Wednesday, September 12, 2007


OMG, I totally forgot what it was like to have a crush on Kevin. Tonight I dug out the short story I wrote about that crush. Why? Hell, I think I was looking for something I wrote, something poetic. Instead...

Hell, instead I laughed and cried, hit the highness of happiness and then slumped through the very pit of depression. I so totally forgot what I felt for him. The story's name is "Missed Opportunities". The ending, tho, is way to fucking happy. If you read through this blog you'll read the last time I saw Kevin.

I'm still kicking myself over that one. I remember raising my hand to wave, opening my mouth to call his name, only to lower the hand and hear my voice squeak. I SQUEAKED! I never squeak. I squeal and grunt on occasion, but that's a whole other story.

I did find the quote I was looking for, tho. “In Greece we cast down the pantheon of gods so I can raise him up to replace them all. Athena has not his intellect, Apollo's splendour is pale in comparison, and Aphrodite cannot incite in me the love that he does. All the gods lack the power to stand up to him.” Not quite what I remembered. I think it's the last sentence I was thinking of. That does it for me.

I think I'll change the ending. Make it more real for what really happened.

So, after reading it, what do you think I did. I pulled out the pictures I have of him and stared into his eyes. Gods, I miss him. At least, when I look at his pictures my heart is eased. The pictures of Andrew still hurt too much.

Well, kittens, I must run. I need to soothe my senses and I can't do that wilst blogging.

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