Friday, September 14, 2007

One Night at Skully's

I know, it's been a LONG time since I last posted one of my wild nights on the city. So sit back, sip some wine, and enjoy!


So, my str8 boyfriend, Nate, posted a little thing that he was going out after work and wanted people to join him. He wanted to go to 80s Ladies night at Skully's and said to be there, or just stay home and suck. Well, I can stay home, and I certainly know how to suck (never had any complaints), but it's rather hard to stay at home and suck by yourself. So, off I go.

I tried to get hold of him to find out when he was going to be there, but he'd signed off and that was the end of that. So, it was a case of the blonde (Nate) leading the blinde (me).

Now, it's been a long time since I've been up around Skully's. I thought it was somewhere between Starr and 4th, so I park in my usual haunt and start walking. The wrong direction. SO, I turn around and head the other direction. Um, the bar I thought, for some dumbass reason, was Skully's was really the Surly Girl. Hmmm, keep walking. Ah, there it is, on the wrong side of the street!

So I cross the street, stop traffic, make a scene, and make it in one piece. I get to the door and this totally cute guy goes, "Got your ID." Oh you sweet, sweet boy, lemme kiss you right now! Then he's like, "It's ladies night, that'll be four bucks for you." UM, hello, this fag didn't come for the girls and the inner bitch in me is coming out!!! So, I pay my four bucks and get in, only to find Nate's not there yet.

I buy a drink, sit down, watch this pretty girl dancing on stage all by her lonesome. I almost went up to dance with, but I'm like, uh, I'm not here to dance with girls. So, I finish my drink and waddle down to the Union.

That place was packed, and it was SOOOO much fun getting from the door to the bar. Kyle was working, so I waved him down and he bypassed everyone else in line and made me my drink. Lemme tell ya, that stud makes the best long islands i have EVER had, bar none.

I sat on the patio for a while, but it was dull, all the action was inside. When I finished my drink, I went in, flirted with Kyle (again), got another, and sat at the bar. After a few minutes, I asked the lesbian chicks beside me for the time, found out it was 10:30, and decided to give Nate 1 more chance. I drank down my drink in 3 seconds (not recommended) and headed up the street.

Lucky me, as I got there he was trying to weasel in the door. So I follow him in, get a drink, get introduced to his friends, and a good time was had by all.

Of course, a good time isn't all that happened!

Somewhere along the line these two sexybeasts (their term, not mine) appeared at the table. I started talking to one of them, Jodie, and off we went. It was ALL about the guys! :O

Then we started counting off all the gay guys at the bar and who I thought I might have a chance with. She said I could have anyone there. She is sooo sweet. Of course, one guy kept totally checking me out (and he was so cute). I shoulda gone over to say hi, but I was with my new sexybeast and, well, if he really wanted me, all he had to do was come over. I certainly put out enough signals. I think he was intimidated by sexybeast.

Next thing I know, she's talking to Nate and trying to get him to make out with me. She said that if Nate made out with me for 10 secs, she would make out with her friend for 5 minutes. I could see the wheels spinning in his mind, but I told him no. I could tell how uncomfortable it was for him. Str8 boys, gotta luv them. Wanna luv them. ;p

Somewhere along the line, another girl shows up with her gay bf. I find out it's her birthday, so I give her a kiss, ON THE LIPS. OMG. Well, it was a quicky so no big deal, right. Then, she's like, gimme another. So, I kiss her again. She's like, "You're a really good kisser. Much better than HIM," she said, pointing to her gay boytoy. Ah, ain't she sweet too!

As the evening is wrapping up, me and sexybeast and Nate are talking. Next thing I know here comes the flower lady. So, me and her bought Nate a white rose. He gave me a peck on the cheek for it. LOL

Sexybeast so loved me, her new gay bf, that Thursday is now going to be a common date. Even better, she thought I was 31. Everyone thought I was about 31. They said, "You're as old as you feel. SO, if you feel like you're 31 and you look like you're 31 and you act like you're 31, then by god you ARE 31. So, from now on, I am 31.

It was an awesome night, ragazzi. Here's to many more!

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