posting and now, it' been just less than two weeks. In that amount of time I've come to the conclusion that friends are just NOT worth the flesh they're made of. To hammer that point home to those idiots that just don't seem to understand that shit stinks, I've gone through all the sites I inhabit and deleted the majority of the people that were old friends, new friends, "other" friends, and anything else you'd have listed. Out of the over 150 people i've talk to, emailed, or whatever over the past 1 1/2 years, only 3 of the bastards even realized that they were missing from my profile.

Of course they want re-added and of course, me being the high strung drama queen everyone expects me to be, told them fuck no. So then begins the "Why'd you delete me? Why'd you delete me? Why'd you delete me? Why'd you delete me?" To help them understand, I explain to them why I deleted people. On some sites, ALL people. "But why'd you delete ME?" BITCH, can any of you tell me my middle name? Do any of you KNOW my true age? What I'm looking for? What I'm attracted to? What motivates half the shit I do?

Case in point. A little bit ago I loaned the "Will & Grace" in my life some money for gas on the understanding that they would pay me back. I didn't go after the money, nor expect it back in a timely manner. I figure when I got it back, it would be whenever they were ready and could afford to pay me. A few weeks pass and I ask HIM to go out with me and have fun. Um, that would've been about 2 weeks ago. He whines about not having any money, so I say, "Well, SHE owes me that money, so we can use that money for you." He's like all YAY!, then I never heard back from him. Hence part of the debacle 2 weeks ago.

So, as I rage and write off the losers in my life, I sent them a message stating that I would gift them the money. "Friends are just fucking amazing, aren't they?" Me at my sarcastic best. So now, all of a sudden, I have text messages on my phone from them. It's either going to be, "Oh, thank you" or "You said HE could use it" or "HUH?" Neither one of them get the idea that I'm writing them out of my life for good.

To be fair, I haven't read the messages, and they be all polite and contrite and oh so very FUCKING SORRY. You know, friendship is a two way street. I've always been there for them, going out of my way to help when I didn't feel like I had an obligation to. Where were they when I needed them? I need to get out, be with friends I can understand and who can relate to me. Why couldn't ANY of them, not just HIM and HER, be there for me?

It's quite simple why. There are people in society who like to help, like to give of themselves for those around them, until it destroys them. The rest of society is just there to use and abuse the first group because they just do not have the compassion and decency to do the right thing. Not necessarily the safe thing, but the right thing.

Well, enough of this. I don't feel sorry about what I'm doing. All through my life I've reached a certain amount bullshit from people then I cut my losses and move on. I never EVER look back with regret on any of my actions. My philosophy will now be: If my friends can not take the time to be with me when I need them, then I don't need them, and they will never be my friends.

Call me an asshole, a high-strung drama queen, a fucking bitch on a tirade. You know what, I've been called worse by my friends, there's nothing my enemies or strangers can do to make me feel worse.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Gypsies, Tramps, & Thieves: FUCKING NOT

Can ya tell I'm pissed? Over a week of planning and not one of them bastards had the fucking courtesy to tell me, "Sorry, can't make it." No, it's just complete fucking silence and lies. The silence I can understand. After all, I'm the biggest bitch you'll ever know when you just fucking bail on me. IT'S THE LIES!

Did you assholes really think I was so dumb that I wouldn't find out? Well, obviously, I see how you all really think about me. Guess what. Yeah, fucking guess.

As for the rest of the night, it sucked. There were only two high points:

1) I met up with Jodie at the new Outland. Well, maybe not new, but certainly gothy and fun. Something about the mind-numbing music that just makes everything OK. Well, that and Jodie. She's such a sweet person!

2) I met Keith. On that, I say nothing else. I guess if you want or really think you need to know, I'll send you an email. Otherwise, he remains the 1 thing about that night I keep for myself.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Drag Queens, Lesbians, Straight Boys and Me II

Sorry it's been so long. I know I've been remiss in finishing this lovely story and now it's been two weeks since the fun and everything is getting hazy. On the flip side, tho, I'm taking a large group out tonight. I'll call the next one "Gypsies, Tramps, & Thieves". Simply put, it's gays, lesbos, and str8ies. LOL.

Anyway, on with the show, after an intermission for my caffeine fix:

So where did I leave off. Oh yeah, the "I'm straight!"

Of course, you shoulda seen the look on my face. So I turn and look and there is this guy sitting over there, glasses, beard, decent clothes. But very str8. Of course, here I go. I start working on him, giving him the "I know you say you're str8, but you're in gay bar and I'll convert you" routine. Yes, I know you all know what that is. Hell, I'm sure you've all worked it a few times yourself. If you haven't, you should. It's a MIND SCRAMBLE.

So I find out that he's there with this group of people. The lesbian I told the tale to, two str8 girls, and a gay man. The str8 man is the gay man's employee. They had all been at the same drag show we had.

I tease and torture him about wanting to try the dark side (for him) so he could see what it's like and all. He denies it, of course. So my final parting shot is, "You know, you should just go ahead and do your underling here. No one will ever have to know and it will be your little secret."

Then I turn to the gay man and say, "Then, whenever you want a raise, you can just go to him." Ah, double entendres, my specialty. No one got the dual meaning except the str8 man. OMG! It makes me wonder just how str8 str8ie is...

At this point they go back inside and it's all over and done with.

Amber then asks, "Are those two over there really lesbians?" I look and say, "Um, yeah. The one on the right is. The one on the left is working to become a man." That's all I'm going to say on that. I made a major faux pas and I'm not going embarrass myself further by repeating it.

As we are leaving the patio, I see the guy I sorta kinda went out with several weeks ago (see "A Friday with Bagelbuoy" at http://bagelbuoy.blogspot.com. I tell him what Amber said and I once again reiterate, "Other than the one fluke, there are no str8 men here!"

"I'm straight!"

AAARRRGGGHHH. What is this, a conspiracy to make me look stupid???

So I turn my body and... OMG, this guy is HOT, with a double capital HOT. Dark hair and eyes, pale skin, fucking nice body (dude has to work out a LOT). Tasty! I really don't remember all that I said after that. I mean, c'mon, 4 rum and cokes and 5 jell-o shots later I'm looking at the most delicious specimen of maleness I have ever seen (sorry guys).

I'll give a synopsis of what I said. I did the whole str8 guy gay bar routine. Of course he laughs (lemme melt). I finally said, "Look, just give me 5 minutes in some dark corner. After that, you can go back to your girlfriend (who is nearby, lucky dog that she is). BUT, once you have good dick, you'll never go back to chick."

"But I've already got myself a good dick," he replies in that mind-fuckingly sultry bedroom voice of his, as he looks at my crotch then his.

"Really? If it's all that good, let me have a ride on it and I'll tell ya."

LOL, dude's face went completely blank. Then there was a smile, almost like he was thinking OK, then a twinkle in his eyes, and a full belly roaring laugh. "OMG," he says. "I knew you were thinking that, but I didn't think you had the balls to say it out loud!"

Shortly after this, when it's obvious that he isn't going to do anything with this "girlfriend" around, we say goodbye. He turns back to his friends and Amber and I leave the patio. Before I do, however, I just can't help with one last parting repartee. A physical one. I place my hand on the right butt cheek, move it across to the left butt cheek, and give it a nice, firm, squeeze. He turns and looks at me with a look like, "Who the FUCK is touching me", but he smiles real broad when he sees me and it's all OK.

After we're inside and Amber and I are getting all school girlish about the hottie, she's like, "Look." I look around but don't see anything. "OMG, look at that." I look around, but still it's niente. "Over there! BUTT CHEEKS!!!" So I finally see what's she's getting all googly about. There's a dude, wearing chaps and a thong, butt cheeks flapping in the wind.

"So? You see that all the time in here!" OMG, str8 girls are sooo fun.

Anyway, I get another drink (note: now 5 rum and cokes and 5 jell-o shots and I'm still coherent!) and head to the smaller bar that I like to call the make-out spot. We sit and talk about a variety of subjects totally unrelated to the topic of the story, when she says, "There's your new boyfriend." I look where she's pointing and there he is, 2d str8ie from the smoking patio. So, we sit there, talking. Well, she's talking, I'm making grunting noises as I watch that stud and imagine all the wickedly wild things I want to do to him.

As I'm watching, tho, I see that's he's talking to a guy I know. Well, sorta kinda know. Let's just say that I've seen him around, I've seen him almost naked (fucking nice chest), but have never "known" him. He's talking to Hottie. As I'm watching, Nice Chest leans forward, Hottie leans forward, and it looks like they kiss. OH NO HE DIDN'T! As Mr. Nice Chest leaves, I race down the steps and say, "What the hell was that?" At this point, my inner diva comes out and I start playing the jealous little queen.


"You're 'not' gay and you give a kiss to the biggest manwhore in the bar? Dude!"

"I didn't kiss him."

"I was up there, I saw the whole thing!!!" I point toward Amber and she waves with that cheesy smile of hers.

"We didn't kiss. Honestly!!!"

"Uh huh!" I've got one hand on my hips and I'm waving one finger in his face. You ALL know what that is like. "You just stay right here. I'm going to keep an eye on you." I give him the once over (twice), "Two eyes, actually!"

The whole time I'm doing this he's laughing with me. He's not taking me serious and I'm not being serious. I go back up to where Amber is and sit a flounce. Then I get all schoolgirlish with her. HOWEVER, Hottie doesn't move from that position for the rest of the night. Also, somehow, he managed to keep that body of his in unrestricted view, until his girlfriend comes back.

In time, Amber is ready to leave. The big hookup is about to begin, and I try to tell her that we want to stay to see who is going home with whom, but she just doesn't care. As we are leaving, I stop and make one last play for Hottie. "How about this. You, me and girlfriend in a threesome. She can get her thing on with you, I can get my thang on with you, and you can decide which you like better. Then, you can do her up the hoohoo and I'll do you up the woowoo and everyone will be satisfied."

For a second, just a second, I see the temptation in his eyes. But then skank hugs him and starts rubbing his chest with one hand and the temptation is gone. Bitch just wouldn't play the game! Unless, of course, she knew he would like it too much...

Anyway, I say, "Fine, you can go home with her and get your groove on. But I gotta go home with this so she can get her groove on with her husband. What do I get, Mr. Left Hand?"

"Aww, I'm sorry. I'll give you a hug."

Exsqueezeme? "You so kind." He gives me a nice, long, manly man type of hug. I was SOOO tempted to start nibbling on his neck, but I was in control (barely). After about 10 seconds or so, I step back. Not him, me. I tell him how sweet and hot he is and give him a little blessing. Like I had the energy to spare for a blessing, but he was worth it.

Thus it ends. Another adventure over and recorded for posterity. I just wish I had his posterior. LOL.

A domani, when I'll have another adventure to write!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Drag Queens, Lesbians, Straight Boys and Me

Picture it, Sicily, 1908, lonely woman boards a ship bound for the US. Fast forward to 100 years later. Lonely house wife/fag hag calls her favourite homo. "Dude, Justin is going out with the boys. Let's do something. I WANNA SEE A DRAG QUEEN SHOW!" So, trusty mo gets on the net and voila! A show is found.

We get to Someplace Else (actual name of the bar) and it's dead. I mean DEAD! Where the fuck are the cute boys??? I see lesbians, older mos, a few twinks from the bad end of the gene pool, and a couple of guys who, at the best of times, might be called bar trolls, but are way past their prime. So we get few drinks (not good drinks, either) and grab a table.

Ooops, we arrived to early. Boredom. Look at the lebsian, look at the trolls, watch a couple of guys come in. The place is filling up. Oh, look, jell-o shots! Awesome!!!

Lil note on jell-o shot boy. He's twink, he's got spikey blonde hair, penciled eyebrows, tall. Totally enjoyable. On the second go around, I flirt with him a bit. I luvs to flirt! As jell-o shot boy is leaving he gives me the once over with his eyes. Once down then back up. As he meets my eyes he smiles. Niiiice.

Amber and I giggle a bit, get 3 more shots from the boy, and the show BEGINS! Wooot. It's a typical drag queen show. Men in flambouyant dresses and over done make-up. Bad lip-syncing and what you might call dancing if you were drunk and had a concussion. After a few acts, we leave.

Amber is like, "Dude, why did they put the best on first?" Sweetie, it's like this. It's a GAY BAR. You're there to drink, get drunk, and hook up. The show is a way to sweeten the mood. They put the best on first simply because by the end, you're so drunk you don't realize how bad the last one is.

So, off we go to TradeWinds. Yes, boys and girls, the hookup center of Columbus. We get there, get a drink, then I show her around. Ooops, bathroom break. Ooops, two guys by a urinal. One pissing the other helping him piss, hand on his penis and all. OK, I'm using the stall, I don't need help.

I go out, but Amber had to get a key. DUH. So as she goes in, I watch a shirtless man (thin, but defined) making out with his boyfriend. HEY, stop moving down there. That's THEM, not ME!

Amber comes out, I show her the toy/leather shop (there are a couple of items I WANT, but not that I NEED. Yet. They're sold out of the vibrating rubber penis', so I guess I'll have to wait until next time.

We go out to the smoking patio. As we sit there, I start talking to the lesbian across from me. At some point I say, "My friend and I figured out how lesbian's came into being." The blank look on her face says I've got her hooked. I move to sit next to her and say, "Here's how it goes. Back in the day, when humans where hunter gatherers, men would go out on their own. Of course, sex would happen. Men who liked to fuck men probably screwed the more manly women (can we say, bisexual) and, after a bit, the gene was there and homosexuals were created. After a bit, the ice age cometh. Then the bane of all men happened: SHRINKAGE! The cold was so intense that some men's penis' pulled back so far that they re-entered the body and became vaginas and the testicles pull and became ovaries. A few chemical alterations happened and voila: lesbians!

Then Amber says, "These men can't be gay." Uh, hello, GAY BAR. So I say, after a bit of explanation, that there aren't any str8 guys around.

"I'm straight!" WTF!

(To be continued...)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Friday with Bagelbuoy

Wanna hear about what I did Friday night? NOTE: I said what, not who!

Here we go:

So, anyway, I've come to the conclusion that alcohol and gay men are not a good mix. "Details, boyo", I hear you say. "Details!"

Let's just say that I went out on a "date" to see if me and this dude were compatible. You know, it's one of those sites where you have the option of not showing the face. He said his name was Erico, so I was thinking "Latino". Latino I can do. So, we're talking (before the date) and his voice isn't Latino and that fact that he's in dreadlocks makes it clear. Not Latino, just Ghetto. BLAH

So I meet him at one bar (named Q-Bar) and we have a drink, but that bar is boring and we move on. The next bar is Score, a gay sports bar of all things. We get our drinks, talk a bit, then see these two guys come in. Of course, we're checking out the asses (a, um, habit of mine) and we got a pic of them. LOL, it was so funny so see two guys, waving their camera phones around trying to get ass shots of these two other guys.

Now, of the two, I was focused on the tall, thin, flossy boy with a thick head of hair (a must for me). Erico was focused on the other, all like the first except shaved bald. We drool for a bit, then go out on the patio to enjoy the night air (it was in the 70s). Guess who follows us out. DELICIOUS! So, I position myself to, um, stare at my cutie. While we're talking, Erico is like, I can get their picture. LOL, riiight.

We're going to leave and I say, dude, you forgot the pic. Next thing I know he's gone after them. They're still on the patio whilst I sit at the front door. Then he comes back in with them, they pose, and BAM, I got me my picture. LOL, I wish I had the balls to do that, but I just wasn't drunk enough.

As we're leaving, Erico says, "They almost came over to talk to us. As much as we were checking them out, they were checking us out." Now, Erico ain't much to look at, unless you're into Ghetto, which I'm sure they were not. So I'm thinking they're checking me out and thinking, "What's that poor lil white boy doing with Ghetto??? Let's save and slave him!" OMG, I'm so bad.

Next stop is eXile. I haven't been there in a while, and I was right. Not someplace to hang out. We were there long enough for me to find small, dark, and studly, only for him to get away. So, Erico, me, and this guy go down the street to the Sunset bar. Um, GHETTO! We had a very overpriced, under liquored drink, then left.

Next stop, Tradewinds. Ah, a little piece of gay heaven floating just above the slime of the sewers. It's a nice place, just a bit creepy at times. So in we go, liquor up, and start browsing. Out on the patio we find out that the studly duo from Score has hiccuped their way to Tradewinds whilst we adventured. However, we only found the bald one, not my tasty lil hunk of manflesh.

So I start moving around when I bump into Scott, this guy I worked with over 10 years ago and sorta kinda had a crush on. This was before he came out, so all's good. We talked a minute, then we break off. Then I'm heading back inside and wooo, there's Scott again, with his partner of 7 years. BITCH! He comes out and finds his LTR in under a year. GAH!!!

Anyway, they're there with Trevor, who's having his birthday. SO, me being the giver that I am, I give him a b-day kiss. I thought that would be a good gift for someone I don't know. Evidently not. Next thing I know his hand is down my pants copping a feel. He did that 3 times in the course of 10 minutes. Somewhere along the line Scott disappeared, so I was entertaining Trevor (so much fun), when next thing I know SOMEONE ELSE'S hand is now down my pants. WTF! I turn around just in time to here Scott say, "Yay, I got to feel it too. Very nice, David!" LOL

So, I dance a bit, do a few jell-o shots, have fun. Then I go out to torment hot dog boy. He's a guy I know that runs a hot dog stand outside the bar. He's funny, witty, charming, and not much else. I love to torture him. Of course, as I'm doing that, I'm looking around and I see this dude walking up wearing sun glasses. I'm just looking at him, not thinking anything much, and he says, "I'm not going to tell you who I am."

WELL DUH! "I know exactly who you are, Tony. I just didn't expect to see you here." Hehehe, last time I saw him he was married and a successful realtor. I guess last time I did business with him (about 2004) he was still the above. During 2005 he came out, divorced his wife, got a nasty settlement, and has since been getting as much dick as he can. We talk for a bit as I walk to his car and, before he leaves, he says, "Here's my number, give me a call sometime and we'll have some fun."

I almost forgot how good I am at finding trouble to get into. Of course, that's not all that happened that night. I do remember what happened, but they're a little x-rated for a simple post. Let's just say that, somewhere in the night, the horny lil slut I keep locked up escaped his chains. There was this cute boy, some porn, and... :)

Um, wait. I lied. Let's just say the cute boy went away unsatisfied. No bareback with strangers, fucktard! The porn was still there, and I got off 3 times in two hours before I passed out. I really wanted to go for a record...

GODS, I shouldn't write about my adventures. Even I think I'm a slut.

A domani!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yay me! Just when I hit the darkest moments, and have plans of returning to darkness, I meet someone who is interested in me. ME, of all people. LOL!

I'm not going to say anymore about him, right now. I'm going to let things work out as they will. When we reach the point that, say, I'm showing him off to my friends, then I'll be back to yell to the world about my beautiful man.

OK, blog over. I just wanted to let people know of my excitement.

Ciao, tutti!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Yep, dumped again, and this time we didn't even meet face to fucking face. What is it with guys nowadays? I ask you, any of you! Gods, what does it take to get a date and then a 2d date? I mean, I'm all about the NSA hookups and shit, but that's getting so fucking OLD! (um, that's the hookups, not me!)

Then, of all things, the only kind of relationship I seem to be able to build is with guys that do not live near me. Toledo, Ontario, New Mexico, SCOTLAND! All this would be OK if I were still the millionaire playboy (or is it playgirl for gays?) that I thought I once was.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bad and face the world. Tomorrow, I sleep in!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Last night, I was suddenly reminded how hard saying goodbye can be. Especially when you have to say goodbye to someone you love and that person doesn't know how you feel about them. Let's examine the case of Travis and Kevin, two roommates. Travis is gay and out. Kevin says he is not.

They've lived together for 4 years and have become really good friends. Throughout all this time, Travis has repeatedly hit on Kevin. Of course, Travis' gaydar is in fine working order, so he has pegged Kevin from the very beginning. Kevin repeatedly puts him off, but does things that are, shall we say, questionable for a straight man. For instance, leaving the bathroom door wide open when he showers, leaving the bedroom door open when he masturbates, saying "not tonight" when asked if he's like a bj, or wearing just boxers around a gay man. Stuff that a "normal" heterosexual man would not do.

According to Travis, Kevin is leaving for Washington (the state) for school. Whether undergrad or post-grad, I don't know. There's already a kind of tension in the apartment. Kevin has been hanging around Travis a lot more, but Travis is just not noticing. After four of being around Kevin (btw- Kevin is very good looking), Travis is just not as interested or observant as he used to be.

SO, last night I'm talking to Travis via the net and I told him exactly what to do to find out if Kevin is gay or not. Without going into all the details, let's just jump to the end and say it worked. Yes, I'm THAT good! Kevin kisses Travis, rather nervously, and says he'll be back in a few and leaves the house.

Almost an hour passes and Kevin isn't back. Travis finally calls Kevin to make sure everything is alright. Kevin is at the airport and is leaving for WA that night. He tells Travis he is sorry for doing it this way, but Travis is pissed and not listening.

Travis goes to Kevin's bedroom and finds that it has been cleaned out. There is a note to Travis on the dresser saying that he, Kevin, is sorry. He has wanted to be with Travis, to kiss him, to have him in his bed, for years, but was afraid. It ends, "You'll always be one of my best friends. Love, Kevin."

Travis is very angry. I keep trying to tell him not to take it so personally. Kevin is scared. It took a lot of courage for him to admit that he loved you, for him to kiss you, to come to the realization that he is gay. Then, to have to say goodbye and move to another state? Not even I would have been prepared for something like that.

Hell, I'm one that is known for not saying goodbyes. If it's hard, I just vanish into the dark of the night, the light of the day, fade away with the wind. I've done it before, chances are I'll probably do it again. If I don't want to say goodbye, I am just gone. Ask my family, ask my friends. Yeah, I'm a bitch like that.

Hopefully Travis understands and forgives Kevin. Hopefully my friends forgive me (my family has). You just have to understand, "goodbye" is a word that is hard to hear, but is even harder to say. I know. In the past 3 months two of my friends moved out of state and neither one said goodbye to me. But, you know, they have to do what is right for them. I don't hold it against them

Well, this blog is getting too morose. I promise, next blog I will tell you... Um, not that. How about... NAH, too pornographic. Maybe... Well, we'll see about that one. :)

Buongiorno, ragazzi!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Phases II

Remember when what I said about phases? Well, guess what, it's MY TURN! OMG, I've seen so many hot guys lately, I can't handle it anymore. My hormone level must be skyrocketing because every other thought is purely sexual. Hell, even I find myself saying hi to guys on the net, at the stores, on the streets...

I've even gotten myself a fetish, weird as it is. For instance, I work at a deli. Cute guys from OSU, amongst other places, come in all the time to get food. I even find myself fighting the other girls to server the hot boys. I noticed the other day that, when I'm handing my meat to them, I'm doing it in such a way that our hands touch. Then I gage the body heat of each person, warmer or cooler than mine, how erotic their touch makes me feel. Last Sunday, this really cute guy dressed mostly in black, came in. I served him and handed him my meat (sounds dirty, don't it) and our hands touched and lingered. I felt this wild tingly sensation all through my body and an unexpected flush of pleasure in my groin. WHOA, SO HOT!!!

Now I find myself back on the sites, cruising the pics, looking at the profiles, talking... Yes, me, talking, holding actual conversations that go above "stats", "you're hot", "do me now"... And, to me, these guys are GORGEOUS! I've even put myself on a couple of dating sites. On one, my "perfect" match, the man who is 100% on their scale, is 26 years old and great looking. Of course, getting him to chat is hard, but I'm working on it. I hear it now, "he's too young!" I'm hear to tell you all, bite me. If this works out, you all do not have the right to judge.

But, I do have a date almost set up for Saturday. Dude wanted me to come to his place in Marion for a dinner and movie, but I said no. Sorry, there are too many freaks out there. I'm not going all the way out to Marion, a place I've only been to once, to have dinner with a guy I do not know, and take the chance that I'm not going to BE the dinner. :) I think he's OK with him coming to Columbus for dinner and a movie, my treat, but I'm not sure. But, once again, here are my friends shouting, "28 is too young!" Once again, here's my cock, bite it!

Then there's this very HOT and TASTY guy on a hookup site I frequent. I've seen his picture before, and tried to initiate a conversation, only to have him disappear. No I found him and am getting some details out of him. Damn, but he's fine. We have some things in common, but, once again, he's 28. Still, he's on a hookup site, and I might be able to get him in the sack for some David-Time. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm such a slut. BUT, remember how long it's been since I had any action? Me either, it's been that long.

SO, I decided that a night on the town is just what I need. I talk to my friend, Mr.Mark, and we're going out, hit the major spots, probably go to dancing, and pick up 2 boys for us. One for me and him and one for his sexy-hot roommate, Candice.

I'll be glad when I work through this sex phase. Of course, the only way to work through it is to actually WORK IT! How long do you need to go before you forget what you're doing? I know the motions, but that's the end part. I can't remember which parts to kiss, which get sucked, which get licked... Ooops, too much information. :)

Well, I'm off to drool over the boys, ragazzi!

Ci vediamo

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Totally Hiralrious

OK, just so ya know, I work with this woman whom I shall call GrannyC. Now, GrannyC is an extremely nice, but exceptionally horny, woman. But, as the name implies, she's somewhat older than me, in her 50s. GrannyC knows I'm gay and doesn't give a damn. Neither does it stop her from trying to get me into the sack.

For some reason, probably at my instigation (I don't recall), the conversation drifted to sex. Ah, such a loverly topic. However, were we talking about gay sex (of which I am a master)? No. Were we talking about breeder sex, of which I've seen on cheesey porn and read about? No. We're talking about lesbian sex! GAH, like any of us there have a clue.

GrannyC just couldn't understand what lesbians do for sex. I just said they have their mouths, teeth, fingers, and ever present toys. She laughed and asked, "Really?"

"You got your dildo, if one just wants to give her partner something whilst they make out. Then hey have strap-ons, which can be used if one wants to hump the other. Then they have two-way strap-ons, which is used if they want to hump each other. Then, of course, some of them vibrate."

OMG, everyone laughed their collected asses off. Then I said, "For us gay boys, when both of us want to bottom, we have our own two ways." At the blanks looks, I continued, "It's a rod with a penis type thing on both ends. First, insert one end into the first guy, then other lines himself up and backs onto the other end. If necessary, flip the switch for the vibrator and enjoy."

Geez, I need a boy. Better yet, I need a vibrator. Never heard of a boy with a vibrating penis, have you? If you have, lemme know. Hell, I'll even pay for... Nah!

Well, GrannyC and the other ladies were rolling. The only way things coulda been funnier is if I had an orgasm from laughter.

Then, GrannyC says, "Well, hell, if they use a strap-on, why don't they get themselves a man and use the real thing."

Ah, gay boy to the rescue. "It's like this, except in reverse. I want a hole to stick my rod in (or have someone's rod in my hole, whatev). While your hole might do (pointing to GrannyC) I don't want what goes with it: soft skin, curves, breasts, and all that shyt that makes you a woman. I want hair, muscles, coarse skin, the musky scent of his sweat, the feel of his beard on me as he nibbles my..." Ok, you get the picture.

I think I satisfied the ladies on what lesbians do in the sack, and I satisfied my funny bone (I said bone, he he he). Now, if I could just get a man/boi to date me, I could have real stories to tell them of what happened the night before. Mmmm, the stories I could tell. Wait, I've already told them!

Ciao ragazzi, sweet dreams.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


OK, I know I've been away, but this gay boy has been trying to date again. Unfortunately, I keep failing. It's either I do NOT get the date, the date doesn't show up, or there is no 2d date. Tell me, people, am I so fucking ugly that guys think I'm some kind of troll just looking for sex? I mean, not that sex wouldn't be bad, but I am trying to date guys my age (against my own judgment).

Speaking of sex, I either need to get more or start jacking off more frequently. I'm going to be honest and very frank about this (not like I never have been in the past). I was watching this particularly tasty piece of internet porn this morning. The usual happened: clothes off, masturbation, etc. When the orgasm hit, WOW! I haven't felt that good since... Well I don't know when. Totally intense.

But, I digress.

As I was saying, I'm trying to date. I use various online sites since I have few friends to help me and I don't hit the bars/clubs like I used to. Not because I'm getting old, but because cash flow is limited. Anyhoo, I go through weeks of nothing then BAM, I feel like I'm the hottest stud on the net. I got guys of all ages, races, builds, lengths, ecc. after me. I really wish I was the whore I make myself out to be, because I would have no lack of booty calls.

Then again, I was painfully reminded of what being a whore can do to you. A friend of mine, whom no one knows, told me the other day that he tested HIV+ in early January. Not only could he not tell me how long he'd been positive, he had no clue who infected him. C'mon, people! Unsafe sex is like Russian Roulette! While the percentage of gay men who have HIV is significantly lower that the number who don't, do you really want to take that chance? All it takes is 1 out of 100 and you've gotten a life sentence that can NOT receive parole!

Again, I digress.

I have talked to sever men online, flirted with them, traded the pics, ecc. I finally asked one of them out on a coffee date. Of course, he doesn't live in the area, so the next time he comes to Columbus, with enough notice, we'll meet. He thinks I'm good looking, and I know for a fact that he is. 'Scuse me whilst I wipe away the drool. Anyway, I hope it's soon and I hope it works out. Not that there's anything wrong with being single, but I just miss the feel of a warm body at night, someone to talk to, to care about, and who is NOT family. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, RatBoy most of all, but...

SO, I'm back, I'm blogging, and I'm feeling especially randy. Don't be surprised if new blogs of the most tasty nature begin to appear. If they don't, that just means I'm busy trying to get stuff that'll drive you mad! LMAO

Anyway, here's another test thingy i did:

dream boyfriend

Take the quiz:
What will your dream boyfriend be like?

Your dream boyfriend will be a surfer. He'll be tanned, toned and laid back. This outdoorsy type is free spirited and lets it all hang out. His passion for surfing keeps him in perfect shape for riding the waves, or riding you!
Quiz by JustGuys.net - Find Hot Guys. Take the quiz

OK, considering the types of guy I tend to fall for, this picture says it ALL!