Saturday, September 22, 2007

The night before

Okie dokie, here we gokie.

Allora, a few days I got a memo from JohnnyRetarded asking for his peeps to show up when he does Karaoke. I guess the past few times it has been rather dead at the bar and he wanted us lovelies to keep him company. So I told him I'd be there, but he had to have someone for me to make out with. After all, it has been a long dry spell. If he didn't have someone, then I was going to bring a bunch of flaming fags in feather boas to tear the place down.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Before I went to Karaoke, I went to the Exile to torment Mark. I haven't seen him in a while and just wanted to spread the love. I get there, we do a shot, I have a drink, and just generally hang out and chill. About 10 or so, I head out and go to Karaoke.

Guess what. I get there and the place is jam packed. It was hard to find a place to sit, let alone find JohnnyRetarded. So I get a drink, browse the book for a song to do (9 to 5, I was in Dolly mode), then found a seat. I chatted with this really neat lady, sang my song, then looked around to see if I could find my guy. When I checked with JohnnyRetarded, he said he didn't have anyone for me, but please bring on the fags. The place needed shaken up a bit.

So, I got another drink and signed up for another song (Rocky Top, my favorite karaoke song). As I was chatting with the lovely lady, we decided that the guy wearing the 32 jersey was the guy for me. He was cute. Very cute. With really sexy legs. As I was doing my song, she talked to him, but he said he isn't into guys, but we think he's just in denial. Still, very lovely.

So, after my song, I said goodbye and headed back to the Exile. I get back, get a shot with Mark, get another drink, then start chatting up Candace. I love Candace, she's so cool!

After waxing a little poetic, I wrote Candace a poem:


In between the darkness and the light
We strive to avoid hypocrisy's site
Searching, Yearning, Falling, Loving
We seek to climb a majestical height.

In the end we find it's a lie
And the time we had was by and bye
Searching, Finding, Losing, Lying
In the time when all gods die


She really liked it. Of course, the best poem I ever wrote I gave to Mark. Guess what the bitch won't let me copy it! Eh, it's all good. I wrote it for him, so he gets to keep it.

Anyway, after the poetic moment, I notice that this really cute guy keeps checking me out. Of course, every time I look at him, he looks away, so I'm not sure if I'm seeing anything or not. I finally managed to whip my head around when he was checking me out and we made eye contact.

When he smiled at me, I'm like, "Oh, HELL YEAH!" So I jump down a seat and introduce myself. We start talking, watching the vids, and having a good time. Ever seen the video for "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy? It's AWESOME! I had the vj play it and I almost lost it I was laughing so hard.

Then, I remembered what one of my friends once said, "It's great to flirt, but you need to let him know HOW interested you are. MAKE BODY CONTACT." So I did. I touched his leg and arm, leaned against him, ecc, and he was doing the same to me. Before long, we were making out on the bar stools. After a bit of serious tongue wrestling, we decide to take it elsewhere. His place was nearby.

He was hot, I was sweating, and we were good! Enuf said.

Since he had to leave in the morning, I bid him good night, thanked him profusely, and headed back to the bar. Very well satisfied. Man, he was exactly what I needed. Hopefully we'll meet again.

Back at the bar, I'm basking in my afterglow and making more friends. When the lights came back on and everyone went ugly (LOL), I bid everyone good night and headed home. I spent a bit of time tormenting the drunk and horny on (probably shouldn't because one of the guys that wanted me was SUPER HOT). When I was bored with that, I sent out a few drunk emails (recipients need to let me know, because I forgot who I emailed) and hit the sack.

Even now, I'm still glowing a bit. Glad to know I still got it. Just need to flaunt it a bit more, I guess.

SO, I've been asked to Outland tonight, but I don't know if I'm up to that. Will probably just stay home and chill.

Until next time, kittens, I bid you all a fond adieu.

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