Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Woot!!! I'm all about going to hell. After all, that's where the sinners are. I figure the parties down there are a lot like the raves (I used to go to) and the clubs (I still go to). Hot sweaty bodies, grinding on the floor, guys looking for ever reason to cop a feel and get it on.

Of course, I can't go to a hell I don't believe in. So, what's the point of telling me I'm bad and I am going to hell? Hell is a dogma that the religions created to keep people in line and make them do what they, the religious leaders, want. If my belief system tells me that hell doesn't exist, then guess what, my belief wins out over yours. I'm not going to change myself just because you want me to. I'm not going to change just to make you feel fucking superior.

I'm gay, get over it. I've never, EVER, professed to be anything else.

Why this rant? It's simple. I'm turning into a MySpace junkie. Can't help it, it's too much fun. So, I just got a friend request and I'm like, uh, ok. So I'm checking out their site and thinking, she seems interesting. Then, I see this 1 line: "Practicing homosexuality and taking the life of an unborn child is also bad - perversion and murder." Um, I'm against abortion too, but everyone has the right to live their own lives and make their own decisions. As for the other part, uh, HELLO. DID YOU EVEN TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK AT MY SITE? Bitch, it's says right there under orientation: GAY.

Look, I don't get on your ass because you're some breeder chick. Just because I'm attracted to guys does NOT make me a bad person. POINT OF FUCKING FACT, I've known more straight people who've lived worse lives than I ever dreamed of. Clean up your own life, the lives of your family, and then the lives of the people in your religion. Then, AND ONLY THEN, can you come to me with your superior attitude.

God (whichever one you worship) gave us free will for a reason. If He's not going to jump in and say "That's wrong, wrong, very wrong," you can't do it either. He gave us the guidelines to live by, but let us choose whether or not to follow those guidelines. Unless you say you know more than HIM, in which case you're now a blasphemer and you're in His bad graces.

Except for being gay (which I believe was out of my control) I believe I've done very well.

Welcome to my hell, babies! Just don't get between and the hottie across the dance floor!

(I promise, the next post will be much more calm and sedate)

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