Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fun Times


Well, last night was a trip and a half. I have had a good/bad week. Enough so that the level of frustration I was carrying was crazy. So I knew, that if I went out, I'd be on a MAJOR drunk. I had a plan, and the plan was fun.

As soon as I arrive at the bar, I hand my keys over to Mark, order my drinks, and just get started.

NOTE: Normally I protect the innocent, but last night there were no innocents. Ergo, all names are real.

As Mark is making the drinks, I'm tormenting Candace and I see this guy walk in. I'm like, I know that lovely piece of flesh, not as well as I'd like, but I still know him. I ask Candace, "Is that Neil?" She's like, "Yeah." So I start to wave at him like a fool and, after a few seconds of blank looks, he gets this really goofy grin and comes over.

Just so you know, Neil is a pretty little straight boy who loves to hang out at gay bars. But, he lets me hit on me, smell him, touch him, feel him up (to a certain point). I love Neil because he is so cool. Now, Neil has a girlfriend that no one, but Candace and Neil, has ever seen. We pretty much believe that he's really a closet case and he uses the "girlfriend" story to get the boys at bay.

Now that you know that, Neil tells me that the girlfriend is supposed to be there, but she hasn't shown up yet and he can't get hold of her. Yeah, right...

We're talking with Candace and just generally goofing around. For some reason, Candace mentions that she's Neil's bodyguard. Then the logic centers of my brain go haywire and I'm like, "Well, I belong to Candace tonight. So, if she's you're bodyguard then so am I. She'll watch your front and I'll have your back." Meaning, she'll take care of the front and I'll DO his back end.

His reaction was so funny! He's like NO NO NO NO. I was laughing so hard tears were forming.

Anyway, there we are, happily getting drunk(er) and we're just going along and in comes Tom. Well, Tom and I hit it off fairly well at Mark's birthday party about a month before, but, well, for whatever reason he never responded to me at all, so fuck him. He stayed away for a while, but eventually came and sat beside me and Neil, but I ignored him, so all was good.

Anyhoo, as we're getting drunker, I bring up a subject that I have heard before, but never really understood. I have been told that a top needs to fuck an ass the same way a straight boy fucks a pussy. I have my new straight boyfriend here beside me, who's had more experience with pussy than me (meaning, he's had sex with a girl at least 1 time). So I ask, "How do you fuck a pussy?"

LOL, the look on his face was rather dumbfounded. I urge him on and he finally says, "Well first you kiss her..." DUMBASS!

"Dude, I'm the master of foreplay. Ask any guy I've been with. Skip that part and get to the fucking part."


"Dude. Once you get yourself hard and you're ready, to you just slam it in and go, do you ease it in, go fast, go slow, move in circles, WHAT?"

"Well, it really depends. When you're ready, you line yourself up with her help (more fun that way) and then, depending on how tight she is... Well you basically let her tell you... Hi baby!"

I turn and look and there is the girlfriend! DAMMIT!!! So, basically, I never did find out how to fuck a pussy. BUT, his girlfriend is real. Her name's Selena and she's is so totally cool. Shit, all those fantasies of Neil just went down the drain.

I'm still tormenting him, tho, and he says that she'll beat the shit out of me if I don't stop. HEHEHEHE. I go talk to her and ask, "So, if I keep hitting on him and feeling him up, are you going to hurt me?"

"Fuck no, he can take care of himself!" Sweet! I'm going to leave Neil for a bit. Let's just say that, in the course of the night, I got to feel his ass, his dick, the lovely hair on his chest, and I got a full on, tongue wrestling kiss! FUCK YEAH! I think I might have caught that dreaded str8 gene, tho, but it was worth it. I even arm wrestled Selena. It was a draw. I'm totally weak and she works out a lot. Hmmm.

During the course of the evening Jeff shows up. He's the dude from last weekend. He is so nice, so cute, and he thinks the same of me. We had a heart to heart. I know he's not in a relationship with anyone, so I asked if he wanted to go out on a date, dinner and a movie type of shit. I think I touched his heart, because his eyes kinda melted.

We're not, not now, anyway. He wants to get his shit together. He likes me too much to have to deal with some of the crap that's going on in his life. I offered to help him, but he wants to do this on his own. Basically, it's a thing of, when he's ready he will let me know.

We still had a good time. I was trying to write him a poem, but my creatively failed me. Basically, I gave him crap. Right now I'm trying to create a poem that will knock his pants (and underwear) off. I have a few lines, but it's not ready. I'm going to write him a letter (a real letter, not an email) and give it to him next weekend. Poem included.

Well, when the lights flashed on, I kissed Jeff goodnight, hugged Neil and Selena, then waited for Mark and Candace to clean up. We head back to their place and there the night ended.

All in all, it's good. Jeff and I may start seeing each other at some point. I made a new friend with Selena, and I think Neil has a crush on me! LOL

A domani, ragazzi!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not a good post

Ok, so. Allora, I think I made a major mistake. This dude I've been talking to thru email, he lives out west, I was just joking around. I started teasing him about his "locked" pictures and videos. Y'know, telling him he was a bad, bad boy. I even told him that I didn't want to see them. I mean, yeah, I'm still a guy who loves the naked flesh, but I was in a teasing mood that night. I told him to keep them locked.

He wrote back and said, well, it sounded like I wanted to see them, but since I didn't have any posted... I thought about it for a while and finally wrote back. I told him that I am doing what a friend once told me, back when I first came out. He said, "You will have friends and you will have lovers. You will need to understand the distinction between the two and keep them separate."

Sorry, minor distraction. Tom Welling, on Smallville, just ripped off his shirt and WOW! Damn that man is HOT. But, I digress.

While I think it would be awesome to have him as a lover, it's not feasible when he lives so far away. C'mon, the chances of us ever meeting are slim to nil. I told him that I'd rather have him as a friend. Which means that, while I love to see his flesh, it's an option I'm not allowing myself. However, if the nature of our relationship should ever change, then, of course, how I think of him would change, and seeing his flesh would allowable (and hot, this guy is so fucking handsome).

Did I err? Should I have never teased him? Should I have never considered him a friend in the making? I know that I shouldn't consider him more, we've only been talking a few weeks. And he's also a 3 day car trip, or a 4 hour plane trip, away. I'm not quite made of money (gold, not money) so constant trips out west is out of the question.

Not that he'd ever be interested in ME that way. Very few are.

Alas, once again my strength fails me, and I cannot see the road that I should take. I think it is time to ride the wave and see what Fate has in store for me. After all, a man does what he can until his Destiny is revealed to him.

Gay men have the best of both worlds. We have the physical strength and beauty of men, and also the mental fortitude of women. But we also have the worst. Our emotions play more havoc with us than with either straight men or women.

Tutti, I need to rest, but even the sleep of a thousand years will never be enough.

Until tomorrow, when I go out and go nuts at the Exile. I need to talk to studly from last weekend. Mmmm, the very thought of him...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tacky (previous post)

Yeah, yeah, I know. I shouldn't whore myself around like that. But, babies, if they're willing to pay that much for me, who am I to say no?

So, speaking of tacky. Well, not tacky so much as flattering. I've been talking to these guys out there. You know, the ones that have the HOTS for me and live 8 hours to 3 days away (by car) or 15 hours by plane. Well, they want to see me. ALL of me. Now, I'm all up for nude pics and such, but my dilemma is, should I lose the x-tra weight first (only about 30 lbs, a total of 3 months) which would put me at 175, or should I just go all out and show everyone as I am now, not as I was when I was 24? After all, I got to see a lot of them online, and I mean a LOT. But these guys look GOOD. Me, not so much.

Hmmm, less than 1 month before my birthday. I have this need for a big blow out. Major drunk surrounded by a lot of naked guys, gyrating on the dance floor. Wait, sorry, that was last night's wet dream! LOL

But, yeah, I'm feeling the need for a major victory party in my fight against growing old. My plans are to go to the Exile with some of my nearest and dearest (and the not so near and dear). Three plans for action: 1)I go home with my friend Mark & Candace to sleep it off, 2) I go home with a hottie to sweat it off, or 3) go home with my friends and torment the drunks on the gay sites.

1 is most likely because Mark & Candace bartend that night and they are good friends. 2 is possible, as long as Mark beats off the creeps and bartrolls with his big stick, er, a big stick (Candace has a bigger stick, so she can beat them off too). 3 will happen only if str8BF and JohnnyRetared come by to play and stay the evening. I prefer 2, but, like I said, 1 is most likely. 3 would be fun, I hear enough alcohol might turn str8BF into gayBF. LOL

Can you tell I'm in a crazy mood. I must be getting sick. Or maybe it's from sleeping naked too much. My friend FocusLarry and I have this theory that the more one sleeps naked, the more crazy you and your life get. While I'm not sure how sound that theory is, I do love to sleep naked (usually by myself, but not always). Something about the feel of my flesh against the sheets that is so erotic/sensual.

Too much detail?

Well, babies, I think I have a migraine coming on. I feel my senses going nuts. How the hell should I be able to feel light and sound? Light shouldn't be all colored daggers and sound isn't so strong as to be felt in the bones.

Arrivederci, ragazzi!

For Sale, 1 Human

I am worth $2,491,942 on
How much are you worth?

Monday, September 24, 2007

"Something has changed within me...

Something is not the same."

For life of me I don't know what it is. But, I have noticed that people have been more, er, aware of me. In the past month I've made a lot of cool new friends: sexybeast, str8BF, JohnnyRetarded, and so many more.

Even better, oh so many men have found me attractive. Mmmmm. A lot of them aren't even meeting me in person. They meet me online, they think i'm funny, cute, intriguing, and wish I were closer to where they live (they all live at least 8 hours to 2 days travel away).

So, what has changed? I dunno. Some of it might be me, but a lot of it cannot be transmitted across the net. Well, not the internet.

"Too late for second-guessing, too late to go back to sleep."

What to do, what to do. I think I should do nothing. I like whatever has happened. This may be a start of something wonderful.

"Too long I've been afraid of, losing love I guess I've lost"

Ragazzi, I am content and in my contentment I will remake me into something better. Something, unique. Something that will expand beyond the horizon of all your experiences.

Welcome to my heaven. Just don't get between me and the stud across the dance floor.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


So, take last night, put in some dancing at Outland, and you have the details of tonight. Except, I actually got some sleep before the sex (same guy), but... Too much detail. Well, I have nothing else to add in, so don't expect anything. Just be glad I told you anything at all.

Sono stanchissimo, ragazzi. buona notte!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The night before

Okie dokie, here we gokie.

Allora, a few days I got a memo from JohnnyRetarded asking for his peeps to show up when he does Karaoke. I guess the past few times it has been rather dead at the bar and he wanted us lovelies to keep him company. So I told him I'd be there, but he had to have someone for me to make out with. After all, it has been a long dry spell. If he didn't have someone, then I was going to bring a bunch of flaming fags in feather boas to tear the place down.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Before I went to Karaoke, I went to the Exile to torment Mark. I haven't seen him in a while and just wanted to spread the love. I get there, we do a shot, I have a drink, and just generally hang out and chill. About 10 or so, I head out and go to Karaoke.

Guess what. I get there and the place is jam packed. It was hard to find a place to sit, let alone find JohnnyRetarded. So I get a drink, browse the book for a song to do (9 to 5, I was in Dolly mode), then found a seat. I chatted with this really neat lady, sang my song, then looked around to see if I could find my guy. When I checked with JohnnyRetarded, he said he didn't have anyone for me, but please bring on the fags. The place needed shaken up a bit.

So, I got another drink and signed up for another song (Rocky Top, my favorite karaoke song). As I was chatting with the lovely lady, we decided that the guy wearing the 32 jersey was the guy for me. He was cute. Very cute. With really sexy legs. As I was doing my song, she talked to him, but he said he isn't into guys, but we think he's just in denial. Still, very lovely.

So, after my song, I said goodbye and headed back to the Exile. I get back, get a shot with Mark, get another drink, then start chatting up Candace. I love Candace, she's so cool!

After waxing a little poetic, I wrote Candace a poem:


In between the darkness and the light
We strive to avoid hypocrisy's site
Searching, Yearning, Falling, Loving
We seek to climb a majestical height.

In the end we find it's a lie
And the time we had was by and bye
Searching, Finding, Losing, Lying
In the time when all gods die


She really liked it. Of course, the best poem I ever wrote I gave to Mark. Guess what the bitch won't let me copy it! Eh, it's all good. I wrote it for him, so he gets to keep it.

Anyway, after the poetic moment, I notice that this really cute guy keeps checking me out. Of course, every time I look at him, he looks away, so I'm not sure if I'm seeing anything or not. I finally managed to whip my head around when he was checking me out and we made eye contact.

When he smiled at me, I'm like, "Oh, HELL YEAH!" So I jump down a seat and introduce myself. We start talking, watching the vids, and having a good time. Ever seen the video for "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy? It's AWESOME! I had the vj play it and I almost lost it I was laughing so hard.

Then, I remembered what one of my friends once said, "It's great to flirt, but you need to let him know HOW interested you are. MAKE BODY CONTACT." So I did. I touched his leg and arm, leaned against him, ecc, and he was doing the same to me. Before long, we were making out on the bar stools. After a bit of serious tongue wrestling, we decide to take it elsewhere. His place was nearby.

He was hot, I was sweating, and we were good! Enuf said.

Since he had to leave in the morning, I bid him good night, thanked him profusely, and headed back to the bar. Very well satisfied. Man, he was exactly what I needed. Hopefully we'll meet again.

Back at the bar, I'm basking in my afterglow and making more friends. When the lights came back on and everyone went ugly (LOL), I bid everyone good night and headed home. I spent a bit of time tormenting the drunk and horny on (probably shouldn't because one of the guys that wanted me was SUPER HOT). When I was bored with that, I sent out a few drunk emails (recipients need to let me know, because I forgot who I emailed) and hit the sack.

Even now, I'm still glowing a bit. Glad to know I still got it. Just need to flaunt it a bit more, I guess.

SO, I've been asked to Outland tonight, but I don't know if I'm up to that. Will probably just stay home and chill.

Until next time, kittens, I bid you all a fond adieu.


Okay, kittens. I know I like to post everything, but I'm so damn tired that I need to go to fucking bed. Let's just say that David is one satisfied puppy. I am so glad I went out last night (er, tonight, since i'm not asleep yet).

With any luck, this undersexed gay boy will get some more action from young, hot, and soooo sweet in the near future. Details of the night to follow, but not of the action. Sorry, but this lady never fucks and tells! LOL

A domani

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And Faith is Restored

Adequate title, if nothing else. The guy that I was whining about 2 posts ago replied. AH, my faith in men is better. He even gave me his name (which I will NOT divulge here). Let's just say that the name, in and of itself, brings to me a sense of comfort. I don't know why. I'm just going to revel in it, so bugger off.

Now, if he weren't so much younger than me. I mean, c'mon, I'm over 300 and he's barely 28.

And, on matters of faith, something I read earlier in a blog (I will be writing the author on this, too). Typically, in Judeo-Christian religions, we tend to blame Eve for bringing sin into the world. I beg to differ. Please, follow my reasoning a bit:

When Adam was created, he spent an unknown time in the Garden of Eden. How long? We have no idea. It could have been anywhere from 1 year, to 4,000 years, or longer. He was in the Garden long enough to name all the animals that God had created.

On the other hand, Eve was in the Garden a much shorter time than Adam. Again, there is not idea how long. My guess is less than a year. I mean, she was created as a partner to Adam and to become mother to humanity. Which means, to put in bluntly, she was a baby factory. She would have become pregnant very quickly.

So, we have two people: 1 immeasurably old and the other extremely young. The serpent went after the most inexperienced, Eve. Eve was deceived, totally and completely. Adam was not. He had been alive and had a very personal relationship with his creator. His faith was secure and he loved his God. Eve, being younger, had a more immature faith.

Therefore, sin entered the world through Adam and NOT Eve.

I have heard it theorized in certain circles that if Adam had remained steadfast, had not eaten the fruit that Eve offered him, he could have gone to God and asked for forgiveness for Eve. It might have been allowable because, once again, she was deceived and he was not. If that had happened, the world would be a very different place today.

You can now return to your regularly scheduled life! I won't be so serious, next time!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Woot!!! I'm all about going to hell. After all, that's where the sinners are. I figure the parties down there are a lot like the raves (I used to go to) and the clubs (I still go to). Hot sweaty bodies, grinding on the floor, guys looking for ever reason to cop a feel and get it on.

Of course, I can't go to a hell I don't believe in. So, what's the point of telling me I'm bad and I am going to hell? Hell is a dogma that the religions created to keep people in line and make them do what they, the religious leaders, want. If my belief system tells me that hell doesn't exist, then guess what, my belief wins out over yours. I'm not going to change myself just because you want me to. I'm not going to change just to make you feel fucking superior.

I'm gay, get over it. I've never, EVER, professed to be anything else.

Why this rant? It's simple. I'm turning into a MySpace junkie. Can't help it, it's too much fun. So, I just got a friend request and I'm like, uh, ok. So I'm checking out their site and thinking, she seems interesting. Then, I see this 1 line: "Practicing homosexuality and taking the life of an unborn child is also bad - perversion and murder." Um, I'm against abortion too, but everyone has the right to live their own lives and make their own decisions. As for the other part, uh, HELLO. DID YOU EVEN TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK AT MY SITE? Bitch, it's says right there under orientation: GAY.

Look, I don't get on your ass because you're some breeder chick. Just because I'm attracted to guys does NOT make me a bad person. POINT OF FUCKING FACT, I've known more straight people who've lived worse lives than I ever dreamed of. Clean up your own life, the lives of your family, and then the lives of the people in your religion. Then, AND ONLY THEN, can you come to me with your superior attitude.

God (whichever one you worship) gave us free will for a reason. If He's not going to jump in and say "That's wrong, wrong, very wrong," you can't do it either. He gave us the guidelines to live by, but let us choose whether or not to follow those guidelines. Unless you say you know more than HIM, in which case you're now a blasphemer and you're in His bad graces.

Except for being gay (which I believe was out of my control) I believe I've done very well.

Welcome to my hell, babies! Just don't get between and the hottie across the dance floor!

(I promise, the next post will be much more calm and sedate)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Men are such bitches

LOL, I loved it when Sharon Osbourne said that on Will & Grace, but it's appropriate. I've been emailing this cute guy online (he lives in NM, but used to live here in Columbus). Things were going well, we were laughing, having a good time (as much as you can thru email and shit), so I finally said, "BTW - My name's David."

Nothing. Nada. NIENTE! WTF? I thought just introducing myself would be rather appropriate at this point. It's not like I said, "Let's fuck when you come back" or any shyt like that. I thought I was being rather discreet (rather unusual, but not unheard of for me).

So, anyway, back on this kick about songs. I love "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's. While I love the whole song, these two verses touch me every time:

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This ones for you

I seriously need to get out of this hopeless romantic phase I'm in. I mean, c'mon, I'm seriously starting to consider signing up for or or another one of them thar sites. BLAH!

Hey there, my friends, you know me and... Well, by the gods, you really don't know what I'm attracted to, do you. Well, never mind, then. LOL. Of course, you could track down my profiles and see them. I think I'm more truthful to some websites than I am to you about my relationships.

Well, tutti, I'm off for a bit. I have 3 more sites to go to and at least 1 email to write. Hopefully dude isn't freaked out by me. Yet.

Buona notte, ragazzi!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Outland: Not Just Another Freak Fest

LOL, sorry. I always wanted to say that about something. It's been an extremely long time since I was at a Goth bar, so I just had to say it. Once upon a time, I was one of the freaks. I was again, last night, but only because I was SOOOO wearing the wrong clothes. Beh, it's all good!

So, anyway, it all started out with str8BF and sexybeast wanting me to go out with them on Saturday. So, I'm like, sure. But, as Saturday wore on, I was getting jitters. I don't mind starting the night by myself, but I HATE going to new places all alone. And, since I'd never been to Outland before, it was becoming a creep sensation.

So I texted my friends, Amber and Jeremy, and asked if they were going out and if they would go with. So, Amber calls her bro, Little Stevie Wonder, and JohnnyRetarded (he asked that I use this name, so don't say it!). Once Little Stevie showed up, we head up to JohnnyRetarded's. TattooBoy, JohnnyRetarded's ungay wife/husband/roommate, was going to go with us, but he ate some really rotten sauerkraut and there was a green miasma floating around, so he decided to stay home.

We had a little fight about where we were going first, and it ended up that Amber wanted to go where the beautiful people play, meaning Union Station. We were there a few weeks ago and there were a LOT of HOT people running around. Last night, eh, not so much. I found a really cute guy, almost pretty, but everyone else was like, nah. (str8 bitches)

Then JohnnyRetarded called str8BF and found that he was at Outland and where the HELL was I? LOL So I said we'd be on our way, but only JohnnyRetarded and Amber thought it was OK, Little Stevie and Jeremy were like, MACS! Personally, I think they should have gone to MACS while the rest of us had fun, but I'm jumping ahead.

So, ANYWAY, we went to Outland and I got frisked by Grim, the first hottie I'd seen that night (sorry JohnnyRetarded). It was cool. He just didn't let his hands linger in any of the right places. Still, to be frisked by a hot guy is always fun.

Then, we go in. Hmmm, kinda disappointing. Not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't as Goth as I'd hoped. Still, the music was good, the clientèle was dark, and the vids were cool. On one screen I was watching "Titan A.E." (one of my faves, I cry every time I see the Earth destroyed by the Dre) and the other was "History of the World, Pt 1" by Mel Brooks.

So, I bought some drinks, drank them, found str8BF and drank his, flirted with a really drunk chick, talked to her bf (she had 4 more before she left), and had fun.

(Side track. Watching Smallville and Cyborg told Aquaman to put his shirt on. Aquaman said the response was "I swim faster when I'm naked. Be glad I still have my pants on." Then Aquaman puts his shirt on. DAMMIT! I wanted the naked part because that boy is FINE!)

Amber told me that Jeremy was getting pissed with me and my jokes. She said he just wasn't getting them and probably should lay off. Little Stevie Wonder was just being a prick. Sitting around, glaring, pissy. He puts most queens to shame. Bugger them.

Then, highlight of my evening, in comes sexybeast! WOOT! I love her, she is so HOT and fun to be around. We danced and had a good time.

Before I knew it, JohnnyRetarded comes up and is like, they're leaving, you ready? Hell no. So, he's like, gimme a sec. Then he comes back. He talked to my str8BF, who lives near me, and I have a ride home. So the unhappy ones left and the rest of us had more fun.

I even was teaching JohnnyRetarded how to dance. When he dances, he's all OVER the place. I tried to get him to understand, dance in a 2 foot box around yourself. Move your body to the beat, but stay in that box. Smile at the girls you bump in to or who bump into you. Always apologize to the guys, unless you find them cute (he was not amused by that). But, then I got a little carried away and some cute girls had to tell me to reign it in. :)

Then, JohnnyRetarded is like, you hook me up and I'll get you any guy you want. Even RedRippedShirt (who I had been eying since we got there). Then he starts picking out girls and I'm like: married, married, bf, bf, lesbian. There weren't many single available chicks there for him. The one girl he picked out was, um, hmmm, not sure (at the time). I just said, she's not for you, but I can't say why. Something about the way she was standing there. Anyway, he said later that she was tongue wrestling another chick.

So I talked up sexybeast, hit on few guys, got one to dance for me (he was really good), met RandyRazor (I think that was his name), who kissed my hand. He was sooo cute. Trying to track him down, but he's being elusive. Then, we left.

Before they took me home, we decided to hit the Steak N Shake for a meal. Straight boys, they're so FUNNY. Both of them are still in their 20s, so they're just young pups. But both of them are afraid to hit double digits on the number of women they've slept with. I'm like, uh, double? Man, been there done that. At least i'm nowhere near the triple digits. yet.

Ragazzi, so ends another night. Kinda on the bland side, but... Guess I'm really going to have to hunt down my Goth shit, again. Actually, I'm going to need to scavenge more. What I used to have just wouldn't fit. I mean, c'mon, that was 50 pounds ago!

Friday, September 14, 2007

One Night at Skully's

I know, it's been a LONG time since I last posted one of my wild nights on the city. So sit back, sip some wine, and enjoy!


So, my str8 boyfriend, Nate, posted a little thing that he was going out after work and wanted people to join him. He wanted to go to 80s Ladies night at Skully's and said to be there, or just stay home and suck. Well, I can stay home, and I certainly know how to suck (never had any complaints), but it's rather hard to stay at home and suck by yourself. So, off I go.

I tried to get hold of him to find out when he was going to be there, but he'd signed off and that was the end of that. So, it was a case of the blonde (Nate) leading the blinde (me).

Now, it's been a long time since I've been up around Skully's. I thought it was somewhere between Starr and 4th, so I park in my usual haunt and start walking. The wrong direction. SO, I turn around and head the other direction. Um, the bar I thought, for some dumbass reason, was Skully's was really the Surly Girl. Hmmm, keep walking. Ah, there it is, on the wrong side of the street!

So I cross the street, stop traffic, make a scene, and make it in one piece. I get to the door and this totally cute guy goes, "Got your ID." Oh you sweet, sweet boy, lemme kiss you right now! Then he's like, "It's ladies night, that'll be four bucks for you." UM, hello, this fag didn't come for the girls and the inner bitch in me is coming out!!! So, I pay my four bucks and get in, only to find Nate's not there yet.

I buy a drink, sit down, watch this pretty girl dancing on stage all by her lonesome. I almost went up to dance with, but I'm like, uh, I'm not here to dance with girls. So, I finish my drink and waddle down to the Union.

That place was packed, and it was SOOOO much fun getting from the door to the bar. Kyle was working, so I waved him down and he bypassed everyone else in line and made me my drink. Lemme tell ya, that stud makes the best long islands i have EVER had, bar none.

I sat on the patio for a while, but it was dull, all the action was inside. When I finished my drink, I went in, flirted with Kyle (again), got another, and sat at the bar. After a few minutes, I asked the lesbian chicks beside me for the time, found out it was 10:30, and decided to give Nate 1 more chance. I drank down my drink in 3 seconds (not recommended) and headed up the street.

Lucky me, as I got there he was trying to weasel in the door. So I follow him in, get a drink, get introduced to his friends, and a good time was had by all.

Of course, a good time isn't all that happened!

Somewhere along the line these two sexybeasts (their term, not mine) appeared at the table. I started talking to one of them, Jodie, and off we went. It was ALL about the guys! :O

Then we started counting off all the gay guys at the bar and who I thought I might have a chance with. She said I could have anyone there. She is sooo sweet. Of course, one guy kept totally checking me out (and he was so cute). I shoulda gone over to say hi, but I was with my new sexybeast and, well, if he really wanted me, all he had to do was come over. I certainly put out enough signals. I think he was intimidated by sexybeast.

Next thing I know, she's talking to Nate and trying to get him to make out with me. She said that if Nate made out with me for 10 secs, she would make out with her friend for 5 minutes. I could see the wheels spinning in his mind, but I told him no. I could tell how uncomfortable it was for him. Str8 boys, gotta luv them. Wanna luv them. ;p

Somewhere along the line, another girl shows up with her gay bf. I find out it's her birthday, so I give her a kiss, ON THE LIPS. OMG. Well, it was a quicky so no big deal, right. Then, she's like, gimme another. So, I kiss her again. She's like, "You're a really good kisser. Much better than HIM," she said, pointing to her gay boytoy. Ah, ain't she sweet too!

As the evening is wrapping up, me and sexybeast and Nate are talking. Next thing I know here comes the flower lady. So, me and her bought Nate a white rose. He gave me a peck on the cheek for it. LOL

Sexybeast so loved me, her new gay bf, that Thursday is now going to be a common date. Even better, she thought I was 31. Everyone thought I was about 31. They said, "You're as old as you feel. SO, if you feel like you're 31 and you look like you're 31 and you act like you're 31, then by god you ARE 31. So, from now on, I am 31.

It was an awesome night, ragazzi. Here's to many more!

This is not helping

Ok, i saw this and (sniff sniff, cry cry). I know that everyone goes through this at one point or another, but that damn romantic in me... "Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight."

I need a BF

So, here I am, pretending to clean house, listening to songs on iTunes that, once upon a time, used to be listed as 'Songs to Love By'. Then, somewhere in my misery, I changed the list name to 'Songs that Inspire'. So, I'm listening and getting all melancholy and morose and I think, "F*ck this, they're love songs." Especially when the following was played (one of my all time favorites!)


ANNIE'S SONG (John Denver)

You fill up me senses like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses come fill me again.

Come let me love you, let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you
Come let me love you, come love me again.

...Let me give my life to you
Come let me love you, come love me again.

You fill up my senses like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses, come fill me again.


I'm hopeless I tell ya, totally hopeless! The second stanza really gets to me. At least I didn't break down crying. It was all the dust I'd been kicking up, I wasn't getting emotional (sniff, wipes tears on sleeve).

Later I'll give you a rundown on my fun at Skully's last night!

Alla prossima!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just for Him

Ok, earlier I spoke how I was reading this guys blog and did a post based on that. I've sorta kinda been emailing him and he's like, "How sweet, I inspired you. But I only got one paragraph!"

Hrm, well, yeah, ok. "We danced the Mamushka while Nero fiddled, we danced the Mamushka at Waterloo. We danced the Mamushka for Jack the Ripper, and now, my friend, this Mamushka is for you." ;p


You love zombies and zombie movies (which is cool), but have had dreams about being eaten by zombies (which is not). If you want to go see "Resident Evil: Extinction" and can't find anyone to go with, lemme know. Zombies, gotta love them! Nothing like flesh eating corpses, and Milla Jovovich, to get the heart pumping and the blood boiling. Other than sex, but that's for another story.

You liken yourself as a force of nature, of wind and water. Then you met another force of nature, of earth and fire. "You could have been gods, but you toiled too long in this mortal realm..." What happens when an unstoppable force meets and unmovable force? Unfortunately, I don't know the answer.

Oh, and you are very real. I know, I've seen his blog. He even made a mini-movie where he talks and moves. I saw it, twice. He's as real as I am. But am I real? Hmmm, philosophical discussions are best left alone until you've had at least 3 drinks.

He used to go bar hopping. The circuit was Pyramid, Q-Bar, Tradewinds, Union, Axis, Havana. Now, he just works. Dude, work is great, and you can love your job, but your job will never love you. Don't forget that. Get out more with your friends. Have a good time. Nothing rejuvenates like a night on the town with those closest to you.

He's made out with a str8 chick, while I've had a str8 chick make out with me. He enjoyed it to some point, I washed my mouth out with alcohol and prayed I didn't catch the str8 gene. ;p

And, my favorite, when he shops he becomes Karen Walker:
He hands his coat over to the sales clerk and says, "Sweetie, can we have a salad and some ice water?"
"We don't sell food here."
"That's not the question I asked, was it!"

(Ok, now for the fun part)

The Twins once said to each other, in cadence:
"Peace Joy Happiness Love, These are my gifts to you.
Hatred Jealousy Chaos Strife, These I take to myself"
Unfortunately, they destroyed each other over their love for a mortal. Which may be the answer to what happens when an unstoppable force meets and unmovable force. They just destroy each other. (the writer ponders for a moment)

Night Dancer loved and lost, as you have done, and he survived to tell the tale. Of course, he destroyed the whole city in the madness of despair. Kudos to you for not destroying the city! Tho there are some parts that I think could use a good cleaning up. If you even want madness to reign, let me know. I'll take you there, first.

Then there is the Dream of the Mad God. He created the perfect world for his people, and then went to sleep for 10,000 years. While he slept, he dreamt that his perfect world went awry, filled with hatred, madness, death. Things he had never intended. When he woke, he found the dream was real and, in his madness of anger, destroyed the world and the people on it. You dreamt of love, and woke up to find "BLAH". Keep moving forward. We can only see what is going on around us. The uncertain past and unknowable future are beyond our reach. Don't let them get you down.

And, when the world becomes too much to bear, get back to basics. I, personally, go to the Green Silence, open my heart, and let it fill me. There's nothing more healing than to listen to the Song of the Green Silence. Well, maybe to share the Silence with a friend. Helene knows.

And, if you got anything out of the last 4 paragraphs, buy yourself a drink and raise the glass to me. Slainte! You'll see them referenced again, I think. LOL, I canna remember what my own blog says.

Peace, joy, happiness, love: These are my gifts to you.

For those who need it

Peace Joy Happiness Love
These are my gifts to you
Hatred Jealousy Chaos Strife
These I take to myself

I am falling in love with
The idea of you,
But can I ever handle
The reality of you?

The flower grows to the sun
In a effort to create life
The roots grow into the earth
An homage to its death

All the world in one grain of sand
All of life in every breath


It's a play on a sonnet, similar but not the same. Of course, when have I ever followed the rules set out by the world? Well, OK, sometimes I do drive the speed limit...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


OMG, I totally forgot what it was like to have a crush on Kevin. Tonight I dug out the short story I wrote about that crush. Why? Hell, I think I was looking for something I wrote, something poetic. Instead...

Hell, instead I laughed and cried, hit the highness of happiness and then slumped through the very pit of depression. I so totally forgot what I felt for him. The story's name is "Missed Opportunities". The ending, tho, is way to fucking happy. If you read through this blog you'll read the last time I saw Kevin.

I'm still kicking myself over that one. I remember raising my hand to wave, opening my mouth to call his name, only to lower the hand and hear my voice squeak. I SQUEAKED! I never squeak. I squeal and grunt on occasion, but that's a whole other story.

I did find the quote I was looking for, tho. “In Greece we cast down the pantheon of gods so I can raise him up to replace them all. Athena has not his intellect, Apollo's splendour is pale in comparison, and Aphrodite cannot incite in me the love that he does. All the gods lack the power to stand up to him.” Not quite what I remembered. I think it's the last sentence I was thinking of. That does it for me.

I think I'll change the ending. Make it more real for what really happened.

So, after reading it, what do you think I did. I pulled out the pictures I have of him and stared into his eyes. Gods, I miss him. At least, when I look at his pictures my heart is eased. The pictures of Andrew still hurt too much.

Well, kittens, I must run. I need to soothe my senses and I can't do that wilst blogging.


Then we look thru the years and
We want to see
What we couldn't see

And if we had more time
We could become again
All that we might have been

Walking down the many paths
Finding destiny
Avoiding self-discov'ry

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Society and Gays, in General

I wrote this on Labor Day, on another blogging site (shocking!), but thought it was interesting enough to bring here. Of course, the names of the victims have been changed, because they do read me! LOL


OK, something happened the other day that kinda got me thinking. I was talking with Amber & Jeremy, two of my neighbors, and we were talking about how Melanie got a new roommate. I don't know her, the new roomie, name, just that she's a female (obviously) and that she's living with Melanie.

Amber's like, "Uh, is she a lesbian? I wanted to hook her up with my brother." Speaking about Melanie and her brother Stevie. The whole time she's saying this, she's looking at me like I should have an instant answer for her. I'm like, "I dunno. I think she's about as gay as the two ladies living next to me, and they're certainly not."

This got me thinking. This is not the first time that someone has commented that two guys/girls living together are gay, without any kind of proof whatsoever. Has society really changed that much? Not more than 30 years ago it was still somewhat "shocking" to have a man and woman living together as if they were married. To have two people of the same sex live together was rather expected and no one ever brought their sexuality into question.

Now, though... The majority of people in the US are still prejudiced against gays. Even here in Columbus (the San Francisco of the Midwest) it isn't safe to let some people know you're sexual preferences. A lot of people say they don't care, but even I (as dense as I can be) noticed a difference once people knew about me.

OK, I think I forgot where I was going with this. Let's just say that society has changed. Even if they aren't more accepting, they are more aware. They are looking at people and wondering, "Is he/she gay, or are they just living together?" Not that it's anyone else's business.

But, you may wondering how I know the ladies next to me aren't lesbians. I don't, and I don't really care. All I really care is that they keep having parties and inviting all those gorgeous guys. I mean, they had a pool/barbecue party today, and all the guys ran around playing volleyball (without the net) sans shirts and getting all hot & sweaty. GODS, what a beautiful day!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I Feel So Lost

The title describes this feeling the best, and I can't begin to tell you why. Though I am going to give it a shot.

I started reading this blog earlier tonight. I won't give the name of the person, or the site it's located on, because just reading has become sorta inspirational. I'm sure the guy who wrote it would be all embarrassed by it, but it's the truth. It's also depressing because I can see in him all that I will never be. Why, because he at least is living his life, not hiding in some limbo world. Waiting. Wasting.

All his ups & downs, disappointments, triumphs & failures, love, and love lost.

Sure, I've gone through all that, and even had fun doing it. Not anymore. Much of what I used to do, I try to do again, but it means nothing. Just a quick flash of lightning in the night. I get no joy from it.

Maybe it's the love and love lost.

I've had my crushes. The last, and most intoxicating, was with Kevin. But it was just a crush and it never went anywhere. I never even tried to get a relationship to go anywhere with him. A missed opportunity that I will always regret. If you read through the blog you'll read about my last love, the flash, the flame, and the agonizing burnout. Since then? Niente!

And that's just it. Just like everyone out there, I want to love and be loved. To make a life with that special someone who would... Ah, how to describe what I want. Someone once told me that they would know their true love in one way. He said, "I will look into his eyes and see my love for him."

I had to think long and hard about that, but it finally came to me. He wasn't just being a little Narcissus. I envied him after that. Whether or not he found what he was looking for, I will never know. But, thinking back, I have never been able to look into my lover's eyes and see aught but my reflection looking back at me. I'm sure that's not what he meant.

I have had a lot of people hitting on me lately. People that I find quite attractive. People that I am not interested in. A year ago I would've been all over them, but now I look at them and think, "Nice, but is he for me? What does he want?" Gays, especially in Columbus, seem to have this one bad habit. To make friends, they have sex. While I'm all about sex, it just doesn't hold the power over me it used to. I don't want to have sex just to make friends. I want to have sex with someone I love.

Has it happened? I don't think so. There have been a few guys I thought I would like to create a relationship with. But, like with Kevin, they were missed opportunities. I let them be missed opportunities. I probably made them into missed opportunities. Why? I think as much as I want a relationship, I am totally afraid of one. I've seen too many guys & girls (straight and gay) get into relationships that end in such utter failures. I've helped several of them pick up the pieces afterward. I just don't want to go through that. Three times was hard enough, I'm not sure I could do it again. And yet, I realize that to find that one person, I will need to suffer more disappointments. More heartbreak.

I try hard not to look at my life as a failure. Whether it be my love life or anything else. A lot of the time I call myself a loser and move on. I'm not deserving of anything better. Yet, I try to remember two quotes. One is quite simple, the other is infinitely more complex. They are:

From Tracie, in the movie 'On Her Majesties Secret Service': "...whatever happens, there will be no regrets." I try to remember to look at everything I do as an experience that enriches my life in some ways. I should live, learn, and keep going. Regret nothing. In regretting, you admit that you have learned nothing.

The next is from the TV series 'Stargate SG-1'. It is spoken by Oma Desala to Daniel Jackson: "The success or failure of your deeds does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is vast, and we are so very small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil..." Struggle through that as much as you want. I got the understanding of it; and, in the remembering of it, I am content.

Well, I've been maudlin long enough. I even think I've gone beyond what I wanted to say.

Ci vediamo, ragazzi!

The Meat Sale

Ok, I know it has been a VERY long time since I posted anything, but life is cruel and somehow it always manages to take up the majority of my time. However, I plan to start posting here a little more often (I plan to, doesn't mean I can). To get things started again, I have this, The Meat Sale:

I always shop at Kroger. Always have. Call it a familial support. My aunt basically runs the Kroger in my hometown, so I have an affinity for the store. For a while I shopped at Big Bear, but since it has gone out of style, Kroger is it.

Now, once upon a time, there was this guy that works at the store I shop at. He's very cute, but, to be fair, way too young for me (20, mebbe). However, there's nothing with the occasional look and a quick fantasy. After all, he was VERY cute. Dark hair/eyes, trim body...

Anyway, there I am, toodling thru the store, pushing my cart and reading the sales. On the very front it says, "Meat Sale". Hmmm. At that point, hot and sexy walks by.

I have this peculiar condition that I call the Sophia Petrillo syndrome. There's this short circuit between my brain and my mouth. Most people have a filter that keeps their thoughts from going vocal. On occasion, that filter fails me.

It did this day. The conversation, brief as it was, goes like:

"So, you're having a meat sale?" I ask.

"Yeah", sexy says.

"Anything you would recommend?"


"Because you look like a fine cut of meat. Hope in the cart and..."

At this point his eyes widen a little and I realize that those thoughts are out loud and not a quick fantasy. I just quickly say, "Well, later," and walk away, very fast. I looked back, once, just to make sure store security wasn't chasing me. He was standing there, looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a goofy expression on his face.

Hmmm, did I make a good impression? Was I right? Could I have gotten a prime cut of meat if I had stayed to talk? We'll never know, because I never saw him again. Still, I always will have to wonder...