Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Society and Gays, in General

I wrote this on Labor Day, on another blogging site (shocking!), but thought it was interesting enough to bring here. Of course, the names of the victims have been changed, because they do read me! LOL


OK, something happened the other day that kinda got me thinking. I was talking with Amber & Jeremy, two of my neighbors, and we were talking about how Melanie got a new roommate. I don't know her, the new roomie, name, just that she's a female (obviously) and that she's living with Melanie.

Amber's like, "Uh, is she a lesbian? I wanted to hook her up with my brother." Speaking about Melanie and her brother Stevie. The whole time she's saying this, she's looking at me like I should have an instant answer for her. I'm like, "I dunno. I think she's about as gay as the two ladies living next to me, and they're certainly not."

This got me thinking. This is not the first time that someone has commented that two guys/girls living together are gay, without any kind of proof whatsoever. Has society really changed that much? Not more than 30 years ago it was still somewhat "shocking" to have a man and woman living together as if they were married. To have two people of the same sex live together was rather expected and no one ever brought their sexuality into question.

Now, though... The majority of people in the US are still prejudiced against gays. Even here in Columbus (the San Francisco of the Midwest) it isn't safe to let some people know you're sexual preferences. A lot of people say they don't care, but even I (as dense as I can be) noticed a difference once people knew about me.

OK, I think I forgot where I was going with this. Let's just say that society has changed. Even if they aren't more accepting, they are more aware. They are looking at people and wondering, "Is he/she gay, or are they just living together?" Not that it's anyone else's business.

But, you may wondering how I know the ladies next to me aren't lesbians. I don't, and I don't really care. All I really care is that they keep having parties and inviting all those gorgeous guys. I mean, they had a pool/barbecue party today, and all the guys ran around playing volleyball (without the net) sans shirts and getting all hot & sweaty. GODS, what a beautiful day!

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